Setting up hardware and software

How to calibrate and set up a monitor at home. Resetting and adjusting screen resolution Solved! To change the default Home screen panel

Calibration is the process of adjusting the color rendition, brightness and contrast of the image of a monitor or other visualization device (for example, a projector or TV) in order to achieve the most complete match of tone, colors and shades on the screen and when printing. In everyday life, calibration has the goal of simply making the image natural and pleasing to the eye.

Almost everyone has encountered the need to calibrate a monitor - when they brought it home from the store and turned it on for the first time. For those who don't work in graphic editors and is not involved in photography, it is enough to do it “by eye”, using the adjustment buttons on the monitor itself or using Windows tools. Great accuracy is not important here - the main thing is that the image is without obvious color distortions, moderately bright and moderately contrasting.

Artists, designers and photographers need deeper - professional calibration, which is done either using programs or special devices - calibrators.

The first option is available to everyone - the majority of such applications are free and not too difficult to use. However, to achieve good result You also need a diamond eye. The second option provides maximum accuracy, but few people use it. The reason is the high cost of calibrators. Even a budget device costs as much as good smartphone, but some artists and photographers rent them or use the services of calibration specialists, fortunately this is not required to be done often.

Since we don’t have a calibrator, let’s talk about ways to configure the monitor using programs.

Easy monitor calibration using Windows

The tool we are interested in is called “Color Calibration”. In Windows 10, it is called through the “Settings” application - section “System” - “Display” - “Advanced display settings”.

In Windows 7 and 8.1 - through the Control Panel and the “Display” section. Or through "Display Settings" in context menu desktop.

After launching the utility, follow the suggested operations step by step. But before doing this, be sure to expand the window to full screen and sit directly in front of it, otherwise the result may not be accurate. The distance from your eyes to the screen should be the same as during normal work.

The first step is to set the basic color parameters

Open your monitor's menu by clicking the button on its panel and set the default color settings. If you have a laptop, continue to the next step.

Second step - adjusting the gamma

Here is an image of a square with dark spots inside and a settings slider. There is a dot in the center of each spot. Your task is to make the dots invisible (merge in brightness with the background).

Third step - adjust brightness

Open the monitor menu again or the “Power Options” section in the Windows Control Panel - now we will need the brightness adjustment slider. Instead, you can use the “Brightness-” and “Brightness+” buttons on the monitor panel or laptop keyboard.

Move the slider to adjust the brightness so that the suit details and shirt of the person in the picture are moderately visible, and the X on the wall behind him does not blend into the background, but is barely noticeable.

Fourth step - adjusting contrast

By controlling the contrast adjustment slider, make sure that all the folds and buttons on the white shirt are clearly visible, and the shirt does not blend into the wall.

Fifth step - color balance

Move the sliders of the three colors - red green and blue - until the stripes in the center of the screen are neutral gray.

Sixth step - saving calibration

Compare the current (new) calibration with the previous one. If you are satisfied with it, click “Done”. If you next want to proceed to setting up text display, first check the “Run ClearType tool...” checkbox.

Setting the display of text

Here you should select an example where the pangram (text that includes all the letters of the alphabet) is read best and apply the setting.

The Windows Calibrator is sufficient to properly set up your monitor for work other than graphics editing and fine art printing.

To check the quality of calibration, you can use specially created wallpapers from the website Select a set of wallpapers according to your screen resolution so that the picture does not change in size.

Monitor calibration for photo printing and graphics work

How to get the best results

To really get good picture, where black is black (not dark gray), white is white, and color does not depend on the angle of rotation of the screen, you need a professional monitor. Photographers and graphic artists prefer screens with IPS matrix ( best option- with S-IPS).

On budget monitors with TN-type matrices, achieve high precision shades and colors, alas, will not work. And the point is not that the programs do not allow this, but the qualities of the screen itself. But we will work with what we have.

So, let's start with preparing the workplace:

  • The monitor should be placed where you usually use it.
  • The room must be sufficiently lit. It is better to carry out calibration in the lighting in which you are working. If you work in both natural and artificial light, it is optimal to create two color profiles. Directional light sources should be removed from the screen during calibration.
  • Before calibration begins, the monitor must be operated for some time. CRT monitor - at least an hour, for others 30 minutes is enough.
  • Background image should be set neutral, preferably in gray tones.

Adobe Gamma

WITH using Adobe Gamma calibrates monitors for working in Photoshop. Since the applications are created by a single developer, they are optimal for sharing— profiles generated in Gamma are displayed in the Photoshop menu, and the user can quickly switch between them.

The utility is included with Photoshop, but if desired, it can be downloaded separately, although not from the official website (it is not there), but from third party resources. It does not require installation, you just need to run it.

If you are calibrating for the first time, select the Step by Step version.

Next, we’ll create a description of the new profile (in Latin letters).

Next we move on to the calibration process. Using the monitor settings menu, we will adjust the brightness and contrast so that the gray square in the center of the window almost merges with the black one, but is distinguishable against its background. The frame should remain white.

The next step is to determine the type of glow (color of the phosphor). Required value can be taken from the factory profile of the monitor (it will be installed by default if you have not previously changed anything in the settings). If you are at a loss, leave “Native” or “HDTV (CCIR 709)”.

Now let's set up the gamma for correct color rendering (the ratio of red, green and blue channels). Using the slider, we will align the brightness of the gray square against the background of black and white stripes, or set one of the default values. For an LCD monitor it is better to choose 1.8, for a CRT - 2.2.

If you uncheck "Consider one gamut", instead of a gray square there will be three - red, green and blue, with separate adjustment tools. With their help, you can remove the color tint of the screen, if any. If not, it’s better not to touch them.

After adjusting the gamma, we will determine the color temperature of the monitor’s white point. This setting depends on the ambient lighting. To work with daylight it is optimal to set 6500° K, with artificial heat (incandescent lamps) - 5000° K, with artificial white ( fluorescent lamps) — 9300° K.

To determine the color temperature visually, click the “Change” button.

Three light squares will be displayed against a dark background. Your task is to choose the most neutral gray.

At the final stage, set the white point display as a hardware value and save the profile.

To quickly edit existing profiles, it is more convenient to open the program as a control panel. Here all the settings are in one window.

Assessing calibration quality using web services

Online monitor testing services are convenient to use as an addition to calibration programs. With their help, you can evaluate and adjust not only brightness, contrast and color, but also sharpness, geometry, presence dead pixels, flicker level, etc. This is important if you use the monitor for photo editing or professional graphics work.

There are no settings elements in the services, so if you need to fix something, you will have to use third-party tools - monitor buttons and menus, Windows tools or programs.

The service allows you to evaluate the following:

  • Color accuracy.
  • Presence of dead pixels.
  • Smooth gradient transitions.
  • Flicker (phase synchronization on VGA monitors) and moire (stains in the form of a wave-like pattern, which should not normally exist).
  • Sharpness of boundaries.
  • Brightness and contrast.
  • Zonal brightness (the difference in brightness in the center and on the periphery of the screen).
  • Geometry and grids (clipping of image edges, peripheral distortion on a widescreen screen with an aspect ratio of 16:9).

Online Monitor Test

Online Monitor Test is an English-language service. There are 4 testing options to choose from:

  • Simplified - for Smart TV, tablets and smartphones.
  • In a browser window format (it is recommended to run in full screen mode).
  • In windowed format with a resolution of 1920X1080 (resolution can be reduced).
  • In the form of an application that runs outside the browser. Works without installation.

Online and offline versions of the program (except for the simplified version) contain the same set of tests.

Those who use two monitors can also check for image output delay on one of them (Input lag).

Using the Online Monitor Test you can evaluate:

  • Displays similar shades of gray.
  • Accuracy of seven primary colors and smooth color gradient.
  • Matrix response time (6 different tests).
  • Uniform lighting and color fill (5 colors).
  • Presence of dead pixels.
  • Flicker and moire.
  • Readability of text written in several small fonts. The color of the text and background can be changed using sliders.

Each test is accompanied by a hint English language, but it’s not difficult to figure out what’s what without it.

This is how quickly and easily every user can calibrate their monitor at home. To maintain image quality, monitor manufacturers recommend repeating calibration every 3-4 months.

Before you begin setting up, create comfortable lighting conditions. The light should not directly hit the screen or shine into your eyes.

How to customize your screen using hardware buttons

If your monitor has buttons for selecting picture settings, then it has its own settings that are independent of the OS. Use them to achieve optimal quality.

For such a task you need a visual reference, so you will need special services. For example, a Russian-language site with tests for setting up a monitor. Special images are available to the resource visitor along with descriptions of how they should look on a properly configured display.

Simply adjust the screen so that the test images on it match the descriptions as closely as possible.

Before doing this, do not forget to check that your monitor is set to the maximum resolution. In Windows, this can be done in the section “Start” → “Settings” → “System” → “Display”. In macOS - by opening “System Preferences” → “Displays” → “Monitor” through the Apple menu.

The higher the resolution, the clearer the screen image.

How to customize your screen using built-in programs

If you have an external monitor without buttons or a laptop, then you can adjust the image using the built-in tools. Such programs are available on Windows and macOS. They are simple and instruct the user in detail on choosing the optimal settings.

If you've already set up your display with hardware buttons, you can also try calibrating it to system program. Perhaps it will improve the result.

On Windows

Open the system search, type the word “calibration” in it and launch the found application. A series of tests will appear on the screen to configure the display. Complete them following system prompts.

In Windows 10, you can also use the ClearType Text Adjuster. It helps make the text that appears on the screen easier to read. To launch the setup wizard, search for ClearType.

On macOS

Expand the Apple menu at the top of the screen and go to System Preferences → Displays. Then go to the "Color" tab and click "Calibrate". Follow the assistant's prompts to set up your monitor in the best way.

image source

good and correct setting The display is not the last task in order to work comfortably and efficiently not only with images, but also simply at the computer. The factory settings of monitors are always too high for brightness and contrast; manufacturers do not make adjustments at all, and users themselves often simply do not know about it.

I note that we will talk about the simplest screen settings; professional calibration is much more complicated.

You can configure it either programmatically (if your display is connected to a PC with operating system, which has tools for such settings), and in hardware. Adjusting using the menu buttons is not much different from adjusting the picture on a modern TV.

Hardware setup

Start by learning the buttons on your monitor. If nothing is clear, then you will have to read the instructions, or use the “unscientific poking method” (not recommended). After you have figured out the control buttons of the device, you can go directly to the settings.

Important note: ensure proper lighting! If the sun or a 200 W light bulb hits the monitor directly, no adjustments will help. Well, this is a separate big topic, but now there are a few basic recommendations:

  • The bright light source should not directly illuminate the monitor;
  • The light should not hit the eyes;
  • It is better to use uniform diffused lighting, for example, in the form of an LED strip.

Setting and assessing image quality

When working with a monitor with a low-quality matrix, errors often occur when choosing colors when processing images, photographs and on print layouts, when creating websites and resources.

The picture below will allow you to evaluate how well the monitor is configured. On each half of the picture there are numbers 1 2 3 4 5

If you see all the numbers on both bars, then the monitor is set up well. The average level will show you the numbers 3. With a very bad setting, only 1 and 2 are visible.

Remember how many numbers you can see. With this, after configuration, you can evaluate the quality of the improvements made.

But, first, a small off-topic “with a beard”:
“...I downloaded the program “Cleaning the monitor from dust”, laughed, installed it, launched it. The monitor was filled with an even dirty gray color, the keyboard turned off, clicking the mouse did not help.
I took a napkin, wiped the dust off the monitor, and saw a barely visible “Thank you, you can exit the program” button. I went out and thought, looking at the blank monitor...”

Therefore, first we put the surface itself in order, after which we move directly to the settings.


The brightness should be adjusted so that in the picture the black colors of the suit and shirt do not merge into a single whole and the cross in the background becomes visible. The brightness parameter is responsible for the difference between details and dark colors.


Responsible for light colors and their details.

In the image, to adjust the contrast, you should select a quality such that the folds and buttons on a white shirt are clearly visible. Set the contrast to zero and gradually increase it. As soon as these details begin to disappear, it is worth going back a little.


Next important parameter- gamma. The exact ideal setting cannot be performed on all monitors, but it is still worth getting closer to the ideal. A good gamma setting will be indicated by missing spots of light and dark shades in the center of the test image.

Gray setting

Eliminates unnecessary shades that distort the colors on the display. This is done either software or hardware by adjusting the 3 primary colors (red, green, blue). Ideally, a picture with gray stripes should not be interrupted by extraneous shades. Only shades of gray.

Ideal gray setting.

Software setup

We launch the calibration tools programmatically (described for Windows).

In Windows 7, click the “Start” button and write the word “calibration” in the search bar. Launch. You will be given a series of image adjustment tests. There are very few of them. Go through them.

In Windows 10, enter the command cttune in the search bar, ClearType will launch, turn it on and select the display that is most convenient for your eyes. Then enter the dccw command. The calibration of screen colors, gamma, brightness and contrast will begin. Everything is described in the tests, read and follow the advice.

Checking the result

Now go back to the beginning of the article and look at the first image with numbers. At the very beginning, I asked them to remember. If you have improved the settings, you will see at least one more number.

Set it up correctly and in the end you will be pleasantly surprised at what your monitor can do!

Have you set up your monitor? Get to work: profession "".

Windows users 10 have the ability to change standard settings screens that the system selects by default. Sometimes problems may arise during the process of setting up or using the monitor, but they are very easy to solve.

Screen settings

Personalizing screen settings helps you customize any screen so that it is as convenient for the user to use it as possible. Remember the settings that were specified before your intervention, so that if you make unsuccessful changes, you can quickly restore everything.

Brightness control

There are several ways to change the brightness: by changing system settings or using the functions of the screen itself.

Through screen capabilities

Look for the brightness control buttons on your monitor and use them to turn the light up or down. But keep in mind that these buttons are not present on all monitor models. If they are not there, use the methods described below.

Use the monitor buttons to adjust brightness

Via keyboard buttons

Having learned the keys quick access, that is, from F1 to F12, you can find the button responsible for adjusting the brightness. Click or hold it to get the result.

This button may sometimes be missing or not work. In this case, use the methods described below.

Use shortcut keys to adjust brightness

Fast way

By clicking on the battery icon or message icon, you will see the “Brightness” block. Use it to select the brightness level you need.

Click on the battery icon and change the brightness

Through system parameters

  1. Expand system settings.

    Open System Settings

  2. Go to the "System" block.

    Click on the “System” block

  3. In the “Screen” tab, find the “Brightness level” item and move the slider. Click on the “Apply” button.

    Move the slider to change brightness

Video: how to adjust brightness and other screen parameters

Via power settings

  1. In the system search bar, enter “Power Supplies” and open the proposed page.

    Open the Power Options tab

  2. Open the settings for the plan you are using.

    Click on the “Configure power plan” button

  3. In the list of parameters, find the line “Brightness” and move the slider to the appropriate value.

    Adjust brightness in power options

What to do if brightness options are not available

Your screen may not support brightness changes, but this problem only occurs on older devices. Most often, the reason lies in the absence of the necessary driver:

  1. Go to Device Manager.

    Open Device Manager

  2. Find the "Monitors" section and expand it. If you have the “Universal PnP Monitor” sub-item, right-click on it and use the “Enable” function. Done, restart your computer, go to the instructions above and try changing the brightness again.

    Select the monitor and use the "Engage" function

  3. If there is a sub-item “Universal Non-PnP Monitor” or an icon indicating that there are no drivers, manually find and install them. To do this, find the monitor manufacturer’s website, download drivers for your model from it, return to the “Device Manager”, right-click on the monitor and select the “Update Drivers” function.

    Download and update your monitor drivers

  4. Select "Search for driver software on this computer" and finish the procedure, and then return to the instructions above and change the brightness. You may need to restart your computer first.

    Select manual search and specify the path to the drivers

Video: how to update drivers in Windows 10

Contrast settings

The easiest way to change the color ratio is using automatic adjustment, which can be started by the following steps:

  1. While in the system parameters, select the “System” block. In the "Display" tab, go to additional options.

    Click on the "More display options" button

  2. Click on the “Color Calibration” button.

    Open the “Screen calibration” section

  3. Read several pages of instructions, each time clicking the “Next” button.
  4. Go through the screen gamma adjustment process.

    Perform gamma calibration

  5. Go through the brightness adjustment process.

    Adjust the brightness

  6. Go through the contrast adjustment process.

    Adjust the contrast

  7. Go through the color balancing process.

    Customize color display

  8. Save or discard your changes.

    Save your screen customization results

Video: how to calibrate your monitor in Windows 10

Changing the resolution

The number and density of pixels involved in displaying the image depends on the screen resolution. Each monitor model has its own recommended resolution value; you can find it in the instructions for the monitor or by searching through all the resolutions offered by the system:

Video: how to change screen resolution in Windows 10

Changing orientation, scale, adding multiple monitors

By going to the screen settings (the first step of the previous subparagraph), you can change not only the resolution, but also the scale, due to which all fonts and icons will become either larger or smaller.

Adjust screen scale

The orientation immediately changes from landscape to portrait or portrait and vice versa. This feature is only useful if you have a monitor with a non-standard aspect ratio, for example, one that is tall rather than wide.

Select the appropriate orientation

If several monitors are connected to the computer, each of them will be configured separately. But first you need to recognize them by clicking on the “Detect” button. Once the search is complete, the options for each monitor will be available.

Click on the “Detect” button to recognize the new screen

Troubleshooting monitor problems

If you encounter problems while setting up or using your monitor, you should try to fix them yourself.

Blinking screen

If the screen starts to flicker only when specific application or game, this means that the program is incompatible with your build and the problem is there. If the monitor blinks constantly, then there may be two reasons: a problem with the cable or drivers.

First, check that the cable connecting the monitor and the computer unit is not pinched or coming loose. Usually this is VGA or HDMI cable. Unplug it from both connectors, plug it in again and check if the problem goes away. If possible, test the monitor using a different cable.

Check if the unit and monitor are well connected

Secondly, if you are sure that the problem is not with the cable, update the drivers:

Games don't open full screen

Some games may default to opening in a window instead of full screen. If you want to fix this, there are two ways. The first is to use the Alt + Enter combination, which gives the command to stretch the active window to the entire screen, the second is to go to the settings of the game itself and set the value to “Open in full screen mode”. Usually the second method works 100%; the game either immediately opens on Full Screen, or does it after a restart.

Enable full screen mode in game settings

Screen calibration

Users of a Windows 10 tablet or digital pen may experience that the system does not respond correctly to finger or pen touches. In this case, you need to resort to screen calibration:

Deactivating sleep mode and turning off the monitor

By default, if the user does not perform any activity for 15 minutes, the computer turns off the monitor. After another 15 minutes of inactivity, the system goes to sleep. This is necessary to save energy. But the power saving function can be deactivated or configured:

So, a computer monitor can be customized by changing its extension, format, brightness, contrast and scale. If there are problems with the screen, it is worth updating the drivers, checking the cable, or performing calibration. You can also configure the computer to go into sleep mode or disable it altogether.

Everyone knows that spending a long time at the computer is bad for your health. This especially affects human vision. The fact is that a person is not able to see the flickering frequency of the monitor screen, but the eye catches this frequency, and over time, vision weakening may occur. When using a computer, your eyes gradually get tired and stop focusing clearly on the image. But for many, a computer is a job, which means it’s impossible to avoid this harm. In order to reduce it as much as possible, proper adjustment of the monitor color, as well as its resolution, is required.

Configuration using AdobeGamma program

For optimal color display, adjustments must be made using special program, which is called AdobeGamma. The first step is to install it on your computer. After installing the program, you should set the screensaver on your desktop in a solid gray color. Setting monitor colors in Windows 7 for the desktop is in the “Personalization” section, which appears in a pop-up window when you right-click on its splash screen (background). There you need to select the “Desktop Background” item and in it the “Image Location” drop-down menu, in which there is a “Solid Colors” menu item. Grey colour can be seen immediately.

Now it’s time to proceed directly to the procedure itself. After launching the AdobeGamma application, setup is carried out using the setup wizard (you need to select this option), a special program that allows you to go through the entire process step by step. The next step is to select a “color profile”. It is generally recommended to leave the default profile (for inexperienced users). Now you need to click on the “Next” button to continue and set the contrast to the maximum value. The brightness should be adjusted so that the square, which is located inside another square, is as close to black as possible, but still stands out a little from its background. You can simply skip the next step.

Next, you need to configure the gamma correction using the bottom tab of the general settings window. If the program for adjusting monitor colors is not localized, it will be called windowsDefault. To the right of it there is a small field where you are prompted to enter the value of the Gamma parameter. The most commonly used is 2.2. In the same window, you need to uncheck the ViewSingleGammaOnly parameter to display gamma values ​​by color. Now, using the mouse, you need to bring the result to such a state that all three squares become absolutely indistinguishable from their background. At the next stage, the color temperature is set, which should be 6500K. The setup is now complete. After completion, it is possible to compare the obtained result with the original value. To do this, use the Before and After buttons. Customizing colors windows monitor 10 is carried out in a similar way with the only difference being that the versions of the AdobeGamma program may differ.

Adjusting the Image Using Monitor Functions

Almost all monitors have special functionality (menu) with which you can quickly make color adjustments. The interface of such a menu is as clear as possible and is translated into Russian for most devices, so to change the contrast, color or brightness of the screen, you just need to select the appropriate item using the buttons located below. For more detailed information, you can refer to the manufacturer's instructions, which usually come with the device. For example, color adjustment Samsung monitor occurs using a special Menu button located under the screen, when pressed, the monitor menu drops down. It has two main sections responsible for color rendering - Picture and Color, which will help produce everything necessary settings. U different manufacturers And different models These sections may be called differently, but ultimately the meaning is still the same.

Image adjustment via the system

The Windows system itself also provides functions that allow you to adjust the color of your monitor. There is a program for this called “Calibration”, which can be found by searching in the “Start” menu. The application itself will tell you what to do next after launching it. An important parameter is the correctly selected screen resolution, which is optimal for the monitor being customized. Typically, in the drop-down menu listing acceptable screen resolution values, it is marked as “Recommended”. This is the one you should choose. This parameter is located in the video card settings. To get there, you need to click on the desktop right click mouse and select the appropriate item in the menu that appears. Different video card manufacturers call it differently, for example, for NVIDIA you need to look for a line called “NVIDIA Control Panel”, and for Radeon – “Graphics Radeon specifications" All other color settings are also located there. To achieve the best result, in addition to the correctly selected screen resolution, you must select the highest color depth of 32 bits. As a rule, this setting is always located in the same place as the screen resolution setting, so it won’t be difficult to find it.

Adjusting screen brightness

Surely many have noticed that the monitors standing on the stand in the store have visually different images. On one it is dimmer, and on the other, on the contrary, it is too bright. This is due to different settings colors for each individual device. If the buyer is not satisfied with the default color settings of the monitor, he can change them. To do this, you need to click the button called Menu and in the panel that appears, select the Picture value, where the brightness and contrast settings are located with the adjustment sliders located to the right of them. It is worth noting that for different models and manufacturers the names of these parameters may vary or even be marked with schematic figures, but the general meaning for end user always clear.

After finding the desired settings, you need to take a blank white sheet of paper, place it in front of the monitor, create a regular blank document using the Notepad program and compare the color of the sheet of paper with the white background of the document in the program. This procedure is carried out to evaluate and subsequently adjust the white color of the monitor. Next, for the slider responsible for the brightness of the picture, you need to find a position so that White color on the monitor matched the white color of the sheet of paper on the table.

Adjusting the screen contrast

To adjust the contrast, 2 images of identical shirts of different colors can help: one shirt is black and the other is white. The main thing is that the colors are monochromatic. Both images need to be opened and placed next to each other. Now you should move the contrast slider until the folds on both shirts become clearly visible. Once you achieve this effect, you can adjust the brightness a little more. At this point, the process of completing the brightness and contrast adjustments can be considered complete. The white color obtained as a result of these manipulations may differ from the monitor settings that were set by default at the time of purchase. However, experts say that this is just an optical illusion caused by the eye getting used to the original values.

Setting the color of a laptop using Windows

Laptops have long become an integral part of our lives. It is enough to configure the laptop correctly once, so that later there are no unnecessary problems and you do not have to waste additional time. Setting the colors of a laptop monitor is not much different from setting a regular monitor. They are located in the “Color Management” section in the Control Panel windows systems. Having entered the section, you need to select the “Details” tab and then click on the “Calibrate screen” button. Then simply follow the instructions provided by the setup wizard.

Customize Laptop Color Using the intelHDgraphics App

But this is not the only method applicable to solve this problem. For example, there is software that solves this problem better. If the laptop is running on Intel processor, then you should adjust the color through the “Graphic characteristics” section. You can get there using the same pop-up menu, called by right-clicking the mouse. When you open a section, a window will appear with several categories responsible for the video card parameters. To adjust the color, select the “Display” category. There, in the “Color” tab, you can find the “Advanced” tab, in which the necessary color adjustment controls are located. The only parameters are hue and saturation, with which the adjustment is made. The level of increase or decrease in values ​​is determined by the user himself based on his needs.

Features of adjusting brightness on a laptop

It is known that if you need to quickly adjust the monitor screen, you can use the interface of the buttons located on its body. But on a laptop, things are a little different, and to be honest, this becomes a real problem for many uninformed users. The fact is that there are simply no such buttons on the laptop body. This is not due to the lack of space for this functionality, but to the fact that the optimal image is selected by the equipment developer.

But sometimes the need for quick color adjustments arises. To solve this problem, the laptop has a special Fn key that is responsible for additional functionality. Holding this key will activate additional functions keys that have icons in a different color. To adjust the brightness of the monitor, you need to use the keys with the image of a sun (standard brightness icon).

Testing Color Rendering Using Real Color

There is another remedy that is considered a reference in certain circles. This is a special Real Color wallpaper that bears some resemblance to the tuning grid once used in televisions. When using this method, special wallpapers with the optimal resolution for a computer or laptop are installed on the desktop. By looking at the screen from a normal distance, you can determine whether the color rendition is calibrated correctly. If the settings are correct, a smooth gray gradient should be visible, but if stripes appear and shades mix, it means the color is set incorrectly.

To summarize, we can say that adjusting the monitor color is a rather painstaking task and depends on many factors. Therefore, for each individual case, its own parameters must be applied to meet specific needs. But in order not to be scattered among many different methods, you need to do this: for quick setup use the built-in system parameters, and for more complex tasks you can resort to third-party applications.

How to set up your monitor for correct color reproduction using software?

Almost all users computer systems while working, they want to see a clear, rich picture on the screen. Color is one of the components that greatly influences the image and also does not tire the eyes. But not everyone knows how to properly set up a monitor for correct color reproduction and check the settings made. Of course, in each specific case it all depends on personal preferences, but some general advice can still be given. Let's look at some basic tools.

Setting color rendering: related parameters and factors

So, the user was faced with the problem of how to configure the monitor for correct color rendering and check the set parameters. What to do first? First, you need to clearly understand that adjusting just these parameters may not give much improvement.

The fact is that in this case many related factors play a role. For example, before calibrating colors, you need to decide on the place where the monitor itself is constantly located, what the illumination is in this place, whether it changes during the day, whether direct sunlight or electric light falls on the screen, etc. Depending on this, the settings can be completely different.

In addition, it is worth considering that brightness, contrast, color depth and many other factors have a great influence on color rendering settings. In addition to all this, the question of how to set up a monitor for correct color reproduction on a laptop or perform similar actions on a desktop device or television panel to which a computer terminal may be connected may have completely different solutions. More on this later.

Dependence on the type of matrix and graphics adapter

Another challenge in deciding how to set up your monitor for proper color reproduction is the variety modern types matrices Setting the same parameters on monitors with CRT, TN or IPS matrices is not the same in terms of the resulting image.

For example, IPS matrices can be easily configured without using software methods, because they are made using such technology that when looking at the screen at an angle, the image practically does not change. But other screens may produce glare or change colors.

In the same way, screens can be configured differently depending on what video card is installed. Manufacturers usually supply them with special utilities The settings are already pre-installed, so color calibration is best done using them. In addition, it is precisely such utilities that allow you to change parameters in relation to normal operation or for passing computer games. As a rule, access to color settings and other parameters is carried out from a menu called up by clicking on the adapter icon in the system tray. And, I must say, they can make installations automatically.

Visual determination of image quality

Finally, before you start directly deciding how to configure the monitor for correct color rendering (use software or limit yourself to system tools), you need to evaluate how feasible this is.

The biggest problem with all screens is the change in color or contrast when viewed from the side. First, you should move a few meters away from the screen and see how the image changes. Along the way, it is worth paying attention to the presence of horizontal stripes changing in the vertical direction. If they are visible too clearly, you will have to adjust the screen refresh rate (this can be done in the adapter properties on the “Monitor” tab). The higher the frequency, the better. As a rule, the default setting is initially set to the optimal setting, but a free-standing computer monitor or laptop screen may support higher settings. Therefore, you need to test each of them by selecting the appropriate frequencies in the drop-down menu.

How to set up your monitor for correct color reproduction: desktop devices

Now about the setup itself. As a rule, most modern computer monitors (not laptop screens) are already equipped at the time of manufacture with their own means for setting the necessary parameters.

To solve the question of how to set up the monitor for correct color reproduction, in the most simple case need to press special button menu on the front panel or side to enter the corresponding menu. When you select the desired section using two buttons, you can adjust all parameters. But, as is already clear, such settings are primitive, and the monitors themselves are clearly limited in their ability to fine-tune all the necessary parameters.

How to properly adjust monitor color rendering using Windows?

Despite the fact that you can access color adjustment in Windows systems through personalization or screen settings (both sections can be called up from the right-click menu on an empty space of the “Desktop”), it is still better to use a special calibration tool. The easiest way to call it is through search bar the “Start” menu, where the word “calibration” is written. You can also access this tool, for example, in Windows 10 through the screen options, where you select additional settings. You should first set the optimal (recommended) screen resolution or use higher settings, if supported.

Next, you will need to follow the recommendations of the “Wizard,” changing certain settings along the way. Particular attention should be paid to setting the number of displayed colors and depth. You don’t have to experiment with the quantity, but the color depth for the displayed graphic objects for almost everyone modern devices must be set to 32 bits.

Testing and configuration using RealColor

It is believed that one of the most optimal solutions to the problem of how to set up a monitor for correct color reproduction is to use special wallpapers called RealColor, which is somewhat reminiscent of the adjustment grid that was previously used on TVs.

You just need to download the wallpaper with the resolution corresponding to that installed on your computer monitor or laptop screen, and then open it in full screen size. Next, you should look at the screen from a normal distance. But it’s better to use a special picture in which optimal setting a smooth gray gradient should be visible. If streaking is visible or other colors are mixed in, the monitor is not calibrated. A similar result should be observed for images with colored letters and circles on a gray background.

In most cases, the result will not live up to your hopes, so you will have to use special utilities. One could, of course, advise special application Atrise Lutcurve, but the program is paid ($25), and most users simply cannot afford it.

Image calibration in Adobe Gamma

Thus, if you decide how to set up your monitor for correct color rendering using software, you can use Adobe Gamma as a testing utility, however, this program is basically designed for color calibration when working in Photoshop (so that the image on the screen does not differ depending on what will be printed).

When starting the application, it is better to select a special “Wizard” (step by step) and create a description of the new profile. Next, as in the case of calibration in Windows, you need to follow the instructions and recommendations, changing the parameters manually.

Set the glow type to HDTV (CCIR 709) or custom, leave only one checkbox for consideration color scheme and determine the so-called color temperature of the white point (for daylight the value is set to 6500K). Next, three light squares will be shown, from which you will need to choose the most neutral gray. At the last stage, all that remains is to set the point display as hardware and save the profile. If you need to make changes, editing the profile or launching a new test can be done from the system tray.

Using online services

Basically, evaluate the correctness set parameters color rendering is also possible using special web services like, however, they do not have their own configuration tools, but in the test results they give enough detailed descriptions problems and recommendations for eliminating them.


As a conclusion, we can only note that fine tuning color rendering is a rather difficult matter, especially since these parameters depend on a huge number of third-party factors and conditions. Therefore, in different situations, the settings used may differ sharply from each other.

But many will ask, what should I use? In the simplest case, you can limit yourself to Windows tools. Well, in software terms, it is better to configure it through the utilities supplied with graphics adapters(if such programs exist). In most cases, they save the user from changing settings manually and can optimize all parameters based on the selected operating mode.

Windows 7 screen color calibration

There are many different monitors, good and not so good. With matrices TN, IPS, MVA, PVA and their varieties. And they all show differently. That's why it's nice that Windows 7 has an improved screen color calibration wizard. The wizard allows you to customize the screen so that you can look at it without crying.

In fact, the screen color calibration wizard allows you to adjust image parameters such as contrast, brightness and color. In addition, the built-in Clear Type font optimizer will allow you to customize the display of fonts, making them more contrasting and pleasing to the eye.

There are two ways to start color calibration.

1. Click on the Start button, enter the command dccw.exe in the search bar and click safely.

In any case, Screen Color Calibration will start. By clicking the Next button, carefully follow the recommendations provided.

If you do everything correctly, the image on the monitor screen will definitely improve, become more natural and colorful. However, this will not replace hardware calibration - however, the latter is needed only by designers and other Photoshop enthusiasts.

How to calibrate and set up a monitor at home

What is calibration and why is it needed?

Calibration is the process of adjusting the color rendition, brightness and contrast of the image of a monitor or other visualization device (for example, a projector or TV) in order to achieve the most complete match of tone, colors and shades on the screen and when printing. In everyday life, calibration has the goal of simply making the image natural and pleasing to the eye.

Almost everyone has encountered the need to calibrate a monitor - when they brought it home from the store and turned it on for the first time. For those who do not work in graphic editors and are not involved in photography, it is enough to do this “by eye”, using the adjustment buttons on the monitor itself or using Windows tools. Great accuracy is not important here - the main thing is that the image is without obvious color distortions, moderately bright and moderately contrasting.

Artists, designers and photographers need deeper - professional calibration, which is done either using programs or special devices - calibrators.

The first option is available to everyone - the majority of such applications are free and not too difficult to use. However, to achieve a good result you also need a diamond eye. The second option provides maximum accuracy, but few people use it. The reason is the high cost of calibrators. Even a budget device costs as much as a good smartphone, but some artists and photographers rent them or use the services of calibration specialists, fortunately this is not required to be done often.

Since we don’t have a calibrator, let’s talk about ways to configure the monitor using programs.

Easy monitor calibration using Windows

The tool we are interested in is called “Color Calibration”. In Windows 10, it is called through the “Settings” application - section “System” - “Display” - “Advanced screen settings”.

In windows 7 and 8.1 - through the Control Panel and the “Display” section. Or through “Display Settings” in the desktop context menu.

After launching the utility, follow the suggested operations step by step. But before doing this, be sure to expand the window to full screen and sit directly in front of it, otherwise the result may not be accurate. The distance from your eyes to the screen should be the same as during normal work.

The first step is to set the basic color parameters

Open your monitor's menu by clicking the button on its panel and set the default color settings. If you have a laptop, continue to the next step.

Second step - adjusting the gamma

Here is an image of a square with dark spots inside and a settings slider. There is a dot in the center of each spot. Your task is to make the dots invisible (merge in brightness with the background).

Third step - adjust brightness

Open the monitor menu or the Power Options section of the Panel again windows control- Now we need a brightness adjustment slider. Instead, you can use the “Brightness-” and “Brightness+” buttons on the monitor panel or laptop keyboard.

Move the slider to adjust the brightness so that the suit details and shirt of the person in the picture are moderately visible, and the X on the wall behind him does not blend into the background, but is barely noticeable.

Fourth step - adjusting contrast

By controlling the contrast adjustment slider, make sure that all the folds and buttons on the white shirt are clearly visible, and the shirt does not blend into the wall.

Fifth step - color balance

Move the three color sliders - red green and blue - until the stripes in the center of the screen are neutral gray.

Sixth step - saving calibration

Compare the current (new) calibration with the previous one. If you are satisfied with it, click “Done”. If you next want to proceed to setting up text display, first check the “Run ClearType tool...” checkbox.

Setting the display of text

Here you should select an example where the pangram (text that includes all the letters of the alphabet) is read best and apply the setting.

The Windows calibrator is quite enough to properly configure the monitor for work not related to graphics editing and artistic printing.

To check the quality of calibration, you can use specially created wallpapers from the website Select a set of wallpapers according to your screen resolution so that the picture does not change in size.

Monitor calibration for photo printing and graphics work

How to get the best results

To get a really good image, where black is black (not dark gray), white is white, and color does not depend on the angle of rotation of the screen, you need a professional monitor. Photographers and graphic artists prefer screens with an IPS matrix (the best option is S-IPS).

On budget monitors with TN-type matrices, it is unfortunately impossible to achieve high accuracy of shades and colors. And the point is not that the programs do not allow this, but in the qualities of the screen itself. But we will work with what we have.

So, let's start with preparing the workplace:

  • The monitor should be placed where you usually use it.
  • The room must be sufficiently lit. It is better to carry out calibration in the lighting in which you are working. If you work in both natural and artificial light, it is optimal to create two color profiles. Directional light sources should be removed from the screen during calibration.
  • Before calibration begins, the monitor must be operated for some time. CRT monitor - at least an hour, for others 30 minutes is enough.
  • The background image should be set to neutral, preferably gray tones.

Adobe Gamma

Using Adobe Gamma, monitors are calibrated for working in Photoshop. Since the applications were created by a single developer, they are optimal for sharing - profiles created in Gamma are displayed in the Photoshop menu, and the user can quickly switch between them.

The utility is included with Photoshop, but if desired, it can be downloaded separately, although not from the official website (it is not there), but from third-party resources. It does not require installation, you just need to run it.

If you are calibrating for the first time, select the Step by Step version.

Next, we’ll create a description of the new profile (in Latin letters).

Next we move on to the calibration process. Using the monitor settings menu, we will adjust the brightness and contrast so that the gray square in the center of the window almost merges with the black one, but is distinguishable against its background. The frame should remain white.

The next step is to determine the type of glow (color of the phosphor). The required value can be taken from the monitor’s factory profile (it will be set by default if you have not previously changed anything in the settings). If you are at a loss, leave “Native” or “HDTV (CCIR 709)”.

Now let's set up the gamma for correct color rendering (the ratio of red, green and blue channels). Using the slider, we will align the brightness of the gray square against the background of black and white stripes, or set one of the default values. For an LCD monitor it is better to choose 1.8, for a CRT - 2.2.

If you uncheck "Consider one gamut", instead of a gray square there will be three - red, green and blue, with separate adjustment tools. With their help, you can remove the color tint of the screen, if any. If not, it’s better not to touch them.

After adjusting the gamma, we will determine the color temperature of the monitor’s white point. This setting depends on the ambient lighting. To work in daylight, it is optimal to set 6500° K, for artificial heat (incandescent lamps) - 5000° K, for artificial white heat (fluorescent lamps) - 9300° K.

To determine the color temperature visually, click the “Change” button.

Three light squares will be displayed against a dark background. Your task is to choose the most neutral gray.

At the final stage, set the white point display as a hardware value and save the profile.

To quickly edit existing profiles, it is more convenient to open the program as a control panel. Here all the settings are in one window.

Assessing calibration quality using web services

Online monitor testing services are convenient to use as an addition to calibration programs. With their help, you can evaluate and adjust not only brightness, contrast and color, but also sharpness, geometry, the presence of dead pixels, flicker level, etc. This is important if you use the monitor for photo editing or professional graphics work.

There are no settings elements in the services, so if you need to fix something, you will have to use third-party tools - buttons and monitor menus, windows tools or programs.

The service allows you to evaluate the following:

  • Color accuracy.
  • Presence of dead pixels.
  • Smooth gradient transitions.
  • Flicker (phase synchronization on VGA monitors) and moire (stains in the form of a wave-like pattern, which should not normally exist).
  • Sharpness of boundaries.
  • Brightness and contrast.
  • Zonal brightness (the difference in brightness in the center and on the periphery of the screen).
  • Geometry and grids (clipping of image edges, peripheral distortion on a widescreen screen with an aspect ratio of 16:9).
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