Setting up hardware and software

Can the phone work as a modem? How to use your phone as a modem for your computer? How to connect your phone as a modem

Internet access is a necessity for many people. Users communicate in in social networks, watching videos, working. But what if you need to access the Internet from a computer, but don’t have a modem?

Can a smartphone be used as a modem? Yes, this option is possible, since it will serve to access the Global Network. The connection procedure is simple, just follow simple rules.

Using a smartphone as a modem via USB

How to use a smartphone as a USB modem? If there is a cable from the phone, then it is connected to the computer and used as an external modem. For the procedure to work, you must perform the following steps:

  • You need to open the device settings, and then find the “Other networks” section.
  • You should select "Modem and access point". You will be notified that a connection to your computer is required.
  • The USB cable must be connected to the PC.
  • Then the “USB modem” tab will appear, which you need to click on to activate.
  • Then you need to open the browser and check the Internet.

This completes the procedure. If everything is done correctly, the device can work with the Internet. If there are any failures, the procedure must be completed again.

Using a smartphone as a modem via Wi-Fi

One of the functions needed in the Android OS is the distribution of the Internet using a hotspot. Wi-Fi access. How to use a smartphone as a modem for a computer? The phone will serve as an access point, and other devices can connect to access the Network. In this case, 3G and 4G work.

To configure traffic distribution from using Wi-Fi In your device, you need to visit the “Settings” section, select “Other networks”, and then click “Modem and access point”. Then you need to create an access point, specifying the necessary parameters: name, security level, password. After filling out, you need to save the data and turn on Wi-Fi.

To connect to the point from a computer or other device, you need to connect Wi-Fi, select an access point, and enter a password. It should be taken into account that you need to come up with control information yourself. Then it can be communicated to the person who will use the Internet.

How Easy Tether Lite works

How to use a smartphone as a modem if difficulties arise with other methods? In this case it will help Easy program Tether Lite, which is needed to turn a smartphone into a modem. It must be downloaded on both devices. After this, you need to connect the smartphone to the PC via a USB cable. The system requires installation of additional drivers. This is necessary for the application to work correctly.

Then you need to enable the function on the device. Go to the “Settings” section, click “Applications”, “Development” and “USB Debugging”. You need to find the program on your computer and click on it. When the menu appears, you need to select “Connect Via “Android””. After a few seconds, the device will become operational, after which you can use the Internet.

Using a Samsung phone as a modem

How to use a smartphone as a modem if the equipment is Samsung? This company provides a CD with the product, which includes the program Samsung Kies. If this application is not available, then it should be downloaded from the company’s official website. After installation, you need to visit the settings, turn off the “USB storage” function.

Then you need to connect the device using a USB cable, and also install the driver. In Windows 7 and other versions, installation is performed automatically. Then you need to go to “Settings”, select “Wireless Networks”. In the “Modem and access point” menu, you need to check the boxes next to the “USB modem” and “Mobile AP” items.

Then on your PC you need to enter the “Control Panel” and click “Connection”. This section will show network connections, from which you need to select your device. If it is present in the list, this means that the technique is working correctly. Then you can use the Internet. How to use Windows smartphone as a modem? You must use the same scheme.

Possible connection difficulties

In practice, users face many difficulties, even if they know how to use a smartphone as a modem. A common problem is the lack of access to 3G and 4G networks. In this case, you will not be able to use the Internet, because there is no access to wireless technologies. The way out of the situation is to move to another place, as well as check that the device is working correctly. You can call your telecom operator. There may be restrictions on transmitting and receiving data over the Internet.

Another problem is also likely - the equipment does not connect via USB. The phone does not appear on the computer, so it cannot be used as a modem. It is necessary to check your PC to see if there are viruses, and whether Windows updates. You can try using a different one USB port to connect the cable. Often helps manual installation driver that needs to be downloaded. If such problems are solved, a smartphone can perfectly replace a modem.

Almost everyone modern smartphone can "distribute" Mobile Internet to nearby devices. In this article we will talk in detail about existing methods connections: via cable, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, and we will also pay attention to specialized programs. The advantages of each method will be discussed.

Setting up Internet on your phone

First of all, you should make sure that the Internet is working on your mobile gadget. To do this, you must activate the appropriate tariff from your operator. Special service commands for checking the account show the name of the current tariff.

After this, check the functionality of the global network. To do this, follow these steps:

If you cannot connect to the network, dial your operator for activation instructions.

Options for connecting your phone as a modem via cable

Let's look at ways to use your phone as a modem using a cord. There are two options here: use standard USB modem functions or resort to specialized software.

Driver installation and configuration

In order for your computer to work via USB with your smartphone, you will need to install a driver. On most devices, when connected via a cord, automatic setting and installation of the necessary software. After this, a notification will appear in Windows with the message “the device is ready to use” and a green checkmark.

If an error occurs, you must install the required software yourself. You can download them on the manufacturer’s website in the “Support” section or similar.

USB modem mode on Android

This standard function on Android operating systems, thanks to which you can use your smartphone on your computer OS as a modem without any unnecessary manipulations. To do this, strictly follow the steps:

Loading a page can take a minute or more since 3G speeds are only a few megabits per second. Pages will load faster on 4G. The picture shows the sequence of transitions to the section for individual brands.

Via Samsung Kies

Users of Samsung devices are recommended to use the Samsung Kies proprietary utility to connect via USB. You can download it on the manufacturer’s official website. Next, follow these steps:

  1. connect the gadget to the computer via the connecting cord;
  2. On your smartphone, go to “Settings”, “Wireless Networks” section;
  3. in the “Modem and access point” subsection, check the boxes for “USB modem” and Mobile AP;
  4. In the network settings, find the shortcut for your cell phone (usually called the smartphone model) and select it.

Through Samsung Kies, you can also resolve connection errors by selecting the appropriate block in the main window.

Via EasyTether

An alternative method is the EasyTether Lite/Pro program. It allows you to configure your smartphone as a wired router. To use the application, do:

Afterwards you will be able to use " world wide web" fully. When downloading any software, check it for viruses to avoid theft of personal information and damage to system files.

OpenVPN and Azilink software

This is additional software for using your phone as a modem. The method contains steps:

  1. Install OpenVPN. Download the archive to your PC from Azilink.
  2. Connect your mobile phone to your computer using a cable.
  3. In the archive, run azilink-install.cmd. The program will be installed on your smartphone.
  4. Launch Azilink on your smartphone and check the box next to Service Active.
  5. Run in the archive start-vpn.cmd. Wait until the installation process completes.
  6. Be sure to turn off Wi-Fi on your smartphone. Now you can visit any unblocked pages on the network via 3G on a laptop or PC.

Connecting iOS phones

Apple owners also have access to router mode. To activate, follow the steps below:

Connection via bluetooth

Let's find out how to make a modem from a Bluetooth gadget. To do this, in the “Personal Access Point” section, click the appropriate item. On Android smartphones, click on it. In the window that appears, click " Bluetooth connection" The same is true for iOS. Next, in the Start menu, activate Bluetooth and search.

Create an access point using Wi-Fi

You can make it from your mobile wireless point access. We will tell you how to do this on Android, iOS and Windows Phone systems.

For Android

You don't have to connect your smartphone to your computer. Check that your PC has a Wi-Fi adapter (on laptops it is installed from the factory). Activation is performed according to the following instructions.

Hi all! In this article we will talk about how to connect Android as a modem to a computer. The need for such a scheme arose for the author of the blog, again at work. Remember migrating a small local network?

So it is with her that the intense struggle continues. Today I received a call from an accountant asking me to set up the Internet, since deadlines for submitting various tax returns are running out. Of course, an interesting task, given the fact that there is not yet a working telephone line in the room.

But none of the computers, unfortunately, are equipped with wireless network card, so the tested scheme with organization disappears immediately. But there is still a solution and it is quite simple.

So, friends, to connect an Android smartphone to your computer as a modem, we will need drivers for the mobile device you are using and a standard USB charging cable from the kit. In general, let's connect:

IN in this example We use Huawei P7 based operating system Android versions 4.4.2 . Immediately after pairing the devices, the computer will begin to detect the phone and ask you to install drivers. We must agree with this.

It is known for certain that many users have difficulties at this step, since the disk out of the box is not always at hand, and not everyone succeeds in finding the appropriate version of drivers on the Internet the first time.

Therefore, the advice here will be this. Immediately download the proprietary program to synchronize your gadget with your computer. It will already contain all the files and components necessary for installation. For example, for Huawei it is called HiSuite.

After this, the first thing you should do is go to the “Settings” menu:

Then in the wireless networks section, select "More":

In the next step we find the option “Modem mode”:

And, in fact, check the box next to the “USB modem” function:

Now all that remains is to return to the very beginning and activate data transfer:

It is clear that for this you need to have a 3G mobile Internet service configured on your phone, which is provided by the cellular operator as part of the tariff plan you are using.

And now, in principle, our Android smartphone should already work as a modem for a computer via a USB cable. If pages do not open in the browser, you need to check whether the recently appeared telephone connection is active on your PC:

Also in such cases it would be useful to use PING. And with this, our story about how to connect Android as a modem to a computer via USB has come to its logical conclusion.

If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article. Let's think about their solution together. And in conclusion, you can watch another interesting video.

These days, constant access to global network necessary for many people. After all, this is one of the important conditions full and comfortable life in modern world, successful professional activity, quick receipt necessary information, interesting pastime and so on. But what should a person do if he finds himself in a place where there is no wired broadband Internet or USB modem, and he urgently needs to get to the World Wide Web from his computer?

Let's consider one of the options for solving this problem. Almost everyone now has a smartphone. And this device may well help us as a modem for a personal computer, given the sufficient coverage of the area with a signal from 3G and 4G networks from mobile operators. Let's try to connect your smartphone to a PC via a USB port and set up an Internet connection.

Connecting your phone as a modem via USB

So we have Personal Computer with Windows 8 on board and a smartphone on Android based. You need to connect your phone to your PC via a USB port and use it to access the Internet. In other versions of Microsoft OS and on iOS devices, the actions will be similar, maintaining the overall logical sequence. The only additional device we need is a standard one USB cable from a telephone charger or similar with identical connectors. Let's get started.

  1. Turn on the computer. We are waiting full load operating system.
  2. Open on your smartphone "Settings", where we need to make a few important changes.
  3. On the tab system settings find the section "Wireless network" and go to Extra options by pressing the button "More".
  4. On the next page we are interested in "Hot spot", that is, an access point. Tap on this line.
  5. In Android devices, there are three options for creating an access point: via Wi-Fi, with using Bluetooth and the Internet we need now via USB. We move to the desired tab with a familiar icon.
  6. Now it’s time to physically connect your smartphone to your computer via USB using the appropriate cable.
  7. On a mobile device, move the slider to the right, turning on the function "Internet via USB". Please note that when activated public access the mobile network will not be accessible to the phone's memory on the computer.
  8. Windows starts automatic installation drivers for smartphone. This process takes a few minutes. We are waiting for it to finish.
  9. A message appears on the smartphone screen indicating that the personal hotspot is turned on. This means that we did everything right.
  10. Now all that remains is to configure new network according to your criteria, for example, access network printers and other devices.
  11. The task was successfully completed. You can fully enjoy access to the global network. Ready!

Disabling modem mode

After you no longer need to use your phone as a modem for your computer, you need to disconnect the USB cable and the enabled function on your smartphone. In what order is it best to do this?

As you can see, configure Internet access for your computer via mobile phone using a USB cable is quite simple. The main thing is not to forget to control your traffic consumption, because the tariffs of mobile operators can differ radically from the offers of wired Internet providers.

Mobile technologies do not stand still, gadgets become obsolete, and the needs of network users for fast data exchange are growing. What to do if your phone does not support modern communication standards? Should I buy a new one or accept the lag in progress? It turns out that you can access the network not only from a computer through a portable communication device. Let's look at how to connect a USB modem to an Android smartphone.

The task is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The following errors may occur:

  1. In the settings of the Android device there is no item “ Mobile networks" You need to look for other firmware versions, otherwise you won’t be able to connect the modem.
  2. There is not enough power. An alternative is to use it with a fully charged battery, buy a higher quality cable or a USB hub with external power.

Necessary equipment

Is it possible to connect a modem to the phone without purchasing additional equipment? Only if the device has a USB connector. This is more typical for tablets. In other cases, you will have to purchase an adapter from USB to the connector of your phone. Moreover, this should not be an ordinary cable, but an OTG so-called host adapter. It is intended specifically for external devices, and not just pairing a mobile phone with a computer.

You also need to purchase the USB modem itself, which consists of a communication module (3G or faster 4G) and a flash drive where the connection settings are stored.

Setting up the modem

Before we tell you how to connect a USB modem to your phone, let’s look at setting up the modem mode itself. If this is not done, then it will be recognized by the Android system simply as a storage medium.

For Huawei and ZTE brand phones the task is simpler; a special device has been developed for them. software. Just run it and check the required box. For all other phones you need to do the following:

The preliminary setup is complete, now let's move on to how to connect to Android phone 3G modem.

IMPORTANT. If you want to use the device on a computer, the changed settings must be returned. Repeat all steps of the instructions, but enter the following command in the terminal: AT^U2DIAG=255.

Smartphone setup

After preliminary preparation, you can proceed to setting up your Android smartphone.

If all steps were completed successfully, then you were able to connect the modem to the smartphone. However, manufacturers mobile devices I’m not happy with the situation when, instead of buying a more expensive one, modern gadget a potential consumer finds out how to reconfigure a 3G modem so that it can be connected to an Android phone. And it creates software obstacles for this, artificially restricting access.

To bypass these restrictions, you need to root the system. Almost the same as administrator rights in Windows. Having such rights allows you to change or delete system files devices. To install root, download special application and follow the instructions to set it up.

IMPORTANT. Obtaining root rights often threatens to void the smartphone manufacturer's warranty. Think carefully before you decide to perform such manipulations with your gadget.

Here, perhaps, are all the nuances of how to connect a USB modem to your phone and configure it to work correctly using special software.

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