Hardware and software setup

Direct x not updating. Where to download and how to install DirectX - a detailed guide

Almost any game requires DirectX to run. This package of programs and functions allows you to run any 3D/2D applications on your computer. Updating DirectX is not always the easiest task, so below we will look at the most common errors and problems, nuances and features associated with updating this package.

Download Latest updates You can from the official website of Microsoft. But there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Windows XP exclusively supports the DirectX version "9.0c";
  • newer versions of DirectX will not bring anything good for XP - in best case the system will not react to it in any way;
  • many sites, given a decent number of XP users, make their own DirectX builds, but it is highly discouraged to use them, because in most cases they are installed extremely “crookedly”, and there is no one to hold accountable - the user went for it himself.
To install DirectX on Windows XP, follow this plan:

1. Check your DirectX version:

If the version is lower than DirectX 9.0c, it must be downloaded.

2. Downloading DirectX is done in two ways:

  • full installer for the latest versions of DirectX (large executable file size);
  • web installer (small file size, with the subsequent download of the necessary).

All DirectX updates are downloaded from the official Microsoft website. Only this resource provides high-quality and only true packages of this program. This method of obtaining updates is suitable for any version of Windows.

In the first case, an archive with all versions of DirectX from 9.0c and earlier is downloaded. All these files must be unpacked with an archiver (WinRAR, 7Zip, etc.), and there are a lot of them, so you need to create a separate folder where all these files will be unpacked in the end. In general, not the most pleasant option, but in some situations it can be useful (for example, with an unstable Internet connection).

In the second case, only a small program is downloaded that analyzes the system and decides for itself what the user is missing. The whole process is carried out in a fully automatic mode. It is enough to give the program consent to perform such actions. If the web installer is downloaded from the official site, you can safely accept the terms of the program.

Ready-to-install DirectX can be downloaded from:


And the web installer (for any version of Windows, but may no longer work with XP):


3. Installation. The DirectX installation procedure is identical for each existing on this moment operating system (XP, 7, 8, 10, etc.). During the program update, the window will show the process of installing applications.

The initial DirectX installation screen looks like this:

Request for permission to download the necessary files (from the official Microsoft website, of course):

The procedure for downloading the mentioned program files (during installation, the screen will be identical, and the word "Download" will be replaced by "Installation"):

4. Done. After all the previously mentioned manipulations, it remains only to restart the computer (this is not necessary, but it is desirable that there are no problems), and your operating system will be equipped with the latest available version DirectX:

The main thing is to take into account the nuances of installing DirectX on an outdated system, and there will be no problems in the process.

DirectX for Windows 7, 8, 10

When installing newer versions of DirectX on the operating systems listed, a web installer is used. There is no standalone package with installers, and the DirectX package update process is identical for all systems. There are no differences when downloading updates or installing them.

On the other hand, starting with Windows 7, there is no need to install DirectX 11. In all operating systems above Windows XP (except Vista), the 11th version of the program is already "embedded". This means that it is impossible to install it again, as well as remove it, and its performance is beyond doubt.

DirectX 10 is not mentioned as it was created exclusively for Windows Vista and is included in this operating system from the very beginning. It doesn't make sense to update it.

DirectX 11 is updated to version 12 using a web installer, and the procedure is completely identical to that described earlier for XP. It is not possible to degrade (install an older version of the program instead of a new one) from DirectX11 to version 9.0c (and what's the point of that?). The fact is that absolutely all versions below DirectX 11 are already included in the operating system.

If the application requires DirectX work 9.0c, and DirectX 12 is installed, the system automatically uses the necessary resources of the version 9.0c level. No additional actions from the user, including updating, are required.

Deserves special attention Windows 10. Thanks to innovative solutions, when creating this version of the operating system, you no longer need to manually install DirectX:
  • First, it is already in the system and cannot be removed. "Legal" methods, of course.
  • Secondly, Windows 10 itself downloads and installs all the necessary updates, drivers and installers in a fully automatic mode. It is enough to install Windows 10 on the computer, allow automatic update system and move away to drink coffee. Windows 10 will install not only new versions of DirectX (which are released every 4-5 months), but even drivers for a video card or printer. Now there is no point in installing updates manually. Once again, you don’t need to worry either - the official operating system will not install anything extra, and any possible mistakes completely excluded. You can only rollback changes to previous ones. Windows versions(XP, Vista) where DirectX is installed as a separate application.

How to download and update DirectX (video)?

If you still have questions, we offer you the following video. It clearly shows how to properly download and update DirectX for Windows.

Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

Installing and regularly updating components and drivers DirectX will allow you to optimize Windows as much as possible for the full use of all the features of modern multi-core processors and advanced technologies in the field of computer graphics.

Download and update DirectX

For DirectX driver updates, you need to install the official utility from Microsoft on your computer - dxwebsetup.exe. After installation, it will automatically download and install the missing versions of DirectX components and drivers on your computer under Windows control 7 | Windows 8.1 | Windows 10.

Download Microsoft DirectX® Setup is available from (0.28 MB, checked for MSE and Avast viruses) or from the official Microsoft website (requires Account live ID).

Important! V Windows 10 Directx 11.2 and DirectX 12 packages are already installed by default. Packages are downloaded and updated via Windows Update.

How to install DirectX

During the installation and update of DirectX, you need a permanent connection to the Internet computer. The program downloads the missing packages from Microsoft server(usually no more than 100 MB).

Run the dxwebsetup.exe file, accept the terms license agreement, opt out of installing Bing Bar if you prefer to use a different search service(the less on the computer - the faster Windows works). After that, the initialization and installation of DirectX components will begin. .

Before downloading and installing DirectX SDK components and updates, the utility will inform the end user about the download size of the DirectX executable libraries.

After the program finishes, restart your computer. Don't forget to install all important updates for Windows 7/Windows 8 on time to ensure you play and work and keep your system at a high level.

How to check DirectX version

You can get information about the DirectX version you are using using the pre-installed version on any computer with Windows programs « DirectX Diagnostic Tool". To do this, open the Start menu, type dxdiag in the search box and open dxdiag.exe in the search results.

To run dxdiag on Windows 8 run search bar keyboard shortcut + (Win + Q) "

The version of DirectX used in the system will be indicated in the very bottom line of the first window of the diagnostic tool (in our case, this DirectX 11). Detailed information about the system is also displayed here - processor, BIOS version, swap file size and random access memory. Computers running Windows 8 ship with version 11.1 of the executable libraries, computers running Windows 7 ship with DirectX 11.

Updating DirectX on a computer without Internet access

If the computer where you need to update DirectX does not have Internet access, you can download a special "Distribution package" in advance, which contains all the latest updates to the executable libraries.

The latest version of the service pack is available on the Microsoft English site. Download link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109

After downloading, write down executable file"Direct X" to external media (USB flash drive) and transfer to the computer on which installation is required.

Information is current as of 2016 for all versions and flavors of Windows, including Windows 10 64-bit.

Procedure DirectX updates In most cases performed automatically. So, in Windows 10, no special actions are required: updating the pre-installed DirectX 11.2 or DirectX 12 is carried out through " Update Center". The user can only track current version using the built-in diagnostic tool, for which you need to use the command dxdiag in the search field start menu.

Manual DirectX update

For manual update, necessary .

Next steps:

one). run the executable;
2). accept the terms of the license;
3). uncheck or leave the Bing toolbar installation checkbox.

In the future, if you need to update DirectX in the absence of permanent connection to the Internet and auto-update mode, you need to download the official distribution package from the Microsoft website to any removable media. From it, the files are simply copied to the computer.

Sometimes updating the program does not work and when starting multimedia applications, the user sees a message about system error associated with the absence of any dynamic library files (files of the *.dll type). In this case, the dynamic library can simply be copied from boot disk or flash drives or download from the Internet, having previously made backup existing folder.
Destination way:

  • for 64-bit system: C:\Windows\System32
  • for 32-bit system: C:\Windows\SysWOW64
After replacement DLL files you will need to restart your computer.

Before you start updating this component, you need to check version installed in the OS. It's very easy to do this:

It should be noted that this information can be obtained using third party software, For example AIDA64. Bookmark Operating system we can find the data we are interested in.

How to update DirectX

In order to update a component in the system, first of all, you need to download distribution. You can find it on the Internet on the official website.

We save file to your computer and run it. After that, a window with a license agreement will appear. We agree and press the button Further.

Microsoft builds a Bing Bar installation into almost all of its products. Recommended disable uncheck it and click again Further.

Now we wait until the installer check installed components and will analyze the files. Again continue.

The process starts updates, which will take a few seconds or minutes, depending on the power of the PC. First loading in progress missing components.

Then it starts on its own installation.

After successful completion, press the button Ready.

Update DirectX 12 for Windows 10

In the case of the ten, namely the update to 12 direct, everything is a little different. When downloading such a distribution, the user receives no setup file, and some assistant, which will scan the system and download the necessary components.

forced this component cannot be installed. If for some reason the program considers that the computer is not powerful enough, then it will download version 11.2 of Direct. You can't influence her choice.

DirectX is a set of APIs from Microsoft used to create computer games. This package must be installed on any computer with operating system Windows. Previously, users had to install the application manually, and from the G8 DirectX is built into the OS. Let's figure out how to update DirectX on Windows 10 different ways.

The latest revision of this package is DirectX 12. It is only supported by the operating system Windows system 10. By default, the application is built into the OS during installation, just like the Net.Framework package. New Direct X includes DirectX 11 and all previous versions this program.

Why would you need to install a separate version of an API package? Everything is very simple. Some older games and programs may require an older set of libraries. Although the required data is included in the extreme versions, there may be a conflict with the game. First you need to check which generation of libraries is installed on your computer.

Checking the current version

You can find information about installed DirectX using standard means operating system. This method works on all Windows 10 32/64-bit. To perform a check, you must follow the instructions provided:

  1. Launch the "Run" window by pressing the Win + R keys and enter the command "dxdiag" in the line.

  1. You will see the "DirectX Diagnostic Tool", which contains all the information about the operating system, technical specifications computer, etc. In the "System" tab there is a line "DirectX Version", which contains the information of interest to us.

  1. Also in the "Monitor" tab, you can see information about Direct3D support, enabled accelerators, connected video cards, etc.

Now let's figure out how to install the latest version of the libraries.

Where to download the installer

For installation, it is best to use the assistant from Microsoft. It can be downloaded from the official website of the developers. To install the library package in this way, follow the instructions:

  1. Open the link in your browser and click on the marked button (Download).

  1. The dxwebsetup.exe file will be downloaded to your computer. Run it.

  1. On the first screen of the web installer (in Russian), accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.

  1. If you do not need additional software, then uncheck the box next to "Install Bing Bar" and click "Next" again.

  1. The program will start updating the libraries. If the installer finds missing files, the download will begin. V otherwise you will see the following window. Close it with the "Finish" button and restart your computer.

Now let's look at the second way that you can install or reinstall DirectX on a Windows 10 computer.

Installation via Update Center

Web-updater allows you to get up-to-date file libraries automatically. The standard Center allows you to do almost the same thing. windows updates 10. The application allows you to check for new uninstalled components and download them. Let's figure out how to do it:

  1. Open the "Options" window via search string or using the item of the same name in the menu, which can be opened by right-clicking on the Start icon.

  1. Go to the Update & Security section.

  1. In the Windows Update tab, click on the marked button to check for available updates.

  1. If an older version is installed on your computer, the AC will automatically download and install the necessary files. Click on the "View log" button installed updates” to see the components that were installed during the last update.

Installation from a third party site

Now consider the option of reinstalling DirectX through the distribution. In this way, you can download previous versions of the package and install them. To use this method, do the following:

  1. Visit the site with the software and download the DirectX installer of the version you need. You can find a resource using one of the search engines. It will not load directxwebsetup.exe on the PC, but a full-fledged archive with all the files. Now you need to remove DirectX, which was already installed. Let's disable protection first. To do this, go to the "Properties" of the computer.

  1. Click on the "System Protection" button.

  1. In the tab of the same name, select the system partition hard drive and click "Setup".

  1. Change the setting to "Disable" and save the changes.

  1. Now go to the site and download free utility to remove libraries.
  2. Run the installer and click "Next".

  1. Accept the license agreement.

  1. Select a folder for installation.

  1. After installation, click "Finish".

  1. In the main window, in the "Uninstall" tab, click the button of the same name.

  1. Restart your computer to complete the procedure. Now it remains to run the distribution installer and follow the instructions (the installation process is identical to the one described above).

This is the only way the user can set old version DX11, DX10 and remove the new one. Now it remains to find out if the required generation of DrX has been installed on your PC. This method works on both x32-bit and x64-bit systems. If you are not satisfied with the DirectX Happy uninstall utility, then use the DX killer or DX Eradicator.

Possible problems

Unforeseen difficulties may arise when installing DirectX. To check the success of the operation, you need to look at the current version through dxdiag, as described at the beginning of the article. If you installed new version DX 12, but the diagnostic tool still shows a different number, there may be several reasons for this.

The first is incompatibility with the video card. If your graphics accelerator does not support DirectX 12 technology, then even Windows 10, in which this package is installed by default, will not allow you to use it. You can check the video card for compatibility as follows:

  1. First, you need to be in the Device Manager app. Open it through the search bar or in another way.

  1. In the list of connected equipment, find the video card and copy its name. To find out if your video card supports DX 12, it is not necessary to contact specialists. Find this information can be online in any search engine.

The second problem is an installation error. It occurs, most often, when installing distributions downloaded from secondary sites. Therefore, try downloading the installer from another resource and check it before launching antivirus program. It is highly recommended to use only the official web installer from Microsoft.


Now you know how to update or remove the DirectX API package on a Windows 10 computer. We figured out where to go to check installed version, where to download the installer, how to configure and what problems may arise.


So that you do not have any problems with the implementation of all the steps, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the visual explanation of the instructions in the attached video.

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