Hardware and software setup

The tablet itself opens and closes programs. On a phone or tablet (Android) throws out of applications, the Internet, the browser

Every year, dozens of new smartphone models are released by manufacturers. Some as a distinguishing feature can boast of their low cost, others high performance, others ergonomic design, the fourth endowed with excellent energy-saving characteristics, a powerful battery and shock resistance. But none of these devices can be 100% protected from breakdowns of a different nature. One of these troubles is the spontaneous operation of the touchscreen, which, as a rule, is inherent in Chinese budget smartphones. In view of what the sensor on the phone is pressed by itself and how to deal with this problem, you will learn from the article.

Wrong work touchscreen is not the most pleasant phenomenon, but the problem is fixable

What are the reasons for the spontaneous operation of the touchscreen

Conventionally, the reasons that the sensor itself is pressed can be divided into two categories:

  • Software failure - occurs due to software errors ( software) smartphone;
  • Hardware failure - errors associated with damage to the component parts of the device.

Depending on the model of your smartphone and the circumstances under which the erroneous operation of the screen occurred, it is more or less likely to say which of the above failures caused this problem. So, in Chinese budget models (according to statistics, most often in Alcatel and Xiaomi), the incorrect functioning of the touchscreen occurs as a result of low-quality assembly of the device and a cheap resistive display, which is known to be vulnerable to the accumulation of static charge on its surface. Dropping a smartphone or pressing hard on its screen can also cause trouble with the touchscreen.

However, you should not despair. Before claiming that screen errors arose due to hardware damage, you should try to fix this problem software methods. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to eliminate the spontaneous operation of the sensor programmatically

So, let's look at several ways to solve this problem on our own.

Method 1: factory reset your smartphone

Depending on the smartphone model, the restoration of the “default” functioning parameters is performed in a certain settings section. However, the path to them is the same for most devices, only the names of these blocks differ. Therefore, we will consider how to perform a factory reset, using an example Philips smartphone S326.

Method 2: Screen Calibration

Recalibration of the touchscreen may be needed not only in the event of a software failure, after which the sensor on the smartphone clicks by itself. After the fall mobile device from a height, getting it into the water, replacing the display, etc. calibration must be carried out without fail - this can help in most of the cases listed here. Let's consider two methods that allow us to carry out this procedure.

Screen calibration using standard tools built into the smartphone

In those models of devices that have the ability to determine the angle of inclination of the touchscreen in the standard functionality, you can calibrate it without using special utilities. For this:

  1. Go to the "Settings" section of our device;
  2. In the block "Display", "Screen" or " Special abilities"Find the item" Calibration "and click on it;
  3. In the next window, it is suggested, as a rule, to put the phone on a flat surface and start the calibration procedure, then your device will automatically adjust the optimal touch angle and complete it.

Using the dedicated app "Touchsreen Calibration"

This method is suitable for those whose smartphone models do not have built-in screen calibration tools. The application compares favorably with similar ones, primarily due to its ease of use, as well as very high precision determining the angle of inclination of the sensor.

  1. So, to calibrate the screen using Touchscreen Calibration, you need:
  2. Download the application from the link Google Play- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=redpi.apps.touchscreencalibration ;
  3. After installation, we launch the program, in the start window we see the inscription “Calibrate”, framed in a blue background, you need to click on it;
Click on "Calibrate" to start the touchscreen calibration process

The calibration procedure begins, during which it will be proposed to adjust the angle of the screen in six different touch modes, we go through each of them;

Do not forget that the smartphone must be on a flat surface all this time so that the calibration is as accurate as possible.

At the end, you will be prompted to reboot the device for the changes to take effect.

Here we click "Ok" and reboot the device in order for the changes to take effect


If the above methods did not help you fix the sensor pressures, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware of your smartphone. There are several hardware reasons due to which the touchscreen may work spontaneously:

  • Resistive display - this species screens differ from capacitive ones in that it is a layer of glass on which a flexible membrane is applied; as a result, such a touchscreen wears out quickly;
  • Poor quality of double-sided tape - Chinese manufacturers, and some service centers Those who repair displays by replacing them like to save on double-sided tape, which is used to fix the screen inside the case. As a result, the touchscreen does not work properly.

For the above reasons, it is better to entrust the matter to a specialist than to try to repair the screen yourself. If you still want to do it on your own, I recommend viewing these touchscreen repair guides:

Many smartphone users close applications already on the machine. double tap by the "Home" button on or the multitasking button on the android device - and start swiping windows. Until we remove all the applications that we have recently used from the screen. You get a feeling of cleanliness, order, and even extended the life of the battery. Right?

But no! Recently, both Apple and Google”confirmed that closing applications does not affect battery power and speed in any way. And Hiroshi Lockheimer, vice president of Android development, says that it even makes life a little more difficult for a smartphone. Because he makes extra work, starting the application from scratch rather than waking it up from RAM.

But if you want to know why, here's the basics of multitasking on smartphones.

iOS has five application states. (On Android, everything is very similar, so there is no need to talk about it separately.)

1. Not running: You have not launched the application, it does not work in any way.
2. Active: The app is open on the screen and doing something.
3. Inactive: A transitional phase in which the application is open on the screen but does nothing.
4. Background mode: the application is not open on the screen, but works in the background - updating mail, checking your location, etc.
5. Suspended: The app is in the background but doing absolutely nothing. It sits inertly in the RAM of the device.

On both Android and iOS, RAM is managed by algorithms. They themselves stop applications that need to be stopped. These are usually programs that you have not returned to for a certain amount of time, as well as those that use more energy or memory than they should. And these algorithms understand very well when you need data, when you need an update, when you need to run the program again. At the same time, applications that are in RAM open faster than those that need to be launched from scratch. The difference is the same as waking up the computer from sleep and turning it back on after it's done. It's far better to let the system manage applications on its own than to force it to restart them. It's not even the battery: it makes the phone run slower and less consistently.

Of course, there are individual crooked applications that do not allow the system to stop itself, devour the charge and RAM while in the background. But such miscarriages are rare (more common on Android) and are easily caught. It's better to close them. Better yet, remove it if possible.

If you need to conserve battery power, there are many ways. Reduce screen brightness. turn off background update applications. Turn on .Turn off location detection. Turn on Airplane Mode as a last resort. But stop swiping apps: this does not help, but only creates unnecessary problems for the smartphone.

Spread this knowledge, and the world will become a little more perfect.

Android phones are getting more reliable every day. We have chipsets paired with memory, which is almost equivalent to what is found in the average laptop. But then our phones end up doing a lot more work than the average laptop. In addition to games, videos and applications for social networks, we make regular calls, make video calls, and do many other things that require the phone to work well all the time.

From time to time, phones can't handle our excessive demands. A common question is how to fix Android apps that automatically close on their own. We have some solutions to help you fix the problem so you can enjoy the best experience work with Android.

But, before moving on to the solutions, here are a few reasons that can lead to this problem:

Network problems

Applications that depend on the Internet may eventually crash if you have an unstable network or if you make the transition from mobile internet to a Wi-Fi connection. While best apps will work perfectly, applications with weaker code may not be able to succeed in such situations.

Errors in the application

If you have a bug in an app you are using, the bug can cause the app to close automatically. The responsibility for fixing such applications lies primarily with the application developer. Make sure you update your apps to fix bugs.

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Processor overload or memory misuse

Every phone is built to withstand a certain level of use. Some users end up overloading the processor by installing apps that are not suitable for the phone. This creates instability in the application, causing it to crash.

Here are some of the most common reasons that cause apps to crash automatically. In most cases, the cause of the problem will make it easier for you to determine the correct solution.

Solutions to fix Android apps that close themselves

Solution 1: Update the app

Applications should always use their updated version because it has already fixed any known bugs or bugs. Developers regularly release updates to solve user problems with the application. There is a possibility that the application will start to crash because it is running on old version, which does not have the performance capabilities of its upgraded version.

  1. Go to Play Store
  2. Click on the menu icon (three horizontal bars) to the left of the search bar
  3. Click My Apps & Games
  4. From the list installed applications and games, find the app that is causing problems and see if the refresh button next to it is highlighted.
  5. Click Refresh if the button is highlighted, and latest version application will be installed on your device.

After updating the app, check if the issue has been resolved.

Solution 2: Free space on your device

Many applications need enough free space to create new files or store data created while using applications. When a phone or tablet runs out of memory, it becomes difficult for an app to create data. Many devices have a lot of storage, but if you have too many apps and data files taking up space, your app might crash. easy way The solution to this problem is to find apps that you haven't used for a long time and uninstall them. You can also use Android apps to clean up old and unwanted files from your device.

Solution 3: Clear App Cache and App Data

If the app crashes frequently, you can fix the problem by clearing the app's cache and data. Application cache files include data that speeds up application performance. Deleting cache files will not result in the loss of important data. The file will be automatically created the next time you open the app, although you may notice a slight delay when opening the app after deleting the cache files. This is because the cache files are being recreated.

On the other hand, app data files include important data such as passwords and other information that personalizes the app for you. By clearing the data file, you will lose the application's configuration and will have to be reconfigured.

  1. Go to the Settings menu of your device
  2. Click Applications
  3. Find the app causing the problem and click on it
  4. Click Clear Cache
  5. Then click Clear data and click OK when you get a warning that the app configuration related data will be lost.

Once the cache and data files are cleared, you will have the option to start fresh with this app. Check if this fixes the problem.

Solution 4: Remove apps you don't use

  1. Tap the Settings icon in the notification shade
  2. Find Applications and click on them
  3. Look for apps you don't need
  4. Click on them and you will either have the option to remove or disable them.

After deleting the apps you don't use, restart your device and check if the app closing issue is fixed.

In addition to these solutions, keep the following in mind to make sure your Android device works well and apps run smoothly:

  1. Be mindful of phone performance when installing powerful applications. If your phone is built for average use, you won't be able to run heavy games and apps that can cripple your processor. Heavy applications require high device performance.
  2. Remember to always have enough storage space in your phone so that apps can easily create data files. Inadequate space can often be the root cause of many problems.
  3. Some apps work well on some Android devices and do not work for others. The problem is that developers don't have the ability to test every app on every Android device. In most cases, you can see how a certain group of users encountered a problem, and you can see this through the forums or feedback with applications. Maybe you belong to such a user group? In this case, you may have to wait for the developer to get the app to work on your device, or you might be better off uninstalling the app.

Use these solutions and tips to fix crashing android apps. Although this better ways solutions to the problem, but if you have any useful solutions that work for you, then let us know.

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