Setting up hardware and software

Electronic payment systems. The State Duma supported the restriction of cash withdrawals from anonymous electronic funds

Electronic payment systems are a technology for direct payments on the Internet between parties to a transaction (most often, without additional conditions: indicating personal data, payment purposes, etc.).

Against the backdrop of dynamic development in the e-commerce network, EPS have become one of the most preferred methods of mutual settlement between individuals and between individuals and legal entities(payment cellular communication, utility bills, Internet service providers, payment for purchases in online stores).

2 Three stages of development of electronic money

Electronic money received its first expression in credit cards (the very first were magnetic debit cards). The second stage of development is the introduction of smart cards. The third stage is the development of an electronic form of money, with the help of which we all have the opportunity to make on-line payments.

  • And today EPS operate for:
  • Implementation of credit schemes

It is still the most popular scheme all over the world, which works with ordinary plastic cards (MasterCard, VISA, UnionPay).

  • Implementation of debit schemes

A less popular scheme, which is based on the use of digital equivalents of cash and checks (NetBill, NetChex, NetCash).

  • Mutual settlements using digital money

It is implemented using payment gateways - special electronic payment systems that transmit cash to the World Wide Web (Perfect Money, WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex.Money, Neteller, etc.) and ensure mutual settlements within it.

We are interested in the third type of on-line payments, which precisely shows the greatest dynamics development and use. And, moreover, it is the latter that are increasingly used as part of the online investment process.

3 Advantages of electronic payment systems for investors

Of course, most brokerage and other financial companies, as one of possible ways replenishment of a trading/investment account, they offer a bank transfer. But in fact, the percentage of its use is no more than 3% -5%. The main volume comes from electronic transfer systems VISA and MasterCard, as well as a fairly impressive number of other electronic payment systems, with the help of which investors receive:

  1. The ability to instantly transfer funds to your personal account opened with a financial company.
  2. The most simple and intuitive replenishment process.
  3. No commissions (from the financial company) for depositing funds.
  4. The fastest (often instant) withdrawal of funds from a personal account to an EPS.
  5. Minimum broker commissions for withdrawal.
  6. Possibility of converting deposited funds into the currency of the personal account (from rubles to dollars, euros and vice versa).
  7. The ability to withdraw funds from a personal account opened with a financial company to an electronic payment system without account verification (if the withdrawal is made to the electronic payment system through which the funds were deposited).

This is not an exhaustive list of benefits that an Internet investor can receive through the use of EPS. And now separately about the most popular electronic wallets in Russia and other CIS countries.


Perfect Money is a popular electronic payment system that allows its users to carry out financial transactions on the Internet.

This payment system, like most popular ones, allows you to:

  1. Carry out mutual settlements between users
  2. Receive payments when doing business online
  3. Make regular payments
  4. Keep cash and receive dividends on the balance
  5. Pay for goods and services online

Enter Money in Perfect Money can be carried out by: bank transfer, transfer to electronic money of other payment systems and exchange offices.

It is worth noting that this EPS has made significant efforts to ensure the financial security of clients, which is achieved through various Internet technologies and the use of special funds when transferring funds. electronic key, which is available only to the owner of an account opened with Perfect Money.

We evaluate this payment system as one of the most interesting for use in the investment process, and about it additional features, you can consult through our .

5 WebMoney

WebMoney is an equally popular online payment system, which is famous for its meticulousness in security matters.

The list of services provided by WebMoney is almost similar to Perfect Money. With the difference that in this system mutual settlements between users are available in gold (Most likely, this opportunity appeared on WebMoney, more as a tool for motivating users to store their funds within the system itself, offering them a classic asset for saving - gold) and there is no accrual of interest on funds.

And, of course, it’s time to mention the notorious security measures inside WebMoney systems, which limit most of the client’s operations until the latter receives a certificate (real confirmation of the client’s identity through a special identifier), and for making on-line payments, in addition to the browser-based web terminal, it also offers a separate program, connecting which using a specially issued one electronic certificate, the user can completely exclude the possibility of unauthorized access to his wallet by third parties.

Such security measures often irritate WebMoney clients. But those who really care about the security of their payments and funds stored online, this is why they choose WebMoney.

As an investment portal, we highly appreciate all the capabilities of WebMoney and will be happy to help you learn about its additional advantages in our website.

6 Yandex.Money

Yandex.Money is a payment system of the famous Russian Internet company Yandex.

This EPS can be characterized as simple and, at the same time, functional system with the above list of opportunities for users (except for dividends on the balance) and average security measures.

The system provides for user identification, within which the withdrawal amounts are limited. But such measures are rather precautionary in nature and are required more to control payments in the Russian Federation network than to combat hacking and fraud.

However, if you don’t worry too much about the safety of your own funds and use Yandex.Money only for transfers within it and replenishing a personal account in an investment company, then only a few can compare with Yandex.Money in simplicity. Since almost any broker has this EPS, it is very easy to deposit funds from it, and to withdraw funds very quickly. And a little negative - within the Yandex.Money system, mutual settlements are possible only in Russian rubles.


The QIWI payment system is no less popular, in comparison with the ones listed above, EPS.

The most important difference between this payment system is its connection to phone number user (which will be his current account number) and practically zero requirements for user identification and payment security.

On the one hand, this simplifies the procedure for using EPS as much as possible. On the other hand, QIWI often, willy-nilly, gets involved in various fraudulent schemes, for which Runet is so famous.

After all, apart from the QIWI account number to which the funds are transferred or from which the funds were transferred, nothing is known about the real user. In addition, we note that only ruble transfers are available within this payment system.

8 Is it possible to store money in electronic payment systems

On that frequently asked question We would answer users like this: “It’s possible, but it’s better not to!” and that's why:

  1. The activities of electronic payment systems are not regulated in the territory Russian Federation and other CIS countries.
  2. When you deposit money into the EPS, your funds turn into so-called “title units”. And for the theft of title units (if someone does steal them from your wallet) you will not be held criminally liable. It is the use of title units in the system that allows EPS to evade obtaining a license to carry out financial activities.
  3. In most cases, EPS are systems with “registration” offshore. This means that they will be truly inaccessible for legal proceedings in cases of their bankruptcy and your attempts to collect your own funds from them.
  4. The funds that are inside the EPS are usually “dead weight” (with the exception of the Perfect Money system, in which you can receive interest on the balance). This means that the point of storing funds in the electronic payment system is lost. Money must work and earn capital for you!

In other words, on the one hand, electronic payment systems are successful financial companies that, due to the fact that they do not issue loans to anyone, are least exposed to economic risks (we are not aware of any cases of bankruptcy of electronic payment systems). Moreover, due to the simplicity of its mechanism of use, it successfully replaces all other possible systems electronic funds transfer.

On the other hand, EPS are weakly regulated schemes, which, moreover, do not imply an increase in the investor’s capital. That is why we consider it not advisable to store funds in EPS. But using EPS as gateways for mutual settlements and “transporting” your funds to an investment company is more than effective.

It is up to you personally to decide which payment systems to use in the online investment process. We would advise you to pay attention to those that care more about the security of client payments!

9 Conclusions

Today, electronic payment systems are an indispensable tool for a financially oriented user. World Wide Web. And we must pay tribute - without EPS, the current investment process would be in many ways less effective and more complex. That is why we believe that electronic payment systems are an integral part of modern on-line and off-line investments.

How to choose the best payment system? Surely, when launching an Internet project, everyone has encountered this question. Indeed, every business has many requirements for the timing of withdrawal of incoming funds, maximum size commission, the necessary ease of integration and convenience for customers. In addition, Internet business has different levels of risk and is often conducted by legal entities from offshore zones, which, of course, requires non-standard solutions. Next, we will look at the main electronic payment systems on the Internet that exist today, or rather their types with the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Systems electronic wallets such as QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex-money, etc.

Payment intermediaries accumulating funds such as PayPal or Moneybookers

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Internet electronic payment systems

There are four main types of payment systems for a website:

1. Card payment systems for websites

Their typical representatives are not VISA and MasterCard themselves, but always a combination of two legal entities, namely a bank and a processing company. Both of these organizations are always present and are necessary elements of the card payment clearing procedure. The bank that opens the so-called “merchant account” is a repository for received funds and is responsible for their “purity”. And the coordinator of the entire complex process of checking card data and the guarantor of transactional efficiency is the processing center. Moreover, when a payment system is connected for the site, both of them can work with many other banks and processing companies. The only conditions are the existence of agreements and technical integration between the participants in the process.

When, when connecting to a bank card payment system, the question arises of contacting a bank or processing company, the choice is definitely made in favor of the processing company. There are several reasons. Firstly, from the “bank + processing” combination, only banks are responsible to card and interbank regulators, so it is incomparably more difficult to come to an agreement with a bank. Plus, as a rule, banks specialize only in certain types of businesses and do not work well with Internet companies that do not fit their established template, and it is impossible to determine in advance whether a bank is suitable or not. Processing companies, on the contrary, are not bound by strict requirements and fear of losing a license and are therefore “absolutely flexible”; in addition, unlike banks, they employ IT specialists who are close to all your questions and who are always ready to advise what and how best to do .

Taking into account the above and the fact that both banks and processing companies work with many counterparties, it is easy to understand that it is easier to contact a processing company, which, almost certainly, will be able to work with you and then “fanly” send out your questionnaire to the banks with which it is integrated, than to go through banks one by one, expecting that one of them will give consent and then hope that normal processing will cooperate with it.

With electronic currencies everything is much simpler than with bank cards. Since these organizations simultaneously combine the functions of a technical provider for connection, and a “central bank” for themselves, and a supervisory authority, and a legislator for their own money, it is easy to guess that in these conditions the bureaucratic component of connection is minimal. Of course, in Russia the federal law“On the National Payment System” has somewhat increased the requirements for organizations, but in general, connecting to a payment system such as QIWI and WebMoney are the easiest solutions for non-cash payment to integrate. Perhaps the only drawback of these systems is their low popularity, with the possible exception of such a group of buyers as technically advanced youth, which, of course, negatively affects the possibilities of using any electronic wallet as the main payment system for the site.

A special group of organizations that, on the one hand, are electronic wallets, and on the other, work with real-world currencies, are payment intermediaries. If you need a plastic card payment system, but you can’t go through the “compliance” procedure in any bank or you just want to save time, then you can try using systems like PayPal or Moneybookers which, acting on your behalf, will accept money into your account clients, and then transfer them to you. What’s most interesting is that commissions in such organizations can even be equivalent to normal processing. Unfortunately, in these systems there is always a requirement for each end buyer to undergo a registration procedure, which significantly complicates the purchasing process, which can be a fatal flaw in online trading.

Some processing centers working with VISA and MasterCard strive to become universal payment systems. To do this, they integrate with many representatives of all previous groups. Thanks to the fact that they are official distributors of all their counterparties, these “aggregators” provide their clients with “one-stop-shop” services for connecting multiple payment solutions “electronic wallets” and “payment intermediaries” at once.

As a rule, when contacting such an aggregator, a client only needs to fill out a form once and then the aggregator takes over the entire process of working with other systems. At the same time, commissions and other conditions for each separate solution always exactly the same as when working directly with service providers. The identity of the terms with the final provider is prerequisite activities. One example of such an aggregator is our universal payment system Ecommerce Payments.

Dear sirs, as you can see, we have done everything to become the most convenient and profitable way for you to accept payments. We own our own processing center, cooperate with many banks, and have organized a “one-window system” for connecting third-party providers. In addition, since our motto is “Everything for Internet business,” we also provide legal and tax optimization services, as well as various consultations. Thanks to this, we are perhaps the most versatile online payment system in existence. We are always glad to see you, please contact us.

Electronic payment systems entered our lives very tightly. It is so convenient for us to pay for services or goods via the Internet that we have long considered this the norm. But just recently it was just fantastic. The world of high technology, electronic wallets and electronic money have made this completely normal, even commonplace and our new reality.

With the development of trade and the service sector for our society, methods, rules and whole academic disciplines successful sales. It is no longer news that in this industry, the buyer will get every whim for his money. Even the most tricky and unimaginable requests come true if they are duly paid for. When mentioning payment, everything is arranged for the convenience of the buyer and seller. Today we have a huge number of options on how to pay for your order, product, service and much more that is just coming into use.

One of these options is the already well-known and actively operating electronic payment systems.

What is EPS (electronic payment systems)

From the very name of this service there is a fairly clear understanding that an electronic payment system is a system organized for paying for services through online services, programs, cards that allows you to transfer money to your account immediately, without handling banknotes.

It is believed that the emergence of electronic money circulation directly affects the evolution of money, the development of the culture of money and its activity. Developing as a type of monetary payment, EPS have already proven themselves on the positive side. Many organizations and enterprises have chosen the electronic payment method, not to mention Internet services in which this payment system is the main one.

History of the development of electronic payment systems

1871 can be considered the year of birth of electronic payment systems. It was then that the already well-known company Western Union made the world's first electronic money transfer. Of course, it definitely cannot be called electronic, since it was carried out using telegraph messages. Since then, Western Union has successfully used its invention. But not only this company has adopted this type of money circulation.

In 1980, the already modernized system was used by a Dutch company whose goal was to create a reliable and fast system payment. Such reliability was achieved by the company by operating debt obligations. This company was called eCash, its founder was David Chaum, a Dutch analyst who modernized the Western Union system.

One such company, which is considered one of the first and oldest in electronic payment systems, is E-Gold. Having started its march in electronic money matters, it quite loudly and successfully became bankrupt, and its management was caught in fraud.

In 1998, electronic payment systems first appeared in Russia. Represents EPS in Russia Pay Cash. This electronic system began as a joint project of three Russian companies: Tavrichesky Bank, ALCOR Company and Aerospace Equipment Corporation.

And already in 1999, the famous WebMoney appeared, which still dominates the market of electronic payment systems.

The year 2002 became equally important for the development of electronic payment systems, since this year an agreement was concluded on the creation of the RUpay system. The importance lies in the fact that the agreement was concluded between Russian and Ukrainian programmers.

Today we can say that the main driver of the development of electronic payment systems is the development of the communications sector: Internet technologies, mobile services and the work of banks.

What is electronic money

With the advent and beginning of active use in the world of electronic payment systems, concepts related to this process begin to appear. One of these concepts is electronic money.

Electronic money– a certain monetary equivalent of the payment system user, which is recorded and stored on electronic media V in electronic format. Is used for online payment, transfers, payments.

This payment instrument has its own varieties:

  • Based on smart cards. Such cards are directly linked to bank accounts and represent a certain amount that the card user controls. The most famous payment systems on this basis: Visa cash, ecash, proton. Such systems allow you to pay for online purchases, store money in several currencies, and you can use telephone communication. But this method is not perfectly safe, since it is simply impossible to keep track of the legality of all transactions.
  • Network-based. For electronic system For such money circulation, it is necessary to establish a certain program. Such programs are free and with the development of the capabilities of mobile devices, mobile applications for such systems have also been created. Basically, network-based EPS are chosen by users who are dealing with making money on the Internet, purchasing goods through online stores, or companies that want to expand the forms of accepting payment for their services.
  • There are also other classifications of electronic money that determine the type of anonymity, state and non-state type, and so on.

Electronic payment systems in Russia

In Russia, payment systems have become widespread and have become very integral to our lives. We also pay for services and goods via the Internet using various electronic wallets.

Let's list the main payment systems and wallets used in Russia:

  1. WebMoney
  2. Qiwi wallet
  3. Yandex money
  4. Paypal
  5. Payeer
  6. Rapida
  7. Perfect Money
  8. Okpay
  9. Liqpay
  10. AdvCash
  11. Bitcoin
  12. Z-payment
  13. RBK Money

Of course, there are other payment systems in Russia; we have only listed the main ones.

Popular Russian payment systems

Let's consider the most popular Russian electronic systems:

Electronic payment system WebMoney

WebMoney distributed throughout Russia and neighboring countries. This program requires mandatory registration with the provision of a photocopy of your passport to receive it, without which you will not be able to fully operate with your capital.

After registering and receiving a certificate, you will have access to electronic wallets of various currencies, which will have an identification number, which will be the main information for transferring funds to it. Using this system, you can pay for services, make payments, and make exchange transactions.

You will be offered 4 options for managing your funds in WebMoney Keeper: mobile, mini, light, classic. You choose the one that best suits your parameters.

The undoubted advantage of the WebMoney electronic wallet is its versatility, namely the ability to transfer and pay for goods and services in various currencies. The most popular wallets in WebMoney:

  • WMR - Russian rubles
  • WMZ - American dollars
  • WME - Euro
  • WMB - Belarusian rubles
  • WMU - Ukrainian hryvnia

Since the system has a huge audience of users, there are practically no problems with paying on the Internet using it. It also has an extensive list of companies, stores and government agencies that support payments via WebMoney.

The advantage is the possibility of withdrawing funds in several ways that will be offered by the system.

To ensure the safety of deposit and withdrawal operations, the system is programmed to automatically block your account. This point, having studied user reviews, is not always adequate and sometimes wallets are blocked for no apparent reason and without explanation from technical support.

Electronic payment system Qiwi

Life path of the payment system Qiwi goes back to 2006, when its name was still “Mobile Wallet”. Subsequently, the name was changed in 2010.

Now “QIWI wallet” firmly holds the first position among users. It should also be noted that Qiwi has won the recognition of customers in 22 countries. This system is considered one of the most flexible and mobile, providing diverse services.

This is a justified opinion, since Qiwi today makes it possible to replenish your account and withdraw funds using several different ways, also offers a large list of payments for services and purchases. In addition, low commissions for transfers and the possibility of making payments via SMS are undoubtedly attractive.

Among other advantages, in the Qiwi service, you will find a convenient “reminder” that will notify you in advance about the required payment. You will be pleased with the site interface and mobile application, everything here is accessible and understandable even to a beginner. A system that offers a service for issuing a virtual or plastic card.

One of the disadvantages of Qiwi is the impossibility of entering a payment in an amount greater than 15 thousand at a time. The inconvenience lies in the partial input of funds. Qiwi aims to allow the user to work only within the system, so any withdrawal of funds outside will be problematic and subject to a high interest rate. Plus, numerous complaints have been noted about annoying advertising from partners that regularly comes to you.

Electronic payment system Yandex money

Yandex money recognized as one of the most universal payment systems (payment systems) in Russia. It is chosen by those who earn money using the Internet and those who choose online shopping and pay for services online.

The Yandex-Money payment system offers a choice of two options:

  • Yandex. Wallet – you can access this wallet directly through the Yandex money website. That is, you can access it from any computer.
  • Internet. A wallet is a program that is installed on a computer or mobile device.

You can choose one or have both, they are not related in any way and may have a different balance. You must also understand that their registration is also different, so you cannot use the input data of one wallet to get into another.

Yandex money has all the same advantages as other PSs, but in addition there is an easier registration procedure and the provision of a more convenient option for working with the system (Yandex wallet, Internet wallet)

As for the minuses, everything is more serious here, firstly, the system does not recognize manipulations with any other currency except rubles. Secondly, legal entities have nothing to do here. You are only allowed to manage your capital in this system individuals. In addition, there is no anonymity (request for passport data during registration) and a high commission when withdrawing funds.

All of the above, however, does not prevent Yandex Money from remaining in the top three most popular and chosen payment systems.

Electronic payment systems of China

Now more than ever, the question of developing a complete and correct understanding of China’s electronic payment systems is urgent, since now building an Internet business with China is offered to everyone who is at least somehow interested in this and has free time. Trading platforms of Chinese industrialists attract Russian clients, firstly with their variety of goods, and secondly with their prices. In order to make a purchase, you need to get to know the main leaders of China's EPS, so as not to become victims of cyber charlatans.

So, today, the following electronic payment systems in China can be considered reliable and profitable in terms of the range of services provided:


Alipay(China's largest and most famous payment system) was created in 1999 and was supposed to be an intermediary between monetary manipulations between two other companies, but in 2004, already confident in these matters, the development group proposed creating its own PS.

According to many users, the company really offers profitable terms cooperation: registration is free, no interest on withdrawals. True, there are some limits on the withdrawal of funds, which you will definitely be familiarized with during registration.

The well-known Aliexpress platform is collaborating with Alipay and is creating a special version of Ali wallet for more affordable payment for goods from this site and other sites with Alibaba Group.


You can start right away with the disadvantages of this payment system, since there are enough of them, but this system does not shine with advantages or differences. So, the first and main disadvantage that left a negative aftertaste is the registration problem. Requirements and restrictions on the characters entered, besides, it cannot be said that the choice of this system will be justified if your goal is to pay for purchases; with the same success, but more accessible, you will complete the transaction on Alipay.

The only people who will choose this system are those who like to play Chinese online games. QQ money is needed there. Here I can give you advice: find a Chinese. 🙂 If you are not good at Chinese, then you can’t do without his help. It sounds surprising, but in China this PS ranks second.


UnionPay was founded in 2002 as a national payment system, which remains to this day the only state-owned payment system with the support of the Central Bank of the People's Republic of China. First of all, it must be said that the system is more coordinated towards the issuance of plastic cards than towards the circulation of money based on networks.

In Russia, UnionPay was first noticed in 2007. Holders of such cards in Russia are allowed to pay for Internet services and purchases, and withdraw funds. It’s more difficult to deposit money onto the card: this is prohibited by law. But together with Russian banks, work is underway to resolve the issue and allow Russian banks to service card data.

In 2013, UnionPay became a Russian payment system, as evidenced by its inclusion in the register of payment systems in Russia.

As for the development of a network-based system, it exists, but it is not as successful as compared to plastic cards.


PayEase is a large payment system in China that works only with legal entities. In 2014 it was recognized as the most popular. PayEase cooperates with the world's largest organizations. It has established itself as a reliable, safe, transaction-friendly company. The company is certified as a qualified service provider by VISA and has developed platforms for carrying out its activities in many countries around the world.

These were the largest payment systems in China and known for their reliability, adequacy and speed. Smaller companies do not differ in any other range of services offered and working conditions.

Types of electronic payment systems

There are two main types of EPS:

  • Credit systems
  • Debit systems

The first systems involve managing money via the Internet and through credit cards. Credit card in this case it is considered an element of personal account management. You choose a more accessible and convenient option for managing electronic money.

Debit systems are an electronic version of paper checks and bills. In essence, this is a prescribed obligation of the payer to transfer to the account of his bank.

Electronic checks differ from paper ones in a few ways:

  • Your signature will be electronic
  • The check will also be issued in electronic format.

There is a procedure for making a payment using an electronic check:

  1. Issuing an electronic check and verifying it with an electronic signature.
  2. Sending a check to a recipient with a check account blocked public key bank (done for the safety of the operation).
  3. Acceptance of the PS check and checking it and your signature for authenticity.
  4. After authentication is verified, the transaction is completed with the delivery of the goods to the recipient and the transfer of money to the seller.

Electronic money is also an analogue of paper bills, but in electronic form. They can also be used to pay for goods and services.

Advantages and disadvantages of payment systems

Today, in times of technological progress, electronic payment systems have taken leading positions and create serious competition for paper payments. Millions of people around the world already know about the convenience and reliability of EPS, and that is why more and more people choose this type of managing their capital, preferring it to any other.

Here are the main advantages thanks to which electronic payment systems have taken a confident position in money circulation:

  1. The ability to make payments, transfers and other monetary manipulations without banknotes.
  2. Speed money transfers and other monetary transactions are many times superior to already outdated postal transfers and bank transfers.
  3. You can make money transactions without leaving your home. This accessibility is explained by the fact that literally in a matter of minutes the user can go through a simple registration in any PS convenient for him and start working.
  4. The security of these payment systems has already proven its reliability. Special bindings to phone numbers, identification through a password request and connection to a computer. If you follow the rules prescribed by the system, then you will not be affected by either cyber fraudsters or unscrupulous buyers or payers.
  5. In comparison with ATMs and banks, paying for services through payment systems is much more profitable, since in no PS the commissions do not exceed 1% of the total payment amount.
  6. The system itself keeps statistics of your debit and credit for you. You will always be aware of the infusion of money into your account and its expenditure. This rather convenient statistic is present in certain sections in all of them without exception. software and your personal PS accounts.

Of course, electronic payment systems have their drawbacks, which, however, do not prevent them from developing and becoming the most popular payment option.

  1. No guarantees. Since the founders of the EPS are private organizations, it is impossible to talk about 100% confidence in the legality of actions on the part of the system administration.
  2. Need to be confident user Internet. Without an Internet connection, these systems do not work in most cases. But is this really such a minus in our age of Internet technologies, when most aspects of our lives are already connected, one way or another, with the Internet.
  3. In some cases, to obtain full list tools for managing your wallet, you will need to enter personal data: TIN, passport details. Using this data, the state tax office can have access to all the information on your accounts.

Electronic payment systems are constantly improving, expanding their capabilities and starting cooperation with new companies. Therefore, today, little popularity and a limited range of services and purchases with payment through EPS cannot be called a significant drawback. But on this moment There is a negative aspect of the scarcity of the list of EPS partners.


Today, the World Wide Web offers us not only an information flow, but also the provision of real services and goods, which is why electronic payment systems have become so popular today.

  1. Well-established Internet business
  2. Convenient payment for services and online purchases
  3. Clear control over your budget
  4. Safe storage of funds (small amounts)

Nowadays, electronic payment systems have not yet achieved full recognition and continue to develop. It is expected that financial institutions in the future will rely on such payment systems and thereby give rise to even greater innovations in the field of electronic payment systems.

Good luck to you friends and big earnings! Subscribe to new blog articles on the site and receive them directly by email.

Electronic payment systems updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Electronic money is increasingly becoming part of our lives. This is connected primarily, which has now become one of the most necessary attributes of our lives.

Moreover, he has long since crossed the level when we only gained knowledge there. Now we live online - we communicate, buy, sell, pay for services, make friends, etc., etc. It is quite logical that in this environment their own systems of mutual payments arise, allowing them to move away from primitive barter.

At the moment, there are already several dozen payment systems in Russia alone, and even more in the world. Of course, not all of them are well known, but the very fact that there is competition gives ordinary users electronic payments(all sorts of goodies to entice), which might not have happened in the absence of a fight for the client.

Of course, it will not be possible to cover all the players in one article (and there is still a wild excitement around them, which I wrote about in a separate publication), but we will definitely consider the most popular ones. At the end of the publication, I will also invite you to vote for the Internet currency that you personally prefer.

Three leading payment systems in Russia

It all started a very long time ago (mainly at the end of the last and beginning of this millennium). At that time, monetary relations began to actively develop on the Internet (electronic commerce, etc.) and the only available form of payment was plastic cards. The emergence of Internet money options has made it possible to significantly simplify the process of paying and receiving payments via the network (without leaving home).

But not only on the Internet, because now various electronic wallets offer you to use those lying on them not only for any operations on the Internet, but also in real life. For example, a system linked to an account, with which you can pay for your purchases in real life (supermarket, boutique, gas stations and other places where cards are accepted for payment). In fact, many payment systems already offer similar services.

In Russia you can highlight 3 leading payment systems, but I think it’s unlikely to be possible to put them in their strict places. In each individual case, you will need to choose exactly according to your needs.

For example, Qiwi is truly a “people's” system and everyone who knows what payment terminals are works with it. At the same time, WebMoney is used by almost everyone who makes money in the Russian-speaking part of the RuNet. Both Yandex Money and other electronic wallets have their own audience. But first things first.

Qiwi payment system

If the main complaints about working with Qiwi (and many other systems) relate to the work of their technical support service, then in the WebMoney payment system the main problem is. Personally, I solved this problem for myself, which does not allow me to make a single payment or authorization on sites without confirming this action on my mobile phone (you receive a confirmation code in the form of SMS, or you put special application to the phone to generate it).

Also, the safety and security of this electronic money depends. There are several of them, and I wrote about some of them in some detail at one time:

You also need to understand that there are various Internet currencies that circulate within this system. Currencies, of course, are conditional (in fact, these are just title units), but are strictly tied to the official exchange rate of the real currencies coinciding with them (fiat money).

The main ones, of course, are dollars (WMZ) and rubles (WMR), but euros (WME), hryvnia (WMU), Belarusian rubles (WMB), etc. are also in circulation. In this regard, the need very often arises. Read about the most profitable ways to do this in the article below.

Electronic Yandex Money

Personally, this system attracts me because it can link to your wallet plastic card from Yandex, so that you can then use it to pay in the store and in all other places where MasterCard is accepted. In this case, the account on the electronic wallet is equal to the balance on the card and no interest is charged for such use (a commission is charged only when withdrawing money from an ATM). In my opinion, this is a very convenient way to withdraw pennies earned on the Internet.

This payment system allows you to deposit and withdraw funds in a variety of ways, as well as pay for many services and goods. There is an application for mobile phone, which allows you to conveniently work with your electronic wallet without having to download a browser. In general, read about that in the article provided.

8 best electronic payment systems in the world

— once upon a time, the Payoneer Mastercard was the only acceptable way to withdraw funds earned by freelancers and stockers abroad. Enough has appeared now similar systems, but Payoneer (or Pioneer) still remains in great demand, because many bourgeois exchanges and sites for making money cooperate only with it.

The main feature of the system is to receive a branded card and withdraw money earned abroad from it through any ATM in the world. Although it is now possible to withdraw money from a Payoneer account directly to an account in a local bank and with a not very high commission percentage, many do not want to show their income to the bank and use the card, because it is not connected to a bank account (prepaid) and there are no problems there should not be any problems with the tax authorities only when using it.

Previously, withdrawing money from Adsense was quite inconvenient, but after connecting to Rapida everything became just fine (though only for residents of Russia). The fact is that in the Rapida system you can configure payment templates for the transit of electronic money from Adsense to any terminal options for cashing them out that are convenient for you. Moreover, the templates are executed automatically when a payment is received from Google’s contextual system.

Liqpay— Ukrainian payment system, the account in which is linked to the account in Privat Bank. It positions itself as an alternative to the world-famous PayPal and Moneybookers, but in reality this is, of course, far from the case. Working with electronic money is quite safe, and read about the rest at the link provided.

10 most popular cryptocurrencies in the world

Cryptocurrency in general is difficult to classify as a payment system, because due to the nature of this system, there cannot be owners or people managing (and even administering) this system. She is launched and she begins to live her own life, essentially not obeying anyone (all thanks to cryptography based on the great and terrible, which simply works wonders). This is its charm and, in a sense, its disadvantage.

It is also difficult to equate crypto-currency with electronic money, because there is not yet a developed network of services and goods that could be bought with crypto-money. Something is possible somewhere, but it is still in its infancy. But at the same time, speaking about electronic money, it is impossible not to plunge into the crypto world. Why?

Because cryptocurrency is an excellent tool for speculation, i.e. fast, often high-risk, but also very high earnings. Someone sells their home, and in a month or two doubles their capital. Some people play “small” and have a stable additional source of income. There is a rush of demand for cryptocurrency and it is becoming more expensive.

At the moment, progress has come a long way. Payments have long been made not only in cash, but also by card, as well as online through electronic payment systems. The list of these services is regularly updated.

Currently, online investments and payments are developed, which cannot do without electronic money. During its inception (early 90s), it became clear that traditional financial products were not suitable for electronic payments. This is how current online payment systems appeared. The list and features of each of them are presented below.

Principle of operation

Such systems function in different ways. Basically, the founders of such services create their own electronic currency. They have an original name, since using “money” in the name is illegal. However, it is important to understand that beautiful terms indicate the absence of any financial guarantees and deposit insurance.

Everything is on the conscience of the founders, who value their reputation. Essentially where members register and transactions take place. Each investor has Personal Area and which records the amount of money in his account.

Some services even have their own exchange offices for issuing cash.

Advantages and disadvantages

Electronic payment systems have a considerable list of advantages.

  1. Instant transactions (transfer of funds, payment for online purchases, conversion).
  2. Low commissions (due to high competition).
  3. Anonymity (a big plus for those who work semi-legally).
  4. Funds can be transferred to any bank accounts.
  5. Greater security (than with cash payments).
  6. Very convenient for remote employees to receive salaries.
  7. Possibility to pay for housing and communal services, telephone, Internet.

Payment systems also have a list of shortcomings.

  1. The main drawback is that the accounts are not completely legal.
  2. Not all purchases can be paid for using electronic money.
  3. The service of converting funds into cash is expensive.
  4. Due to the lack of legal control, you can often encounter scammers (on free hosting, such sites are created in 5 minutes, so you should check the service for authenticity).

To check the authenticity of the EPS, it is enough to find out whether large financial institutions cooperate with this service (Sberbank of Russia, Alfa-Bank).

List of payment systems in Russia

Main services operating in the Russian Federation:

  • "Yandex. Money" is one of the most popular in Russia. You can use it to make many payments. In particular, payment paid games and other Internet services, utilities, telephone, purchases in online stores. It can also be used to make money transfers.
  • Arsenal Pay is a payment system for the Primorsky Territory of the country. This is another reliable service for transferring funds and making payments. The service does not charge hidden fees.
  • MIR (NSPK) is a Russian payment system founded by the Central Bank. The system guarantees safety and absence of interruptions during various financial transactions across Russia.

There are also other Russian and international payment systems, a list of which is presented below:

  • WebMoney is the most popular international service. A separate guarantor works with different currencies. Users have unique number WMID for using your personal account.
  • PayPal is another global system. Its peculiarity: all calculations are made in real money.
  • QIWI (QIWI) is the world leader among instant payment systems.
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