Hardware and software setup

There is a strange noise in the headphones. Extraneous sounds in headphones and speakers

Almost all home computers and laptops are used to work, participate in a variety of gaming processes, travel around social networks and other sites and, of course, you can not do without playing audio and video recordings.

For this reason, users have connected special speakers or headphones to most of the devices. These elements help improve the sound and increase its volume. In some cases, both of these components are used.

But when using speakers, not only necessary, but also extraneous sounds can occur. It can be a variety of noises. Quite often, users encounter such difficulties. But since this makes it difficult to enjoy watching a movie or the sound of your favorite musical composition, you need to try to understand this issue and eliminate it.

This question cannot be called simple, although at first glance, this is the impression that users have. In fact, the appearance of crackling, trembling, and various other noises is provoked by a variety of reasons.

But it is pointless to consider all the reasons, since this process is incredibly long. So it is worth concentrating on the most common scenarios that provoke the appearance of such a problem.

But first, it is worth checking the performance of the speakers, headphones and connectors into which these elements are connected. To do this, you need to use a third-party device. You will need to connect these components to it. To check the connectors, you will need to connect other speakers and headphones to them. If this is all right, then it is worth considering other options for the reasons.

Check for required drivers

Extraneous sounds can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. But if they have already arisen, then it is necessary to understand that this problem cannot be eliminated on its own. So let's start searching for the causes and quickly troubleshooting.

Anything can happen due to driver issues. Very often, users may note the incorrect functioning of the gadget, because it lacks several drivers or they are outdated. The reason is banal, but at the same time, the device may stop due to these components.

If special drivers are not installed, then the sound may not be played at all. Incorrectness in work is also noted in cases where the drivers were installed completely wrong. It is extremely important that only those elements that are 100% suitable for the gadget used are loaded on the device.

AT otherwise a variety of failures in the work of programs will begin. The sound card will eventually not provide sound playback in the correct mode. In general, the work of numerous elements is disrupted, which together ensure the reliable functioning of the device.

That's why in the end and why there are various noises. Problems of a similar nature can be satellites of the reinstallation process. operating system. That is, when the user has done Windows boot or updated the system, then there are difficulties with the drivers.

The user can find out about this from the corresponding notification that will be shown on the PC screen. To check whether the job is running correctly or not, you will need to go to the Task Manager. To do this, activate this assistant.

This can be done by using a few keys or by going to the Control Panel, which is located in the main menu on the desktop. Next, go to the hardware and sound section. And after that, several sections will appear, among which you can find the Task Manager.

After that, you will need to open a tab called "Audio inputs and audio outputs". Now you need to carefully look at whether the devices are indicated opposite exclamation points yellow or red. If they are not visible, then the problem is not related to the drivers.

But if suddenly they are present, then the problem arose precisely with these elements. In this case, you will need to check that all necessary components. If necessary, it remains only to load the missing objects. After that, there should be no more difficulties with sound. But this is if the drivers were the culprits.

Difficulties with cable. Common cause noise

It is not uncommon for users to deal with a cable that is not working properly. This is one of the most common reasons. As a result, extraneous sounds, noises, crackles and so on may appear.

The problem lies in poor contact between the speaker and the sound card. Contact deteriorates for a variety of reasons. Most often this happens for the reason that the cable may be loose. At the same time, it can move to different positions, being damaged.

So the best way out is to attach the cable to the wall or piece of furniture. In this case, it will always be in one position and not be damaged by people and animals.

Also, there are frequent cases of damage not to the entire cable, but to its individual parts. In this case, the sound may disappear not in two columns, but in one. To verify this kind of damage, you should install the headphones to another device. During testing, it will be possible to identify the true cause. So, it will be possible to eliminate its consequences.

Poor contact between the network card jack of the device and the plug of the headphones connected to it can also be detected. Sometimes the way out of the situation may be some manipulation of the plug. You can try taking it out and then putting it back in.

You can also try it a little and turn it very carefully. We turn in any direction and check whether the connection is made or not. In some cases, data simple steps able to help.

In any case, it is necessary to monitor exactly how the cable is placed. It must always be attached to the floor or wall. In this position, it will be the least damaged during use. Also, the cable should not be moved, rotated, and performed other manipulations every time that can harm the signals transmitted through it.

Also, difficulties often arise for other reasons. If this element is too long, then you should not be surprised by extraneous sounds. This is due to the fact that the cable is often bent. In this position, it transmits a damaged signal. So you should make it the length of the optimal size and the problem will be eliminated.

Adjusting sound settings

This is often the reason why problems arise. It's hard to even imagine that correct setting playback settings can improve the sound quality. But if the user illiterately performed the setting, noise and other sounds may appear.

In this case, the user may not even be aware that he previously performed some actions incorrectly. Quite often, various kinds of noise in the sound can be observed due to the included PC Beer and the line input. Often wrong setting provokes changes in frequency parameters.

This is further reflected in the sound quality. In this aspect, it is necessary to take into account the features of the device used, since the settings are made individually for each device. Sound data correction is done in the control panel.

Users will need to go to the section with sound and equipment. After that, open the tab with volume settings. Now an icon with the image of a speaker will appear, on which you will need to click. In this case, the properties of the device will open, which are displayed as "Speakers and Headphones".

Users should slightly reduce the signal level, as well as make some other adjustments regarding the PC Beer section. You need to view the data that is specified in the parameters of the CD, as well as in the tab with the line input.

As soon as the work is completed, it is imperative to save the entered information. In some cases, after this kind of manipulation, the reproduced sound becomes much “cleaner” and more beautiful. So do not neglect the setting.

Poor quality equipment

Some users prefer to buy inexpensive goods, but at the same time demand high quality from them. But this happens very rarely. Often, users notice a decrease in the quality of the reproduced sound.

And the thing is that when creating inexpensive speakers and headphones, it is impossible to use expensive parts. Therefore, you should not demand something supernatural from such components. Inexpensive models will not be able to provide excellent sound. Especially it is not necessary to make the volume level maximum, since in this case interference will be especially manifested.

You should always adjust the volume level, not only directly on the speakers, but also on the computer you are using. Only when harmony is achieved can sound be achieved. good quality. In general, you shouldn't skimp if great sounding is your goal.

Other reasons: grounding and power supply

This problem can appear if the columns pass through themselves electrical signals. They also pass through the body. personal computer. That is why you should not be surprised that various third-party noises arise, which, in theory, should not be.

In order to exclude this problem, you will need to apply an incredibly easy-to-implement trick. It consists in ensuring the connection of the device case with the battery. All this is done using a conventional cable or cord. It is possible to eliminate interference in this way if the cause was directly related to grounding.

But also difficulties can arise due to power supply. Since this problem only affects laptops, it does not threaten users of stationary devices. So laptop users can try to check the sound card for power. If it is not enough, then this provokes the appearance of third-party noise.

You can check this in the power tab. You can find it in the main menu. We click on the "Start" button, after which many sections will appear, among which the Control Panel will certainly appear. Next, we find the section with the system and security.

Now it remains only to enter the power tab. In it, you must specify the level of performance that you need. We choose the maximum value. In the tab with additional parameters, specify desired value. Often this section is hidden. So you don't have to be afraid of it.

Immediately after the manipulations, we try to connect the gadget to a network with power supply. Only after that it will be possible to try again to check the sound quality. If everything is in order, then the problem concerned precisely the lack of food.

There is also another type of noise that can be seen infrequently. It manifests itself in the fact that when you scroll the mouse, this sound can be clearly heard in the headphones or speakers, if they are connected. Maybe this is not very annoying for some, but a separate group of users is very stressed by this.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider this variant of the error. The reasons can also be very different. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to establish the real "culprit" of this. So it is worth trying to perform a few manipulations that will really help.

You can also resort to implementing a mouse connection from a different port, or use a completely different mouse. It can also be purchased to replace the wired version of the wireless. This may help in some situations. So problems with the mouse can also provoke atypical noises.

Whatever the cause, it can be identified, and then all the necessary efforts can be made to eliminate its consequences. This instruction will certainly help.

It is almost impossible to imagine the operation of a computer without sound. This is especially true for entertainment, video games without sound accompaniment are not interesting, watching movies with subtitles also makes no sense, and listening to music becomes impossible. The sound is necessary, so each user has a speaker or several, or headphones. These devices are necessary, but no one wants to fork out for expensive options, people buy cheap audio systems that eventually fail or start to act up. What can I say, crackling in computer speakers and other extraneous sounds can appear even in expensive devices.

Noise can appear due to the operation of the computer, the operating system is loaded, information is being processed, all this is accompanied by unpleasant crackles and squeaks. Fortunately, the problem is solvable, but first you need to find out what is the reason for the appearance of extra sounds.

Throwing away the old device and buying a new one is the last resort. In fact, noise in headphones or speakers can appear due to damage or improper connection of wires, drivers, and even Windows settings.


Often the hissing sound appears when the PC sound card and the device for sound reproduction are poorly connected. There are three options here:

  • The connection wire is damaged. This causes not only interference in the computer speakers, but also such a problem when only one of the speakers works. It is not always possible to determine the location of the cord failure by eye, so it is better to connect the device to another computer and check.
  • Contact between audio device wire and network card Bad quality.

  • The wire is not fixed. When a draft wags the cord, or children play with the wires, noise is generated in the speakers. In such a situation, it is necessary to attach the wire to a solid base; adhesive tape is suitable for this purpose.

It also happens that the problem appears due to the use of a long cord, while the crackling is not strong, but it still causes inconvenience. Using a shorter wire will solve the problem.


The operation of the computer, including sound reproduction, depends on the drivers. When they are not installed, the user will not hear anything at all, and if a person downloads the wrong driver, then the device will be disrupted.

Such malfunctions appear after updating the "firewood" or installing a new package. This issue is reported by Windows.

To check whether these sounds in the headphones really appeared due to the drivers, we do the following manipulations:

  • We go to the “Control Panel”, there we already click on the “Hardware and Sound” icon and click on the line “Task Manager”;

  • If there is no yellow or red warning icon, then there is no problem with the sound drivers. When such signs are present, we fix the problems.

In any case, with available updates, you should do this. Perhaps the outside noise will disappear.


Two or three randomly placed marks next to unknown options can degrade the sound quality. Hiss in the headphones appears when PCBeep is running and the line input is running. Other functions, depending on the settings of the computer, can also affect the volume and quality.

fig.1. Go to the "Control Panel" menu, select the "Hardware and Sound" icon, and then click on the "Volume Adjustment" function

fig.2. At the second stage of work, click LMB on the "Speakers and Headphones" icon

fig.3. In the "Levels" menu there are PcBeep settings, CD, etc.

  • We translate all these functions to 0, save the configurations and check if this solved the problem.

In some situations, such simple manipulations really improve the quality of reproduction.



Extraneous noise appears in the speakers when the volume is increased. When this figure exceeds 50%, then noises, cods and other unpleasant effects appear instead of music.

This problem torments all owners of inexpensive devices, this is also called the "jitter" effect. Also, noises appear when the volume level of the speakers is set to the maximum, and in the operating system, on the contrary, at the minimum configurations.

In such a situation, we find the "golden mean"

To solve the problem with "jitter" when increasing the volume is almost unrealistic. The only way out is to buy new speakers.


In most computers, this part is installed directly into the motherboard and it is bought all together. Buying a separate card costs money and is not a popular decision.

The increased frequencies of all kinds of boards form electromagnetic actions that do not interfere with the operation of the digital part of the device, but strongly affect the analog components, which is why the quality of reproduction decreases.

Inexpensive PCI options are slightly better in this regard, but they also have this problem.


When the board is installed near the video card, the computer speakers begin to make noise. The fact is that the video card produces special signals that come to the sound card and form noise.

If this is not possible, then we create a special reflective screen from cardboard and foil.


Therefore, a computer connected to a regular outlet will produce sound with noise and crackles. In laptops, this problem cannot be solved, because in such a situation the board will not be grounded.

Extraneous sound and noise in the headphones and speakers must be eliminated.

When connecting any peripheral device to a personal computer, special attention and caution should be exercised. The harder peripheral device, the more difficult the procedure for connecting it will be. Microphones, headphones and speakers are often connected to speakers. These elements today help us communicate on the Internet. Without them, it would be very problematic to imagine a modern user. On the one hand, connecting headphones and a microphone does not require anything special. However, in order to bring this idea to life, it is often necessary to carry out a long adjustment of the components. In addition, devices may not work properly. Users are often interested in the question, how can I get rid of noise in the headphones when connected to a computer? Why does it occur at all? What is needed to fix this problem? If you get answers to all the questions listed above, then working with sound on a personal computer will no longer cause you problems.

Why is there noise when using headphones?

First of all, it is important to determine where the noise comes from in the headphones. Many users today face this problem. Sometimes this problem is temporary, and in some cases, the noise in the headphones may not disappear for a long time. In fact, the nature of the problem is quite diverse. Noise in headphones can occur for various reasons. It is rather problematic to predict which alignment will help correct the situation. For example, noise in the headphones may be due to lost settings or a hardware failure. Then you need to figure out how to get rid of noise on your computer.

Sound card

The first reason that can affect the sound quality in the operating system is problems with the sound card. It may be outdated or damaged. In this case, noise and crackling may appear in the headphones, the sound in the headphones “breaks”. To correct this situation, only a complete replacement or repair of the sound card will help. Only after that, extraneous noise will disappear in the headphones.


This problem is rarely encountered by users. We are talking about grounding sockets, to which the headset and headphones are generally connected. In this case, various kinds of noise may occur. If we are talking about working with a laptop, then connecting the computer to a grounded outlet is unlikely to fix the problem. For laptops, as a rule, motherboards on the motherboard may not be grounded. In this case, you will have to replace them, or put up with this problem. Users in some cases prefer not to use a laptop.

USB devices

Suddenly there is noise in the headphones connected to a personal computer? Different kinds of sounds can be produced when a variety of devices are connected. They appear immediately, not some time later. For example, you may hear a monotonous sound when you connect a mouse. If we are talking about the keyboard, then most likely, when you press the keys, you will hear clicks. This happens for the following reasons:

— active transfer of information to the computer. In this case, we can recommend not to connect USB devices to certain ports. It is advisable to find other places to connect devices, or even start using wireless headset and other devices.

- damage to the USB port. In this case, you can suggest repairing the USB port. In practice, users often prefer to simply reconnect devices to other ports. Fortunately, this problem does not occur very often in practice. Modern laptops and personal computers are made in such a way that users can comfortably work at the machines. It is unlikely that such an arrangement will be found in practice.


How else can you get rid of the noise in the headphones when connected to a computer? Here, much will depend on which particular headset model is used. The problem is that today all devices are divided into wired and wireless. This feature can be of great importance. Noise in speakers and headphones is often found in models connected via cable. What is the main problem? Various kinds of noise can occur when the cable from the headphones or microphone is damaged. This is due to poor quality information transfer. sound card. Probably the cable is just damaged. In this case, you need to fix the breakdown. There is another trick that users with a wired headset are advised to do: unplug the cord from the jack and plug it back into the computer. It is this method that often helps to fix the problem. If you are using a computer wireless headphones, then such an arrangement will not help.


The following source of the problem is relevant for all types of devices. But in practice it is quite rare. A lot of noise in the headphones when connected to a personal computer may be due to a damaged or missing device or sound card driver. In this case, you just need to reinstall or update the corresponding software for normal functioning operating system with a connected device. As a rule, for wireless headsets, all drivers are bundled with the device on a separate disk. As a last resort, you can always find and download drivers from the headset or sound card manufacturer's website.

Sound to the max

Often background noise occurs in headphones of any model with incorrectly set sound settings. It does not matter if a microphone is connected to the computer or not. Nothing depends on him in this scenario. If the sound settings on your computer are set to the maximum, then you may experience wheezing and noise on the computer. A similar problem usually affects users who have purchased cheap headphones and a headset. You can fix this problem quite simply. To do this, turn down the volume. This can be done using the mixer in the operating system. You just need to click on the gramophone icon next to the clock and date, and then drag down the slider. As a result, the noise should disappear. As you can see for yourself, this action there is nothing difficult. It is for this reason that it is recommended to purchase headphones that have an average cost. When using them, users rarely encounter a similar problem.
Microphone - harm or benefit?

Now it should be clear to you how you can remove the noise in the headphones on your computer. But this is not all the tricks that allow you to fix the problem. What to do if the options listed above do not fit? In this case importance has a microphone on a personal computer. It is he who often becomes the main cause of noise in the headphones. How to be? You definitely shouldn't refuse to use a microphone. Instead, it is suggested to perform a small adjustment of the volume and sensitivity of the device. In this case, you will be able to get rid of unnecessary noise. How can this be done?

We suggest you use the instructions below:

- boot up the computer;

- connect a headset with a microphone;

- press right click mouse on the mixer on the right side of the screen;

- in the menu that appears, click on the item "Sound recording devices ...";

- find the connected microphone in the list;

- double-click on the corresponding line;

- go to the "Levels" tab;

- by moving the sliders, adjust the volume and sensitivity of the microphone;

- if there is PCBeep, turn it off by moving the volume mark to zero;

- check the box next to "Reduce noise" in the "Improvements" section;

- you can also check the item "Removing the constant component".

These steps will help you quickly and easily get rid of the noise in the headset.

How to properly set the settings for the microphone? This question decided individually for each user. You can choose the option that suits you best.


It does not matter at all which headset is connected to the personal computer, wired or wireless. Most of the problems occur on any device models. Most often, wireless headphones for a computer with a microphone are connected and used without much difficulty. The main cause of noise in the headset is the high sensitivity of the microphone. Another possible reason may be the loud environment around the user. How to get rid of noise in the headphones? All of the above methods will help fix the problem. If you use a wireless headset, then with constant noise in the headphones, you can recommend changing the USB socket used as a receiver. Otherwise, all the above recommendations will remain the same. Sometimes extraneous noise in the headphones can occur due to the activity of viruses. However, after treating the PC, the headset starts to work properly. Fortunately, such problems do not occur very often. The main methods to fix the problem are to reduce the sound volume, adjust the microphone and reinstall the driver. Now it should be more or less clear how to get rid of the noise in the headphones on the computer.

Despite the ease of operation, sometimes we still encounter certain problems, such as extraneous sounds like hissing and wheezing, due to which the overall sound quality deteriorates significantly. To fix this problem, you need to know possible reasons her appearance.

It is important to know that, despite all the elementary this device, a person who has not previously encountered problems in his work and eliminate them, this problem may seem very serious.

In order to understand where the hiss in the headphones comes from, you need to understand at least a little how they are arranged. Pay attention to whether you hear hissing sounds constantly or only intermittently.

One of the reasons why this problem may occur is the incorrect connection of the headphones, or rather, the selection of the wrong settings. In addition, if the headphones are not new, check if the contacts with which you connect them are working.

Recommendations: How to properly warm up the headphones and whether to do it
How to fix your headphones yourself if one has stopped working
, Do-it-yourself headphone repair

Noises in the headphones caused by a malfunctioning sound card

Such a detail as a sound card has the most direct impact on how well the melody is reproduced by the equipment. If the part is defective, the personal computer cannot accurately transmit sound signals, because of which the normal sound is complemented by hissing, crackling, the sound seems to “break” and “jump”. In this situation, only the replacement of a defective part will help, and then the sound will no longer be accompanied by extraneous noise.

Faulty wires

The manufacturer of the model is often responsible for the correct operation of the headphones and the correct transmission of sounds.

You should know that there are two types of headphones: wireless and wired. Extraneous sounds, as a rule, appear in models that work through a cable connected with a plug. If the copper strand of the cable is damaged or stretched, noise interference and intermittent sound breaks will occur.

A damaged wire often leads to noise in the headphones on the iPhone. This is due to the fact that the material of the cable is thin and flexible, it breaks easily. A damaged conductor sends incorrect signal characteristics to the sound card, and this is reflected in the sound. How to eliminate wheezing headphones? This can be done by removing a torn or bare section of the wire, in extreme cases, you will have to buy new fittings.

Broken USB input

Incorrect sound may occur after connecting other gadgets to the USB connector. A mouse, or a faulty keyboard, can cause the problem. In this case, pressing the key, you will hear clicks. There are quite objective reasons why this happens.

When information is transmitted, the load on the PC increases. To reduce it, you need to do the following:

1. Switch the plug to another port.

2. You can also purchase a splitter and fix the old connectors to connect.

3. Start using wireless devices.

The problem is that very often users do not pay due attention to the computer, they do not immediately repair the problems that have appeared. As a result, USB connectors become unusable one after another, and only one remains, into which a splitter is connected, and it is on it that the entire load falls, which causes its increase.

How to wear in-ear headphones correctly

Mouse noise

When you scroll the page with the mouse, sometimes you can also notice noises, sometimes they are just unbearable. The solution to the problem will be to replace the mouse, switch the mouse to the adjacent USB port or installing an external sound card.

Lack of grounding sockets

This problem is not often, but still occurs, interfering with the normal operation of the headphones. Lack of grounding can also cause pops, clicks and other noises in the headphones. If you have already checked your headphones and found no problems, also check the outlets that your computer is connected to.

This nuance applies only desktop computers, laptop boards are usually grounded at the stage of their production.

When you use headphones connected to a laptop, incorrect sounds are most likely provoked internal faults devices. Do not delay contacting service center, where your device will be diagnosed for problems.

The sound source itself does not work correctly

Violation of the rules for using headphones often leads to a violation of their work, and in particular to the sound. Also, problems arise in the operation of the main sound source. Rarely, but still, driver errors occur. Program errors and failures in the operation of the operating system cause interference in the form of noise and crackling.

The problem can be detected by checking the device by connecting various headsets. If their work is equally unacceptable - unpleasant sounds will be heard in all headphones, then the problem lies precisely in the device driver.

If you are used to listening to music in a very high volume, you may also notice the appearance of hissing and crackling. As a rule, this happens if you purchase inexpensive headphones.

Insufficient power supply is another reason extraneous noise when headphones sound (this problem is sometimes encountered by laptop owners who have not yet figured out all its features). Fixing this issue is easy with the following tips.

On your laptop, go to "Control Panel", then to "System and Security" and finally to "Power Options", and select the "High Performance" mode. After completing the setup, check the sound quality in the headphones.

Probably, everyone has faced such a problem - people close to you are sleeping around, and you want to listen to something while sitting at the computer. Or just watch a video with sound. It seems to be quality audio system is not required, plug the headphones into the front connector of the computer - and have fun. Yes, it was not here. Greetings, dear friends. My story began with the fact that I changed my personal computer case. The AirTone MC-6010 became a victim of my adventures. I have been looking at it for a long time, big, beautiful, well made ...

Spit and bought. How much can you poison your soul? And happy with a barrel of honey, the bear wandered home ... But the bear did not rejoice for long. There was also a fly in the ointment. Someone stepped on our bear's ear. I connect the headphones to the front (front) panel jack, and I hear a squeak in them. I move the mouse - the squeaks change. I scroll the page with the wheel - it also changes. And this sound is so annoying that it was decided to change something.

The first step was to search for information on the Internet. I refused advice to update the BIOS, and realized that manual therapy is indispensable here. Looks like they messed something up with the land. We will open. Having decided on this thought, he abandoned it for a long, long time. I just didn't want to dig everything up like that. But by chance, I recently undertook to check motherboard his friend, and shook up everything that was in his system. Well, I decided to figure out what was the matter for the company.

So, we have our first task. Disassemble the case and get to the inside of the front connector panel. Ok, let's get started. Having dismantled half of the case, removed the door opening mechanism and much more, I once again made sure that I didn’t notice any fasteners somewhere. And so it turned out. So, our panel with connectors is fixed: a self-tapping screw in the front, access to which is through a rectangular slot in the metal from below. Two screws in the middle. And attention (!!!) another self-tapping screw behind the far latch under the wiring harness. It is this wiring harness that does not allow it to be seen. After that, we move the 3 latches with our hands and pull top panel up and over. It will resist a little, as there are 2 more non-latching type latches installed in the front. Under our onslaught, they also carefully exit their seats without any harm.

Hooray, the hardest part is over! I hope ... Our mind opens up a neatly executed case, in which everything is attached. We take a screwdriver and unscrew the two bolts on the sides that hold it ...

The first thought - wow, how much is there ... But the hands are already climbing further) I must say that I liked the implementation. Everything is done neatly, everything is detached for the convenience of work. Well let's continue. So, we are looking for land. To do this, we need a pinout diagram for the HD audio connector and a tester. The first is easily found on the Internet, the second - at home. Well, or if not at all lucky, then in any radio store. Here is the first of the list:

Having found the wire we need, we call it with a tester. I didn't even have to do it. color coding the wires are made very carefully, and I found the return contact on the connection block to the panel without any problems. It is highlighted in red in the figure below.

Well, of course, you can immediately see the cause of all the problems. The pins of the ground tires of the audio path and USB / E-Sata ports are merged with solder. We turn over - and we are convinced - the earth diverges along different wiring harnesses. Of course, our USB ports give strong interference, which is amplified by the resulting earth loop. So you have to cut. Scalpel please! How not? Well…then a paper knife! (if it is not there, you can use the usual one, but it will be a little less convenient). We cut! Stop. What exactly are we going to cut? Well, I'm in a hurry again. We stick an empty plug into the audio connector, and find where the ground is divorced from it. In the picture above, I marked it in blue.

What would be the best way to do it? Cut off and connect directly to the wire? Then the panel will become one-piece. But what if... Having measured the dimensions, I came to the conclusion that there is more than enough space in this case. Then carefully isolate these pins from the common ground area, and connect them together with jumpers from a piece of wire. Now let's cut!

Each pin pad with a common polygon is connected by four thin jumpers at the corners. We carefully cut them, for reliability, ringing with a tester for the absence of contact. Ready! Now we need to connect them to the main ground pin. How? You can use any wire that suits your aesthetic needs. It is desirable, of course, without extremes. For some reason, I immediately imagine a thin ligature of an engraved pattern on the surface of the insulation ... Ah! We continue! Well, I did not find the wire right away. From computer power supplies - a bit thick, from a twisted pair - thin and brittle. No, something more civilized hunting. Rummaging in the bins, I found this work, probably from the Soviet era. The next generation will never understand where he came from. I barely caught myself

This is the audio cable connected in old computers optical drive with motherboard. Just right! Cut off the black wire. We look. Stranded, tinned copper. As it is impossible by the way. Fine! We take a soldering iron, desoldering pump, and get to work. We separate the required pin from the other three, with which it is filled with solder. We complete the job with a knife, cutting the contact strips going to the common ground. In this place, be careful, there is a path from the pin on the left, which has nothing to do with our disassembly. You have to be careful not to damage it. We check the work done with a tester, and carefully solder two jumpers from a chosen wire.

Rejoicing at the completion of the work, I collect the entire case and turn on the computer. Hooray! No more noise in headphones! True, there is no sound either ... I collected it, how. But after all, he did everything carefully, it seemed that there was nowhere to make a mistake! Rummaging through the driver settings, I found out that not everything is so bad. The panel works, but it does not detect that a device is connected to it. If you turn off the detection function, the sound goes to the headphones. Internet again? Are looking for!

It turns out that my panel was not HD Audio, but simply AC 97. After reading the information, I found out that this is exactly what they differ in. The ability to determine that a device has been connected. Not good. Having climbed a bunch of forums, I did not find information on what algorithm the definition is based on. But the pinout scheme, that is, with both standards. So, let's go looking. We disassemble the case again, this time removing only the top panel.

By the way, the self-tapping screw, which I twisted through a rectangular slot in the metal, I managed to put in the wrong place, it left traces on the board. Be careful not to repeat my mistakes.

Having reached the board again and armed with a tester, I start ringing ... Well, of course! How did I not notice! One of the four pins connected together also goes into the same wiring harness and belongs to HD Audio. As they say in the pinout, this is a certain “-ACZ_DET”. So it becomes clear what kind of contact it is. He is responsible for determining the type of connected panel. Again we take a soldering iron, a desoldering pump and a knife. We also separate it from the rest of the pins, isolate it from the ground polygon and combine it with the HD Audio ground contact.

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