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Wireless charging for Samsung smartphones: which models support it, and what to do if not. Phone battery cases Wireless charging kit for samsung galaxy s3

Although the flagship smartphone of the South Korean manufacturer is capable of replenishing energy wirelessly, most devices cannot do this. This is due to the fact that you need to buy a cover and an induction coil from a third-party manufacturer. But you can build it yourself in ten minutes. You just need to follow the instructions from Cnet.

First you need to get an inductor from any phone with wireless charging. For example, from the old Palm Pixi. The back cover of a used phone will cost several tens of hryvnia, and you can buy it at the radio market or at mobile phone repair shops. After this, you need to remove the sticker from it, under which the coil is located:

Next, you need to carefully remove the coil without damaging it:

Place the coil under the cover of Samsung Galaxy S3:

Securely secure it with electrical tape:

Using pieces of copper foil, you need to increase the contact area of ​​the coil:

Additional pieces of copper foil are required to increase the contact area in the Samsung Galaxy S3 itself:
After this, just close the lid and the phone can be charged wirelessly:

Remember: you make any modifications to your smartphone at your own peril and risk. The editors are not responsible for possible consequences. If you are not sure, buy a ready-made cover with wireless charging from

Good day, dear readers. Samsung's wireless charging is what sets this company's smartphones apart from its competitors, and especially from the iPhone. This South Korean giant produces various equipment, but has achieved particular success in developing smartphones. Their devices are manufactured using the most advanced technologies, bringing in multimillion-dollar revenues annually. It is not surprising that it is the line Samsung smartphones Galaxy was one of the first to offer the user to abandon the usual wired chargers. And, I must say, so far only a few companies have been able to compete in this regard with a company from South Korea.

Samsung – to be first everywhere

It seems that it is difficult to connect the wire of a conventional charger, especially since today many smartphones are equipped with USB port Type -C, which is symmetrical - you can connect the cable to the device on either side. And yet, manufacturers do not stand still, coming up with something new to simplify the user’s life. One of the latest features of branded devices is wireless charging. Of course, it was not ignored by specialists from Samsung, who did serious work on the technology. Of course, there were others before them, for example Nokia, which equipped with support wireless charging the famous Lumia line.

However, Nokia left the ranks of the most advanced companies, and competitors adopted the most interesting features of its products. Samsung, among others interesting features, began to actively introduce wireless charging. She did this with a special approach, not just announcing a new “trick,” but providing the user with everything they needed for comfortable use. Thus, Samsung Galaxy s6 and s7, which received wireless charging, included a very stylish and high-quality charging stand. At that time, Apple, its main competitor, introduced thick cases that were equipped additional element nutrition.

Which Samsung models support wireless charging?

The South Korean company had the idea to introduce wireless charging even before Samsung release Galaxy S 3, which joined the ranks of flagships in 2012. However, at that time the idea was just in its infancy, and the prototype mobile phone Palm OS was introduced with contactless charging. The Samsung Galaxy S 3 already had contacts for connecting a device using the Qi standard (located under the back cover). The next two models, S4 and S5, were equipped with contacts, but wireless charging was not integrated. Special accessories came to the rescue, making the technology fully functional.

But the Samsung Galaxy S 6 with all its modifications, which brought a lot to the smartphone market, has already received full wireless charging from the manufacturer. This model has an all-metal body, inside of which is hidden a coil that serves as an energy receiver. The delivery set is accompanied by a docking station in the form of a platform that transmits energy. That is, the user just needs to place his Samsung Galaxy S 6 or S6 Edge on it for charging to begin. Interesting feature The fact is that the smartphone supports wireless charging according to two standards at once: Qi and PMA. This allows you to use docking stations for various purposes.

More fresh solutions Samsung Galaxy S 7 and S 7 Edge did not abandon the innovative feature, which is not surprising. Wireless charging is also integrated in these models, and the delivery package includes a pad. By the time the new product was released, many Chinese online stores were already inundated with original docking station solutions that are ideal for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. Charging standards remain the same - Qi and PMA.

The shelves are about to replenish new model Samsung Galaxy – S 8. Several modifications with various innovations are expected. Wireless charging in the Samsung Galaxy S8 is, of course, not new, but according to rumors it will be seriously improved. According to a number of sources, the future flagship will receive an integrated receiver of three coils, which will significantly expand the reception range, increasing efficiency. There's only a little time left to wait.

Principle of operation

Without going too deep, the principle of wireless charging for Samsung Galaxy and other smartphones is the same. Two copper coils are used (transmitter - docking station; receiver - coil in the smartphone), which create a magnetic field. The receiver, receiving the waves, converts them into energy, charging the smartphone battery. Typically, the Qi standard (developed by the Wireless Power Consortium) is used, which supports the transmission of inductive energy at a distance of up to 4 centimeters.

The idea of ​​transmitting energy “through the air” appeared about 200 years ago, when Marie Ampere proved that electricity produces a magnetic field. Nikola Tesla also put in a lot of effort, managing to light an incandescent lamp without wires. Of course, this technology has become interesting to electronics manufacturers in our time. Several corporations have developed their own standards for the transmission of low and medium currents. And more recently, in 2015, a group of scientists found that energy can be transmitted via Wi-Fi. Apparently, the time is not far off when we will be able to completely forget about regularly recharging our devices.

Samsung wireless charging Galaxy different models, different variants

So, having talked a little about energy transmission standards, let’s return to the “guests” of our article. Considering that we are talking about wireless chargers, the entire Samsung Galaxy line can be divided into two groups according to this principle:

Models with built-in wireless charging. This group includes:

  • Samsung Galaxy S6/S6 Duos
  • S6 EDGE
  • S6 EDGE Plus
  • S7/S7 Edge
  • Galaxy Note 5
  • Galaxy Note 7
  • Watch - Samsung Gear S2/Classic

Models for which a special receiver is produced (special contacts are provided under the back cover):

  • Samsung Galaxy S3
  • Galaxy S4
  • Galaxy S5
  • Note 2
  • Note 3
  • Note 4
  • Note Edge

Some other models that do not support any of the options presented do support universal receivers. They can be purchased in online stores at low cost.

Built-in wireless charging Samsung Galaxy S 6, S 7

The luckiest of all are the owners of the most latest models Samsung Galaxy, in which the manufacturer already provides wireless charging. As a rule, the package includes a proprietary docking station, which is suitable for charging other smartphones that have received this technology. By the way, the stand from Samsung is in great demand due to its versatility and high-quality build. If it suddenly breaks, you can buy a new one in almost any electronics store, as well as at a lower price in Chinese online stores.

Considering that the Samsung Galaxy S 6, S 7 and their modifications use wireless charging that supports several standards, you can buy another docking station with a more stylish design. Today there are hundreds of offers on the market that will definitely work with smartphones from the South Korean brand.

To recharge, just place the smartphone on the transmitter pad. Don't forget to connect it to electrical network using an adapter. The original docking station has a backlight that will notify the user about the charging progress: Blue colour– the smartphone is charging; green – fully charged. The manufacturer has equipped the platform with a function automatic shutdown after the battery is fully charged. It plays a rather significant role, protecting the smartphone battery from destructive overcharging. Full charging time depends on specific model(different battery capacities) – on average, it takes 3 hours to charge a 3000 mAh battery.

Wireless charging Samsung Galaxy S 3, S 4, S 5 – you need to buy something extra

As mentioned above, a number Samsung models Galaxy (S 3, S 4, S 5, etc.) received special contacts that are “hidden” under the back cover. For each of the models, special receivers are presented (corresponding to the contacts), which are sold in online stores. They are inexpensive (about 700 rubles for a set with a docking station), they are connected very simply, hiding under the lid. These receivers are made according to the Qi standard, which allows you to use almost any platform for wireless charging of Samsung (of course, also Qi).

The best place to buy such a receiver is at Chinese online stores. The main thing is to look at which Samsung model it is intended for. It’s better to look under the cover of your smartphone yourself to understand how the contacts are located. Unfortunately, wireless charging still doesn't work well through cases, especially metal ones, so either use thin ones or skip them altogether.

Universal wireless chargers

If someone remains faithful to their Samsung S 2, but wants to try wireless charging, then they will have to buy a universal receiver. The fact is that at the time when this smartphone model was released, priority was clearly not given to wireless charging. Samsung S2 does not have special contacts like its descendants, but friends from China have found a way out. The universal receiver (which is a thin plate and a connector) is connected to the charging port, and the main part is folded to the back cover. Covers are used for fixation. Soldering iron virtuosos manage to connect the receiver directly, hiding it under the back cover. Docking stations are usually included with the receiver. However, any model that supports the Qi standard can be used.

More expensive or cheaper

Of course, we all love to save money. However, it is better not to do this when purchasing wireless charging for Samsung smartphones. This is especially true for the latest models. Although the manufacturer has already provided an original docking station for them, and there is no need to worry about the receiver at all, many users want something new. Of course, no one is insured against site breakdown, which entails additional costs. Give preference to branded wireless chargers from Samsung, or proven models: DT-900 from Nokia, Belsis TECs TS1001, interesting solutions from Woodpuck. By overpaying a little, you will reduce the risk of undesirable consequences: overheating of the site, energy surges, overcharging, etc.

What should owners of older Samsung Galaxy models that did not receive wireless charging from the factory do? Yes, it’s practically the same thing – buy an original docking station. Of course, you will have to find a receiver from third-party manufacturers. If you decide to save money by ordering a cheap replica, then study user reviews that will help you establish the level of quality.

Bottom line

Wireless charging in Samsung smartphones is no longer just another feature that will interest only some users. Thanks to the responsible approach of manufacturers, the technology is becoming more popular day by day. Wireless points to recharge smartphones from Samsung and other companies appear in airports, cafes, and cinemas. Yes, wireless charging is far from a perfectly polished technology that has no drawbacks. They exist, but every year the manufacturer solves them little by little, bringing users closer to giving up a bunch of wires in the house.

The battery case is a real salvation for users of modern portable mobile devices. Humanity has invented many useful things that make life easier and entertain us: telephone, TV, radio, music player, GPS navigator, computer, camera - all these devices have become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Moreover, when all the innovations are contained in one small gadget the size of a palm, we inevitably become dependent on it. Yes, we are talking about a smartphone. In recent years, the developers of these personal assistants have made significant progress in the field of innovative technologies. With each new generation of smartphone, more and more new functions appear, everything better screen, more powerful processor. Everything would be fine if manufacturers didn’t focus only on the performance and external components of mobile phones. Because of this, the autonomy of smartphones suffers, and the charging case for them has simply become an integral element. After all, most of the phones do not survive until the equator of the working day. Cutting-edge features, applications and powerful processors are powered by relatively weak batteries, which does not allow the smartphone owner to stray too far from power outlets.

What are charging cases for?

The accessory will make it easier and faster to solve the problem of lack of power. Manufacturers are trying to cater to customer tastes by making smartphones thinner and larger screens. It is not yet possible to install a powerful battery in such devices. And here the battery case comes to the fore. Acquiring an additional source of energy is a step towards gaining freedom. The accessory is quite popular and will not go out of use anytime soon. After all, power banks are significantly inferior to battery-powered bumpers in terms of convenience. This accessory cannot always fit into a pocket with a gadget; you can simply forget it at home. Also, there is a risk of damaging the USB connector while charging your smartphone on the go due to carelessness.

A charging case is a more versatile and multifunctional accessory. It combines the functions of a protective case and an additional battery. Thus, by purchasing such an irreplaceable thing, you kill two birds with one stone - you increase the autonomy of the device two to three times and extend its service life, protecting it from scratches, falls, chips, dust, and dirt. In addition, almost all battery charging models can provide safety from moisture and falls from significant heights.

How to use the battery case

Before you buy a battery case, you need to know how to use it. Operating the portable charger is intuitive and convenient. All you need to do is put the case on your smartphone and turn on the accessory using a single button. The battery charge level of the case can be determined by the indicator, usually located on the back of the case.

A case with a built-in battery has a charge indicator that can be displayed directly in the interface, for example, as is done in cases from the world famous company Apple. Some flagship models begin charging the smartphone only when the main battery reaches 0%. This is a huge plus as the battery undergoes less charging and discharging and does not wear out as much. The battery phone case is very easy to charge, just like a regular phone, using a power supply and a USB cable. The charging process of the case takes up to 4 hours depending on the battery capacity, the size of which can reach up to 10,000 mAh. In the equivalent of smartphone autonomy, this is up to two to three days of independent use.

What are the other advantages of a portable battery case?

In addition to the battery and protective functions, the charging cases have excellent appearance. Manufacturers of such accessories have long refuted the myth that they spoil the appearance of mobile phones. Today you can find options with absolutely any pattern, in any color and from all possible materials. In addition, the purchase will not be expensive. And if you need a charging case, its price will not be burdensome on your budget.

In our online store, shopping is much easier: our consultants will help you cope with a huge selection of accessories, who will contact you and tell you how to choose the right charging case for yourself.

So-called wireless charging device for mobile devices - have not been a sensational shortage in domestic retail for quite some time. However, many manufacturers have not yet released their own wireless charging systems for their smartphones, and the popular Samsung Galaxy S3 is among such devices.

In fact, just last year, just before the release of the new flagship in the line of smartphones, Samsung representatives several times mentioned the company's plans to release wireless charging for the Galaxy S3.

But these promises remained promises, and users have not yet seen Samsung’s official after-sales kit for the S3.

And it’s very likely that they won’t see it. The network is full of rumors and assumptions about the future, and Samsung will most likely begin releasing the long-awaited wireless charger for the new flagship. Wait and see.

However, if you already have an S3 and want to get just such a charger, without waiting for the manufacturer to please you with something more or less acceptable, both in functionality and price, then there are also options.

Craftsmen, it turns out, have long come up with a fairly simple method. So, in order to add wireless charging option to your Galaxy S3, it will take a little time, a little money and accuracy.

The proposed solution is based on a relatively inexpensive set for wireless charging of the no longer new Palm Pixi communicator.

Further point by point:

1. We collect the necessary parts and tools:

  • Palm Touchstone charging dock (about $10 - Amazon prices hereafter)
  • Palm Pixi Touchstone back cover – back cover Palm Pixi smartphone ($3)
  • network adapter for Palm Pre and USB cable ($5) - this is important, similar devices from other manufacturers are not suitable
  • copper tape with adhesive backing
  • scotch.
2. Disassemble the back cover of the Palm Pixi

It is necessary to carefully peel off the black gasket on the back of the cover. You can do this simply with your fingers. Next, remove the silver sticker. Both parts - the gasket and the sticker - must be saved; they will be needed later.

After this, before tearing off anything else, you need to take a small piece of paper (kitchen parchment works great), cover the visible part of the circuit with it and carefully but carefully mark the contours of the coil and the four metal disks surrounding it.

We put the resulting picture aside - it will also come in handy.

Now, using a knife, carefully separate the copper coil from the lid (in fact, these parts are the elements of wireless charging) and four metal disks.

3. Install wireless storage components on the Galaxy S3

Remove the back cover of your S3. We place the parts removed from the Palm on the cover of S3: we place the coil and the L-shaped board in the place and as shown in the picture.

Then we cover the top of the coil with a silver sticker. Now, guided by our drawing, we place all four metal disks around the coil, and then fix their position with tape.

The disks must be secured securely, since they are the ones that are held on the base of the charger.

4. Connection

In order for the now upgraded back cover of the Galaxy S3 to transfer charge, you need to create the connection diagram correctly. To do this, prepare four pieces of copper tape measuring 5x25 mm each.

On the L-shaped part of the board we find two raised terminals. We take one of the prepared copper ribbons, bend it approximately 5 mm from one edge and cover the upper terminal with the folded end, then stretch the rest of the ribbon to the edge of the cover at a slight angle and glue it tightly to the plastic (see picture).

We make a bridge from the second terminal to the edge of the cover in the same way, but at a slightly larger angle. Be sure to make sure that the copper tape fits well to both terminals. You can press the tape more tightly to the terminal using a regular pencil.

To the left of the battery on the smartphone body we find a couple more terminals. We roll the two remaining copper strips from the ends in the same way as the previous ones, and carefully but securely glue them to the terminals and the body as shown in the picture above.

5. System check

We install the cover on the Galaxy S3 and place the device on the base connected to the mains. The indicator on the smartphone screen should show that the device is in charging mode. Works? Congratulations!

Now you can turn everything off, remove the cover again and cover all the equipment installed there with the black cover removed from the Palm (or black electrical tape) so that everything is really beautiful.

If after all the manipulations the smartphone does not want to charge, then there may be several reasons for this:

  • the ends of the copper tapes are poorly glued to the terminals (check, press again with a pencil or glue);
  • a piece of tape on the cover touches the opposite tape on the housing terminal (we check that the ribbons on the cover are narrow enough and do not immediately contact both tapes on the housing);
  • the components on the cover are installed incorrectly (we check the existing template, install the coil correctly, and then check the voltage at the terminals with a multimeter - it should be 5.5-5.6 volts).

This is all. By the way, your Samsung Galaxy s3 will charge much faster using this wireless method via the Touchstone base than from USB.

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