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Getting free VKontakte stickers. Emojiplus - extension for Vkontakte stickers Add-ons for Yandex browser VK stickers

It's no secret to anyone that social network VKontakte has a huge selection of stickers. These are graphic images of various characters that allow users to express their thoughts and emotions without text message but a funny picture. Most stickers need to be purchased with votes, which cost money. For many people, it will be a discovery that there is an emojiplus extension for Yandex browser and other popular web browsers, which provides users with a large selection of different message stickers. Where to download it and how to use it will be discussed in this article.


You can download the add-on for your browser in two ways:

  • using the installer;
  • download from the browser add-on store.

The first method can be dangerous because when downloading from unverified sources, an unnecessary or malicious file can be downloaded along with the installer. Therefore, it is better to use the second method, which is safe.

Let's analyze the installation procedure for Emojiplus for different browsers.


One of the most popular browsers in our country and around the world Google Chrome has an extension store
1. Run the program.

2. Go to the "Settings" section.

3. Select the "Extensions" item.

4. Will open new tab, where in the lower left corner of the screen is a button to go to the Chrome Web Store.

5. In the search bar, enter the name of the extension you are interested in "emojiplus" and press the Enter key.

6. An extension will appear on the screen. By clicking on it, the user will open a page with detailed information and reviews.

7. To install the add-on in the browser, you must click the appropriate button on the right side of the screen.

8. After installation, an extension icon will appear to the right of the search bar, which will be highlighted when the page of the VKontakte site is opened.

Yandex browser

This web browser does not have its own extension store, but the Crominium engine used in development and an agreement with Opera Software allow you to install add-ons from their stores. In order to download Emojiplus for Yandex Browser, you need:
1. Open the program and enter the address of the Chrome app store in the line.

2. Enter the desired extension "Emojiplus" in the search field and press the Enter button.

3. Click on the add-on that appears.

4. Press the "Install" button.

5. Confirm the action by clicking the "Install extension" button in the window that appears.

6. After successful installation, a corresponding inscription will appear in the upper right corner of the screen.


Users of this browser are facing a problem when installing the extension. On the this moment there is no corresponding add-on in the Opera store. If you use the link from official group Emojiplus on Vkontakte, the browser will report that the page was not found.

Nevertheless, there is a way out of this situation. You can use the Google Chrome Web Store. To do this, visit the site https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions?hl=en and follow the steps described in the previous paragraphs.

After clicking the "Install" button, a new window will open in which you need to click the appropriate button again.

It remains only to confirm the action by pressing the "Yes, install" button.

Now you can use Emojiplus in Opera browser.


Unfortunately, there is currently no Emojiplus version for Firefox. Browser users can search for similar extensions in the store Mozilla plugins or wait for the browser version to be released.

In addition to the listed web browsers, Emojiplus can be installed on all programs created on the Chrominium engine. These include: Amigo, Comodo, Orbitum.

Setting up and using the add-on

After installation, the user will have access to new stickers that he can use when sending messages and writing comments on the VKontakte social network. Before you start working with Emojiplus, you should go to http://vk.com using your username and password.

You need to use the browser in which the extension was installed.

In order to add new stickers for your account, you should go to the add-on settings.

The page that opens will display information about all currently available emojis. To upload new ones, you need to click the "Add new stickers" button.

After that, you can use new stickers in correspondence. To do this, simply select the desired option from the list offered.

The Emojiplus browser extension is a great opportunity to get and use a lot of stickers for free on the VKontakte social network. It will help save money in case the user has previously purchased such sets for a fee.

VK stickers are an extended version of emoticons. These images were originally supposed to show certain emotions, but now among them there are many and simply beautiful pictures with animals, movie characters or famous people. I, like my friends, have been looking for an opportunity to get VKontakte stickers for free for a long time, and in this article I will share my findings.

Free stickers activation

VKontakte offers its visitors many free stickers, but they must be activated before use.

Stickers should appear in the corresponding tab of the emoticons menu, if this did not happen, then you need to refresh all pages (Shift + F5). If you have a large number of stickers installed, you may need to scroll through the menu using the arrows. No need to be afraid to add stickers, if some sets become redundant, then there is always the opportunity to remove them in the "My Stickers" tab.

Installing extensions with free stickers for the browser

This method of exchanging free stickers on a PC is an excellent addition to the standard functionality of VKontakte.

Each plugin has its own set of stickers, so it is impossible to unequivocally determine the best one, it depends on the tastes and needs of a particular user.

You need to download extensions only from official stores, in otherwise it is possible that they contain viruses. The installation process differs depending on the browser, for example, for Chrome you need:

After installing the add-on, you may need to restart your browser. New stickers received without money will appear in the emoticons menu, their use is completely the same as the built-in stickers of the social network. If the extension does not work correctly, then you should disable the conflicting plugins (if any) and update the browser to the latest version.


Online services that allow you to get VK stickers

Stickers from this category are convenient because they can be used immediately, you do not need to download anything and register anywhere. Let's take the JoySmile service as an example. The site contains a huge number of original stickers, and its collection continues to grow. At the bottom of the main page there is a detailed instruction on how to send a sticker, which all beginners should read. Unfortunately, you won't be able to customize the site's interface to your personal needs.

The main drawback of the service is the lack of many popular images, so you will additionally have to use a standard set of stickers from VK. The developers are constantly improving the project, which means that visiting the site will definitely not be superfluous, something new will probably appear there.

It is most convenient to use the service on a PC, theoretically it is also suitable for mobile devices, but in practice this is inconvenient, and is suitable only in extreme cases.

Mobile Apps with Stickers

Apps are the easiest way to share stickers on smartphones and tablets. Main advantage special programs is wide functionality and availability of opportunities customization, which browser extensions and most sites cannot boast of. Before using applications, you need to make sure that the official VK client is installed on your smartphone, this is required for authorization.

Extension "Set of stickers for VKontakte"

As an example for the Android OS, you can cite Sticker sets for VKontakte. The advantages of the application include complete free, Russian-language interface, the presence of sorting by category, the ability to search by name and a list of the last sent stickers. You can change the set yourself: hide unused sections and turn your own photos into stickers. The downside is the presence of ads.

It should be noted that in early versions mobile client VK sticker on the recipient's side can be displayed as a picture. In this case, you will need to update the application to the latest version.


It is not recommended to use little-known applications for receiving VK stickers created a few days ago, even if they are in official store. Otherwise, there is a risk of account theft or spamming on your behalf. Moderators Play market And App Store They try to block fraudulent programs and prevent their distribution in other ways, but it is impossible to completely guarantee the security of each application.

Emojiplus is a browser extension that allows you to get a large number of free emoticons and stickers in the social network Vkontakte. After installing it, you will be able to write comments and messages with the addition a large number a variety of emoticons for free.

The Emojiplus extension offers a huge set of all kinds of stickers on a variety of topics. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to install the Emojiplus browser extension, how to use it and where to get message stickers.

You can download the Emojiplus extension for the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome;
  • Yandex browser;
  • Comodo Dragon;
  • Orbitum;
  • Amigo;
  • Chromium.

There are two ways to install Emojiplus different ways: Download from the Internet or install it directly through the settings in the Internet browser you are using. Let's take a closer look at the second option - since it is safer and involves installation from an official and trusted source. Be extremely careful when downloading archives and files from third-party sites. Before installing them, you must first check for malicious files and so on.

For Google Chrome

Consider installing the extension in more detail using a specific example - for Google browser Chrome.

For Yandex browser

How to use the extension

You can use the plugin only directly in your VKontakte account. To do this, go to the site vk.com, enter your username and password, and log in to your page. Emojiplus will add to the list of available stickers big amount all kinds of emoticons. You can add them completely free of charge when sending messages and comments on Vkontakte.

After installation, you need to update your VKontakte page. In order for new emoticons to be added to the set, you need to open the window with stickers and click on the icon in the lower right corner "Update list". After that, additional sets with various pictures will appear in it, which you can use for free by attaching them to messages.

To do this, go to the "Message" menu and select any user to send a message. Click on the emoticons that are located at the bottom of the window to enter a message.

Additional active sticker icons will appear in front of you. You can use active stickers freely and without additional payment. In fact, they simply complement the standard set of free stickers and emoticons on VKontakte. Select the appropriate sticker and click on it with the mouse, it will be automatically added to the message and sent to the user.

Stickers on the social network VKontakte are actively used by the vast majority of users, despite their currency value. At the same time, some, especially beginners, do not know about the existence of special free stickers that can be obtained in several ways at once, depending on your personal desires.

Please note that you can get a paid set only after purchasing it in the corresponding store on the site. Within the framework of this article, exclusively legal methods of obtaining free stickers will be considered.

To date, there are only a few ways to get stickers - using the basic functionality and using additional software.

Method 1: Free stickers in the store

All you need to know about the VK.com store is the open possibility of connecting free pictures that remain with the user forever without any restrictions. Moreover, the list of stickers handed out for nothing is constantly updated, although it does not keep up with the main paid sets.

Often, especially recently, on the VK website you can also find special sets of stickers, which you can get by completing various tasks. In addition, such stickers are distributed only for a limited period of time, after which their distribution is suspended.

In addition to the main nuances, we can also mention special groups where stickers or free gifts are distributed on a competitive basis, which can also provide the user with one or more stickers.

  1. Log in to the VK website and go to the section "Messages" through the main menu of the site.
  2. Open absolutely any user dialog, for example, with yourself.
  3. Hover your mouse over the smiley icon on the right side of the main field to enter a text message.
  4. On the bottom panel, find the store icon with a tooltip "Sticker Shop", which is often supplemented by numbers symbolizing the appearance of new stickers.
  5. Under the promotional header of the store, find the main tabs for sorting content and go to the section "Free".
  6. Choose the set of stickers you like and click the button "Is free" with tooltip "Add Free".
  7. You can simultaneously add all the free stickers that are in the store at the time of connection.

  8. After adding, you will receive a corresponding notification in the form of a pop-up notification.
  9. To use activated stickers, return to the dialog, hover over the previously mentioned smiley icon and at the very bottom switch to the tab with the set of stickers you are interested in.

When you add temporary stickers, you will also receive special message from the bot with a detailed explanation of the procedure for obtaining a complete set.

Method 2: Browser extension

Today, you can find many different add-ons on the Internet that give you the opportunity to use some stickers for free. It is also important to take into account that you need to trust only popular add-ons that fully fulfill their promises and provide services completely free of charge, regardless of any factors.

Some browser extensions that are trusted can distribute not only free, but also paid stickers. As a result, you should exercise great care when accessing such software.

As practice shows, many users use the EmojiPlus add-on, on the example of which we will show the process of adding and using stickers.

  1. Open home page and enter in search string emoji plus.
  2. Find in the search results desired extension and click on the button "Install".
  3. Confirm the installation through a special Google Chrome dialog box.
  4. When the addition is completed, return to the VK website and, in accordance with the first method, open the list of emoticons.
  5. As you can see, the basic interface has changed somewhat and, at the same time, has expanded in terms of capabilities.
  6. Go to the sticker store of this extension by clicking on the store icon.
  7. Choose your own set of stickers at the click of a button "Add".
  8. You can turn on all possible stickers at once.

  9. Return to the VKontakte dialogs, reload the page and open the emoticons interface again.
  10. Now switch to the tab with the downloaded set below and feel free to use the stickers.

It should be noted that despite the amazing quality implementation free stickers, this extension sends image files directly, not stickers. In addition, pictures may not display correctly if you use a site with pre-installed themes for VKontakte.

Also, do not disregard the fact that it is not possible to use standard stickers of this social network.

Method 3: Android Application

This method is an excellent and, in fact, the only alternative to getting free stickers using the VKontakte website from Android mobile devices. It will suit, of course, only those people who prefer to sit on phones or tablets, since stickers will only be available from the device where they were activated.

The method works only when using the desired application.

  1. Open the main page of the Google Play app store and enter in the search box "VK stickers".
  2. As the first hint, you will be presented with an application "Sets of stickers for VKontakte" The page to go to.
  3. Click the button "Install" to initiate the download process.
  4. After successfully downloading and installing, open this add-on.
  5. Log in via VKontakte by selecting the item "Login" in context menu, which appears when you click on the inscription "Click to enter".
  6. Further, being on the tab STICKERS, turn on the sticker packs you are interested in using the switches on the right side of the screen.
  7. Switch to tab "Dialogues", open any correspondence and open a special interface by clicking on the smiley icon on the left side of the message input field.
  8. Among the tabs below, switch to the one that was added last.
  9. Submit a sticker of some kind to verify that this method works.

EmojiPlus for Yandex.Browser- This is an excellent extension in the past, which was created specifically for the social network VKontakte. It was intended for sending various emoji in correspondence. But now it can't be used. Why exactly? Let's figure it out.

It's no secret that VK uses the so-called stickers (they are also emoji). These are funny pictures (sometimes animated) that users send to each other in order to express some kind of emotion. So this plugin is designed to expand this function and get free images to send.

However, at the moment it does not work, due to the fact that it has not been updated by the developer for a long time, and the VK social network is constantly developing. Since this extension is rejected, we will offer you an interesting alternative. It applies not only to this one, but also to any others.


Experienced users of VKontakte undoubtedly know that there are free sticker packs on this social network. You can easily activate them and resort to them when you want. However, few people know exactly where they are.

Therefore, we need to talk about how they can be found and activated. If you have never traveled through such nooks and crannies of VK before, then you may have certain problems. Therefore, we provide detailed instructions with a clear course of action. She will help you do everything right:


The Emoji Plus extension for VK in Yandex.Browser was once interesting for the user due to the fact that it offered such opportunities. But alas, those days are gone. For some reason, the developers abandoned the development of their own add-on, and now it does not work on the social network.

But there is an affordable alternative. It consists in the use of free stickers, which are periodically distributed on a special VKontakte page. It is enough to visit it and press a few buttons.

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