Hardware and software setup

AirDrop: what is it on iPhone. Airdrop on Iphone: enabling and transferring files Where is airdrop on iPhone 7

AirDrop is a modern, fast and completely intuitive way to transfer files over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, developed by Apple and put into operation with iOS 7. After you enable AirDrop on iOS 11 (and others), you can share everything from recordings to v phone book and photos to videos and pages from Safari browser. And, if there are no problems with choosing the content you need to transfer, then interacting with AirDrop is unlikely to raise at least a few questions - everything is too easy and convenient.

Ways to enable AirDrop

Did you send a photo or video? So, the right place for such content is “Gallery”. If there was an exchange of links, then either the Safari browser will open and an advising bookmark will appear, or the contents of the digital Apple store. In cases where data is transferred between different devices one owner (for example, between a smartphone and a Mac with the same Apple ID), the “Accept” or “Reject” prompt will in principle not appear and the data transfer will begin automatically.

The technology, in general, is really intuitive, but only for those who are happy to share information. The rest will have to turn on AirDrop on iOS (all actions will take no more than a few seconds), and make sure that the sender is really close. If yes, then the procedure will take only a few seconds, you just need to figure out the settings:

Enabling AirDrop via Control Center

Through settings

The second option is in case there are problems with the first. The procedure is as follows - call "Settings", find the "General" item, select "AirDrop", check the box next to the most suitable option (again, by default, the technology is turned off to receive files, and therefore the recipient must first activate everything).

How to transfer files via AirDrop

To call the process of transferring files via AirDrop something complicated and inconvenient - the language does not turn too intuitively and predictably. Moreover, the order of data transfer works the same everywhere - both when interacting with entertainment content, and when surfing the Internet. You need to act like this:

Possible problems and solutions

AirDrop interactions are extremely rare, and if the problem does occur, there are three things to look out for (there can be no other!):

  • Both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi must be enabled;
  • The recipient must be nearby, albeit not a few steps away, but certainly no further than 20-25 meters;
  • If the transfer item "Only for contacts" is selected in the settings, but the recipient still does not appear in the transfer list, then you should select the "For everyone" option and try again.

If the above methods did not work, then the last two options remain - reboot both devices or try switching the systems to Airplane mode and vice versa.

Airdrop on iPhone gives the user the ability to quickly send files without worrying about a stable internet connection. AirDrop technology is similar to that used in smartphones based on the operating system Android systems NFC technology and with Bluetooth.

Available on iOS and MacOS, AirDrop is a quick and easy way to share data. Another advantage of airdrop is that you can use the option directly from contacts, maps, notes, browser and photos. Thus, the user does not need to minimize all windows and create a new one.

Features of the airdrop function

In order for the data exchange process to always be successful, it is important to adhere to the rules for using the airdrop:

  1. Gadgets must be in close proximity;
  2. They must have an account set up. iCloud entry;
  3. You do not need to search and connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Regarding the issue of security, the connection can only be established if the users are close to each other. In the process of data exchange, a firewall is created with the ability to encrypt, therefore, AirDrop is more secure today than data transfer via email.

You can use airdrop to transfer contacts, photos, maps, information from the Safari browser. Airdrop available on iPhone 6, 8 and later, iPad 4th generation, iPod Touch 5th and 6th generation. Owners of Mac with Lion OS can use this opportunity to transfer data, which cannot be said about owners of Mac with OS X operating system and Apple computers before 2010 release.

How to turn AirDrop on and off?

Step-by-step instruction how to use airdrop is extremely simple. Often, users themselves complicate the task themselves by trying to launch a function through the settings, while the easiest way to activate it is through the "Control Center" ("Control Center"). To call it, one swipe from the bottom up is enough. The AirDrop icon will immediately be shown on the screen just below the music volume slider.

Next, to enable airdrop on an iPhone, you need to click on the button. Three options will appear in the drop-down menu:

  • Disable - completely deactivates the function;
  • Only for contacts - this means that send a file given user only those people whose number is in his phone book will be able to. By default, this item is always active;
  • For everyone - means that the iPhone will be able to receive files from all users whose smartphone supports the AirDrop function.

You need to choose the last option if it is important to get the file by all means. But it is undesirable to use this mode in public places. Once desired mode selected, the icon will automatically change color to white. This means that the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules have been activated, the smartphone is ready to receive and send files.

Now that we have figured out where the airdrop is in the iPhone, let's take a closer look at the data transfer process itself.

How to send a file via airdrop

Transferring data via AirDrop is no more difficult than sending a file via email. The procedure is as follows:

The process of sharing videos, photos and music via AirDrop on Mac is also not difficult. First, the user will need to find the Finder icon, where the airdrop button will be available on the left in the list of options. After clicking on it, the computer will automatically find all devices with which it can connect (this function must be enabled on the recipient's smartphone).

When the list of devices is displayed on the monitor, it remains to drag with the mouse desired file to the name of the device to which you want to transfer. It is most convenient to do this directly from the desktop. Important point! If the device is in iCloud account authorized, the file upload will start automatically. If the recipient is someone else, a pop-up window will first be shown on their device, asking permission to receive the file.

What to do if AirDrop does not work: analysis of the reasons

It was understood that the improved technology for transferring data between Apple devices called AirDrop was supposed to simplify the sharing process. However, negative reviews and complaints about errors are often found on the Internet, as a result of which users still have to resort to traditional methods of data transfer.

It happens that technology fails, and the airdrop does not see the iPhone. The main reason here may be the banal incompatibility of the device (it is outdated and the technology is not supported on it). If the desired recipient is not visible, although AirDrop is active for him, restarting both devices will most likely help solve the problem.

It happens that the AirDrop icon is not in the Control Center. In this case, you need to check if Bluetooth + Wi-Fi is active and if the icons are darkened. If they glow white, the cause of the malfunction is different. It is better to take the device for repair so that an experienced master can determine why the airdrop does not work on the iPhone.


Thanks to AirDrop, owners of apple technology have been able to share files and data with their friends and family. Everything can be transferred: from a bulky file to a web link or a book. New technology uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication module at the same time, which makes the transfer process faster, more reliable and safer.

How to use Airdrop, namely, to transfer any information, see this short video:

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I'm sure many people have faced this problem.

Almost always, when buying a new iOS device or changing Mac, I started having strange problems with . Over time, they were solved in some incomprehensible way (AirDrop just started working), but only now I was able to pinpoint the cause of the difficulties that arose. As it turned out, the problem is solved quite easily. But the solution is implicit.

It is worth noting that the Apple website has several detailed instructions regarding the function in question, but in none of them did I find the solution discussed below. Before proceeding to it, I recommend that you still study the official instructions:

  • Share content using AirDrop from iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
  • Use AirDrop to send content from a Mac

Naturally, I did everything described in the instructions above, plus enabled / disabled AirDrop on all devices, logged out / logged in account iCloud, changed AirDrop settings (“for everyone”, “only for contacts”), rebooted devices ... Almost everything works - the laptop is fresh - MacBook 12", the software has been updated everywhere to the latest final versions (I don’t experiment with betas), and AirDrop is dead I'm trying to transfer screenshots from the iPhone 6s Plus to the MacBook, but neither the computer nor the smartphone can see each other.Miracles, and nothing more.

What is the problem?

The problem turned out to be Bluetooth.. In particular, you need to create a Bluetooth pair between a laptop and a smartphone. In theory, it should be created automatically. At least, I remember that this happened at the dawn of life. It was only necessary to agree to the creation of a pair in the process of setting up new functions and that's it.

The catch is that when you change the iPhone to a new one, information about devices connected to the predecessor via Bluetooth is not transferred via backup. It is necessary to manually create Bluetooth pairs with the headsets, speakers used, and including the laptop again.

So, when I moved from to, I immediately had difficulty with the mode, which also requires a Bluetooth pair to work. Naturally, it was not preserved from the iPhone 5s and a new one had to be created. I remember that then I did everything purely by accident - on a whim I got into the Bluetooth menu on the MacBook, started searching for devices nearby, saw my iPhone - created a pair, it all worked.

This case almost immediately flew out of my head and was remembered only now, after I was still able to set up AirDrop on the new iPhone.

So you got new iPhone, tried everything that Apple suggests in their instructions, but AirDrop still does not work. What are we doing? Create a Bluetooth pair between MacBook and iPhone.

To do this, make sure that on the smartphone bluetooth module turned on, go to the laptop in " System settings→ Bluetooth", find your iPhone in the list of devices and click on" Create a couple».

A window with a code will appear on the laptop screen and a similar code will be displayed on the iPhone with a proposal to create a pair - you agree. After that, the MacBook will appear in the list of Bluetooth devices on the iPhone and vice versa:

When I did all the above steps, AirDrop between iPhone and MacBook worked. Devices find each other within a few seconds and exchange files without any problems.

In the process of preparing this material, for the sake of experiment, I removed the iPhone-MacBook Bluetooth pair, and AirDrop stopped working again. Gadgets did not find each other. I repeated all the steps described above - AirDrop earned. Hope my experience helps someone.

P.S. If AirDrop “dropped” after switching to, the instructions described above should also help.

P.P.S. After you have completed all the operations, go to " Finder → AirDrop on a Mac, and on an iPhone, try sending something to your computer from the Photos app. In theory, both Mac and iPhone should see each other.

iOS, as a closed platform, has one significant plus - it is much better than open operating system protected from viruses, and therefore from leaks of the user's personal data. However, this closeness also has a lot of disadvantages, and if the inability to connect the iPhone to the PC as a USB flash drive in order to drop a couple of files, most are already used to it (and with iTunes, created specifically for exchanging i-gadgets with content from a PC, everyone seems to have figured it out), the impossibility of exchanging files via Bluetooth still surprises many.

Yes, Buetooth in i-devices serves only to connect with headsets and other wireless gadgets, but it will not work to transfer, say, a photo to a friend. However, in 2013, i-users got a good alternative for file sharing, an option called AirDrop. What is this option, to whom it is available, how to set it up, and why it may not work - we will tell in this material.

AirDrop restrictions

AirDrop is not only very convenient option file sharing, it is also safe. When the option is activated, a secure network is created, the information within which is transmitted in encrypted form. In addition, using a Wi-Fi network makes the exchange really fast. It would seem that everything is perfect, but, of course, there is a but. AirDrop unfortunately has whole line restrictions

Firstly, it is worth saying that using AirDrop, you can only exchange between Apple devices. It will not work to transfer a file from an iPhone to, say, some Android smartphone.

Secondly, not every i-gadget has AirDrop available on iPhone 4/4S and older i-smartphones cannot work with this option, it is supported by iPhone 5 and younger Apple phones. As for the iPad, one of them will be able to work with this option - iPad Pro, iPad 4 (and later), iPad Mini(and later). AirDrop is also supported iPod touch(fifth generation and later models), but with Apple computers everything is very difficult, you can see the list of PCs working with the option in the picture.

You will be surprised, but not everything is limited. It turns out that not all content can be transferred using AirDrop, photos, for example, can be sent, but music will not work. Copyright protection at its finest.

Well, and one more thing. If users want to exchange contacts, they must both sign in to iCoud.

How to use Airdrop on iPhone and other mobile i-devices?

In order to transfer a file via AirDrop from a mobile i-device, you must:

How to use Airdrop on Mac (Mac) and other Apple computers?

Sending a file from an Apple computer to any other i-device is even easier:

That's all! Ready!

AirDrop problems and how to fix them

At the time of the release, AirDrop worked, I must say, with numerous failures. Today, everything is more or less debugged, but it cannot be said that the option functions perfectly. Quite often, when trying to transfer a file, the iPhone does not see the “destination”, and often the AirDrop option disappears from the control center altogether. How to solve these problems?

First of all, make sure that your problem is not related to the limitations of the option - for example, there is no point in looking for AiDrop, say, on the iPhone 4S - this smartphone simply does not support this technology (full list For restrictions, see the "AirDrop restrictions" section a little higher).

  • located no more than 9 meters apart
  • connected to the same Wi-Fi network
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are active - when you turn on AirDrop, they should, in theory, be activated on their own, but you never know

In addition: for mobile i-devices - make sure that they are not blocked, for Apple computers that they are not in sleep mode and the "System Preferences" / "Buetooth" window is open (it can be minimized, the main thing is not to close ).

All the conditions for a correct transfer are met, but AirDrop does not see the iPhone or any other i-device, or has the option itself disappeared from the control center? Then let's deal with more serious causes of problems.

As you know - “Seven troubles - one reset”, and therefore if everything seems to be set up correctly, but the connection fails, try turning AirDrop off and on on both devices and reconnecting. If this measure did not help, disable the option again, reboot both devices, enable and try to establish a connection again.

Mode "For all"

Quite often, AirDrop refuses to see the device in "Contacts Only" mode, even if the recipient is on the sender's contacts list. Try to temporarily activate the "For all" mode (in a public place we recommend to refrain from this measure) and check if the situation has returned to normal.

Playing with settings

Situations are not uncommon when one or another i-device setting interferes with the organization of the transfer.

For iPhone, check the following:

For App computers:


When AirDrop is activated, a Bluetooth pairing should automatically be created, but sometimes this does not happen. In this case, for iPhone and other mobile i-gadgets:

For Apple computers:

I don't see the option

If your problem is that you do not see the AirDrop option itself in the control point, although your device should support it, then try this:

Nothing helps

If none of the above instructions helped you get AirDrop working, try updating the firmware on your i-device to the latest one or contact the Russian-speaking Apple support service.

Let's summarize

For all its merits, AirDrop can be a hassle. Not only does it have a lot of restrictions, but even if your device does not fall under them, it quite often refuses to work correctly. Therefore, it is no wonder that most users of Apple devices still prefer to transfer files via mail, instant messengers or social networks, even though AirDrop was released over three years ago!

For everyone iPhones there is special function Airdrop to transfer files to other smartphone users on iOS system. What it is for and how to use it is described in this article.

What is Airdrop and why is it needed

Airdrop is a built-in feature for transferring data between iPhones. In a matter of seconds, you can transfer almost all files: photos, videos, notes, files, contacts, maps, reminders. The function surpasses SMS and email in terms of encryption. To transfer data via Airdrop, two conditions are required - Bluetooth and WiFi are turned on, as well as the phone that receives the files must be no further than 1m.

After iOS updates to version 7, it became possible to transfer information via Airdrop not only through the iPhone, but also between the computer and the phone. You can also use the data transfer function on iPad Pro and just iPad starting from model 5.

Ways to Enable Airdrop on iPhone

There are two options for enabling Airdrop on iPhone. One of them is used when in a matter of seconds it is necessary to transfer information to another user. The other option takes a little longer.

Control point

Step-by-step instructions for activating data transfer via Airdrop on iPhone:

Settings menu

The second way to enable the transfer of data between iPhone owners:

What to do if Airdrop is not working

Often, Apple users complain about the unstable operation of Airdrop or complete absence response, a frequent occurrence - there is no icon in the control center. Also, Airdrop can be turned on, but other users cannot find you, or vice versa, your iPhone does not see users nearby. There are several solutions to such problems:

If the icon is missing

The most common reason for such a "breakdown" is new phone. At buying an iPhone The feature may simply not be enabled. You can turn on Airdrop through your phone settings. There, go to "Basic", then to "Restrictions". A small list of features that can be activated will appear. Opposite Airdrop, activate the special toggle switch by swiping to the right.

After that, check for the presence of the icon in the control center. If the function still does not appear, just restart the device. Now Airdrop will work as expected.

Gadgets not showing up on screen

If you need to transfer information from your phone to your computer and vice versa, then first try restarting both devices. If this method does not work, follow all the recommendations below. Common cause failures lies in the Bluetooth connection, which is not automatically configured. In this case, you need to configure it yourself. To get started, turn on Bluetooth on your Mac and iPhone. On the computer, open "System Settings", then go to the Bluetooth section by starting a search for devices within a meter radius. Find desired iPhone and enter the code that will be shown on the Mac device. After that, try again to transfer files via Airdrop.

How to transfer photos, videos, music via AirDrop on iPhone to iOS?

You can transfer almost everything via AirDrop, including notes, reminders, contacts:

The same actions can be done with any files that are on the phone. Open the necessary section with files and follow the instructions above.

How to transfer a file via AirDrop on Mac? (Photo, music, video)

Transfer file from phone to Apple computer, as easy as from iPhone to iPhone. The phone display must be constantly on during the process.

How to change name in AirDrop on iPhone and iPad?

In this function, your name is displayed automatically and matches the name that you have already assigned to the iPhone. But iOS has a special name substitution feature for transferring data. To do this, open the "Settings" of the phone, select "iCloud", then in the "Add-ons" section select "Mail". Next, change the name in a special line. Note that the name will change in iCloud mail as well.

All Apple users today can take advantage of AirDrop's "invisible" data network. It is available to almost all iPhone, iPad and Mac lovers with latest updates and, perhaps, is one of the most convenient features of Apple technology.

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