Hardware and software setup

Building shapes in a graphics editor.

«LABORATORY WORKS MS OFFICE 2016 INTRODUCTION Word and Excel applications are included in all editions of the Microsoft Office 2010 package: ...»

Vyatka humanitarian gymnasium




Word and Excel are included with all editions of the Microsoft Suite

Office 2010: Home & Student, Home & Business, Professional. Both

applications have gained wide popularity among users.

Text word editor designed for creating, editing, displaying and printing, saving as files of various kinds of documents: layouts of books, brochures, reports, business letters, forms, etc. Skills in working with text editor are obligatory both for specialists of various professions and for students in the preparation of reports, abstracts, term papers and graduation papers.

The Excel application is designed to work with spreadsheets. Experts consider him the leader among software tools, allowing you to create and manipulate spreadsheets. Features of Excel very wide. These include: solving computational problems, visualizing data using charts, processing and analyzing statistical data, economic modeling, preparing reports, organizing databases (databases) and processing them, and many others. Knowledge of the program allows you to receive the necessary data in a timely manner and be able to present them in a visual form, which is extremely important in the work of a qualified specialist in any field of activity.

Since the release of the first versions of Word and Excel have undergone great changes, as in user interface, as well as in functional content. For example, since the release of 2007, applications have introduced a new ribbon interface that has changed the way menus and commands are laid out.

Latest Versions Word and Excel allow groups of users to work remotely on documents and workbooks, reliably protect application files from unauthorized access using encryption and electronic digital signature and also provide users with a "cloud" service.

The laboratory workshop consists of three sections. The first section includes five laboratory works, the tasks of which are to study the basic methods and techniques for entering, editing, text formatting, working with tables and graphic objects, using styles, creating a table of contents in the editor Microsoft Word 2010. The second section consists of six works, the main purpose of which is the formation of practical skills necessary for effective work with spreadsheets Microsoft Excel 2010. They learn the basic techniques for creating, populating and formatting tables, performing calculations using library functions, building charts, graphs and sparklines, sorting, filtering, counting totals, building pivot tables and charts. The third section contains laboratory work on sharing Word and Excel applications through object embedding and linking.

In the end laboratory workshop tests for conducting knowledge control and preparing students for the FEPO Internet exam are given. The test tasks cover the topics studied in the classroom and are modeled on the test questions of the unified Internet testing portal in the field of education www.i-exam.ru and the center computer learning"Specialist"

www.specialist.ru on the topics "Word text editor" and "Excel spreadsheets".

The procedure for performing all laboratory work is the same.

Run time - 2 hours. Before the lesson, the student needs to familiarize himself with the relevant theoretical material on the topic of laboratory work. During a lesson in a computer class, students independently perform tasks, analyze situations that caused difficulties. The results of the work are saved as a file in the student's folder. After completing all the tasks of the laboratory work and an interview on it with the teacher, the student is given a credit for this work.

For the convenience of mastering the practice, the names of interface elements, application commands and keys are highlighted in the text with the Arial typeface. In writing commands, the following rule applies: the tab is indicated first, the group of commands follows after the arrow, and then the command itself or the sequence of command selection points from the list. For example, Home Font Bold or Insertion Headers and Footers Page Number Bottom of Page Simple Number 1. Individual lab assignments are labeled with instructions that provide support information for completing those assignments.


Entering and Formatting Text (Part 1)

Execution order.

1. Switch to the mode of working with the Page layout document (the command View Viewing modes of the Page layout document).

2. Set the display of text to fit the page width (View Scale Fit to Page Width command).

3. Set the display of hidden formatting characters (the command Main Paragraph Show all characters).

4. Type the following text:

–  –  –

Peel the potatoes and cut into slices 0.5 cm thick. Cut the onion into cubes.

Layer the potatoes and onions in a baking dish (the top layer is potatoes), sprinkling each layer with salt and pepper to taste. Pour in milk and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 40 minutes at 180°C.

From European cuisine recipes

5. For various text fragments, provide the following formatting options:

dish name: font size 17 pt, bold style, capital letters, spacing between characters by 3 pt, paragraph alignment in the center, single line spacing, spacing after paragraph 15 pt;

list of ingredients: font size 13 pt, bold style, paragraph alignment to the left with an indent on the left, single line spacing;

recipe text: font size 13 pt, paragraph alignment in width, first line indent 1 cm, line spacing one and a half, spacing before the list of ingredients 12 pt;

last line: font size 13 pt, italic font, paragraph right alignment, spacing before recipe text 12 pt.

6. Display the document you created on the screen in preview mode (File Print command).

7. Return to document mode.

8. Save the document you created in your folder on your working disk under the name Surname_Work_1.docx.

9. Insert a page break after the last paragraph of text.

10. On the second page, type the text:

LLC "Business Service"

680000, Khabarovsk, Komsomolskaya st., 22a tel. 333 – 3333 fax 222 – 222

–  –  –

Joint-Stock Company "Business Service" invites you on March 1, 2014 at 20:00 to the traditional spring meeting of the Khabarovsk Gentlemen's Club

–  –  –

11. Provide the following formatting options:

form details: Cambria font, font size 14 pt, paragraph alignment in the center with an indent to the right, single line spacing;

appeal: Cambria font, font size 14 pt, bold style, paragraph alignment in the center, spacing 24 pt between requisites and appeal, spacing 12 pt between appeal and body text;

body text: Cambria font, font size 14 pt, first line indent 1 cm, paragraph justification,

signature: Cambria font, font size 14 pt, italic style, paragraph alignment, spacing between the body text and signature 18 pt, full name alignment. to the left of the tab stop.

12. Save the document. Show the result of your work to the teacher.

13. Insert a page break after the last paragraph of text.

14. On the third page, type the following text (font and paragraph settings can be arbitrary):

Clipboard The clipboard is used to copy or move data both within the same application and between different applications.

Clipboard (Clipboard) is a memory area in which the cut or copied element (text, picture, table, etc.) is stored. All MS Office applications have a multi-place clipboard that can hold up to 24 items.

Using the clipboard involves the following operations:

to cut;



When performing a cut operation, the selected object is placed on the clipboard and removed from the source. You can cut a selected object using the Home Clipboard Cut command.

When copying, the selected object is placed on the clipboard and remains in the source. You can copy a selected object using the Home Clipboard Copy command.

A previously cut or copied object to the clipboard can be pasted to a specified location using the Home Clipboard Paste command.

The contents of the MS Office package clipboard are cleared when the package programs are closed.

15. For the heading of the text, set the font size to 17 pt, the style is bold, the spacing between characters is sparse by 2.5 pt, and the paragraph is centered.

16. Between the title and the first paragraph of the text, set the spacing to 12 pt.

17. For the main text, set the font size to 13 pt, the alignment of paragraphs in width, the indent of the first line of each paragraph is 1 cm, the line spacing is one and a half, the spacing between paragraphs is 0 pt.

18. For the bulleted list, set the font size to 12 pt, bold italic style.

19. Change the list marker "" to a dash "-". If there is no minus sign in the marker library, define a new marker using the Define New Marker Symbol command.

20. Move the bulleted list 3 cm from the left margin of the page.

21. Swap the first and second paragraphs.

22. Swap the last and penultimate paragraphs.

23. Combine the first and second paragraphs into one.

24. Replace the phrase "MS package" with "Microsoft" throughout the text

using the command Home Edit Replace.

25. Save the document. Display the document you created on the screen in preview mode and show the result of your work to the teacher.

Entering and Formatting Text (Part 2)

Execution order.

1. Switch to the Page Layout document mode.

2. Set the display of text to fit the width of the page.

3. Set the display of hidden formatting characters.

4. Create a cover page on the first page of a new document according to the template:

–  –  –

6. Save the document you created on your working disk in your folder under the name Surname_Work_2.docx.

7. Insert a page break after the last paragraph of the title page.

8. Type the following text on the second page:

Text editor MS Word Great popularity among text editors different manufacturers received Word application Microsoft company. Together with Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher applications, the Word text editor is included in the MS Office package.

Microsoft Word offers users a wide range of tools for preparing documents for various purposes: layouts of books, brochures, reports, business letters, forms, etc. Since the release of the first versions of MS Word, it has undergone major changes both in the user interface and in the functional content. For example, since the release of 2007, the application has introduced a new ribbon interface that has changed the approach to the location of menus and commands. The latest versions of the application allow groups of users to work remotely on one document, securely protect documents from unauthorized access using encryption and electronic digital signature, and also provide users with a "cloud" service.

9. For the title of the text, set the font size to 16 pt, bold style, paragraph alignment to the center, spacing after the paragraph to 12 pt.

10. For the body text, set the font size to 14 pt, justify alignment, indent the first line of each paragraph 1.25 cm, line spacing multiplier 1.4, spacing between paragraphs 6 pt.

11. Set the automatic hyphenation mode.

12. Check spelling in all text.

13. Using the clipboard, copy the text you typed with the title so that it repeats four times in the document.

14. Insert a page break after each copy of the text.

15. On the second page of the document, style the title of the text as a WordArt object. Insert a footnote at the end of the second paragraph. In the footnote area, enter the text “Strigunov V.V., Shadrina N.I., Berman N.D. Basics of working with the Microsoft Word 2010 text editor: textbook. allowance. Khabarovsk, 2013. 80 p.

16. On the third page of the document, break the text into two columns. The heading of the text should be placed in the first column and be centered.

17. On the fourth page of the document, divide the text into three columns. The title of the text should be placed above the columns and aligned to the center of the paragraph. Set vertical lines to separate columns.

18. On the fifth page of the document, enclose the first paragraph in a frame of double lines, fill the text with yellow, set the character color to blue. Insert any picture from the MS Office picture collection.

Set the picture size to 4 x 4 cm without maintaining proportions, wrapping text around the frame. The picture should be placed to the left of the second paragraph.

19. Insert a page break after the last paragraph of the fifth page text.

20. On the sixth page, type the following text:

Means of copying and reproduction of documents.

Means of operational polygraphy.

Offset printing.

Screen printing.

means of reprographics.

Electronic graphic copying.

Thermographic copying.

Means of administrative and managerial communication.

Means of undocumented information.

Telephone communications.

Radio communication.

Means with documentation of information.

21. Form a multi-level list from the entered text:

1. Means of copying and reproduction of documents.

1.1. Means of operational polygraphy.

1.1.1. Offset printing.

1.1.2. Screen printing.

1.2. means of reprographics.

1.2.1. Electronic graphic copying.

1.2.2. Thermographic copying.

2. Means of administrative and managerial communication.

2.1. Means of undocumented information.

2.1.1. Telephone communications.

2.1.2. Radio communication.

2.2. Means with documentation of information.

22. Insert page numbers into the document at the bottom center.

23. Create a header. In the left corner of the header, type your full name, in the right corner, insert the current date.

24. Ensure that the header and footer on the title page is not displayed.

25. Save the document you created.

26. Show the result of your work to the teacher.

Working with tables in the document Order of execution.

1. Insert into new document table and fill it with data according to the sample:

–  –  –

2. Sort the data in the table by workshops, and inside each workshop by full name. workers in alphabetical order.

3. Add two lines to the end of the table and enter data into them:

–  –  –

4. Resort the data in the table based on the information you added to it.

5. Add a line at the end of the table, in the leftmost cell of which enter the text Total. In the rightmost cell, insert a formula for calculating the amount for the Amount to issue column (command of the Layout Data Formula contextual tab).

6. Add an Accrued column after the Last Name column. and enter data into it (see the sample in paragraph 9). In the total row, add a formula to calculate the amount for the Accrued column.

7. Delete the lines containing information for A. A. Kozlov and T. G. Ermolaev. Update the formula calculation results.

8. Insert a line containing the ordinal numbers of the columns after the table header:

9. Format the table, align it and the title to the center of the page, set the outer borders double lines, align the headings in the table header to the center of the cells. As a result of the actions performed, the table should look like:

–  –  –

10. Save the document you created in your folder on your working disk under the name Surname_Work_3.docx.

11. Fill out a new page of the current document according to the sample below. Insert the necessary formulas for calculations into the table.

–  –  –

12. Save the document you created.

13. On the next page, add a table and fill it with data.

Insert a formula to calculate the value in the Total field.

–  –  –

14. Save the document you created. Show the result of your work to the teacher.

Adding formulas and graphic objects to a document

1. Create a new document and enter the following mathematical formulas into it:

2. Type the text below and build a flowchart according to the given pattern. For easier alignment on the flowchart elements page, display the grid using the View Show Grid checkbox.

–  –  –

4. Save the document you created to your folder on your working disk under the name Surname_Work_4.docx. Show the result of your work to the teacher.

Formatting with styles. Creating a table of contents Order of execution.

1. Copy the title page from the file of laboratory work No. 2, paste it into a new document and correct the number and topic of the work.

2. Insert a page break after the last paragraph of the title page.

3. Type text:

Europe Europe is part of the world, the western part of the mainland Eurasia. Europe stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mountains, along the eastern foot or ridges of which there is a conditional border between Europe and Asia. Let us describe the geographical position of some European countries.

Sweden Sweden is located in the eastern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. This country stretches from north to south - from the icy deserts of the Arctic to the border with Denmark.

Austria Austria is a mountainous country lying in the center of Europe. Almost three-quarters of its territory is occupied by densely forested snowy Alps.

Spain Spain is located on the Iberian Peninsula, located in the western part of Europe.

Africa Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia and occupies one-fifth of the world's land area. Africa is separated from Asia only by the artificial Suez Canal. Let us describe the geographical position of some African countries.

Tunisia Tunisia is the northernmost country on the African continent. Tunisia is located on the eastern tip of the Atlas Mountains.

Angola Angola is located on the west coast of Africa. The narrow coastal plains of Angola turn into semi-desert savannahs and mountain ranges.

4. Apply the style named Heading 1 to the headings of the parts of the world (Europe, Africa), the style Heading 2 to the headings of the countries and the style Regular to the rest of the text.

5. Insert a page break after the last paragraph of text.

6. On the third page, type the word Contents and below insert a table of contents that includes two levels: Heading 1 and Heading 2 (Command Links Table of Contents Table of Contents...).

7. Display the document in preview mode and show the result of your work to the teacher.

8. Return to document mode.

9. Remove the table of contents (the word Contents does not need to be removed).

10. Create a style called LastName_1 with the following settings:

Arial font;

font size 16 pt;


all letters are capital;

alignment of the paragraph in the center;

There is no indentation of the first line;

line spacing one and a half;

spacing after paragraph 12 pt;

paragraph level Level 1.

11. Apply the style Surname_1 to the names of parts of the world.

12. Create a style named LastName_2 with the following settings:

Arial font;

font size 14 pt.;


paragraph alignment to the left;

There is no indentation of the first line;

line spacing one and a half;

interval after paragraph 6 pt;

paragraph level Level 2

13. Apply the LastName_2 style to the country names.

14. Create a style named LastName_3 with the following settings:

Times New Roman font;

font size 12 pt;

normal style;

alignment of the paragraph in width;

indent of the first line 1 cm;

line spacing one and a half;

spacing before and after the paragraph 0 pt.

15. Apply the LastName_3 style to the rest of the text.

16. Insert a page break between the information for Europe and Africa so that Europe is on one page and Africa is on the other.

17. Create a header. In the left corner of the header, type your full name, in the center insert the page number, in the right corner - the current date.

18. Ensure that the header and footer on the title page is not displayed.

19. On the fourth page, below the word Contents, insert a table of contents that includes one level - the created style Surname_1.

20. Insert page breaks so that the information for each country is on a separate page.

21. Update the contents of the table of contents. This should change only the page numbers.

22. Delete the created table of contents.

23. Insert a table of contents that includes two levels - styles Last_1 and Last_2.

24. Set the landscape format of the page with information about Tunisia.

25. Open the document navigation area (View Show Navigation Area command).

26. Using the navigation area, move sequentially to the pages with information about Tunisia, Austria and Sweden.

27. Save the document you created in your folder on your working disk under the name Surname_Work_5.docx. Show the result of your work to the teacher.


Creating and editing tables Order of execution.

1. Enter data on the worksheet (fig. 1).

–  –  –

Instruction. You can use the fill handle to copy and fill data in adjacent cells. This is the black square in the lower right corner of the selected cells. When hovering over a marker, the mouse pointer changes to a black cross. To fill, select the cells that will become the data source, and then drag the marker down, up, or sideways on the cells you want to fill. To copy list items (months, days of the week, etc.) while dragging the marker, hold down the Ctrl key. You can drag a marker to select a fill option right click mice.

3. Place two empty lines between the lines with information about chocolate and coffee and enter data in them (range A6: E7):

February Sok 55 Lanta May March Sok 55 Parus May

4. Insert the Quantity column between the Price and Supplier columns and fill it with the data:


5. Place the Vendor column after the Item column.

Instruction. Select the Vendor column, move the mouse pointer over the selection border when it becomes visible, right-click this column over the Price column, and select Move Right and Move from the menu that appears.

6. Complete the table (range A13:F16) with the following information:

February Chocolate Lanta 85 200 April February Juice Parus 45 200 May February Coffee Mars 400 200 June February Cookies Mars 48 200 July

7. Insert an empty column before the Receipt column and enter the heading No. p / p.

8. Using the fill marker, number the rows of the table with numbers from 1 to 15 in column No. p / p.

9. Delete from the table row number 4 in column No. p / p and correct the numbering of lines in this column.

10. Using the Home Edit Find command and select Replace, in the Vendor column, replace Lant with Lavit.

11. Place two empty lines above the column headings and enter the table name in cell A1: Sales of goods from warehouse No. 22.

12. Using the Home Alignment Merge and Center command, center the header on the columns.

13. In cell A2 enter the word Date, in cell B2 enter the current date, in cell E2 enter the word Time, in cell F2 enter the current time.

14. Draw borders on the table.

15. Compare the table you created with the table shown in fig. 2. If there are discrepancies, make corrections.

Rice. 2

16. Set page parameters: orientation - landscape; top and bottom margin - 2 cm, left margin - 3 cm, right margin - 1 cm, centering on the page - horizontal and vertical.

17. Use the Insert Text Header and Footer command to create a header and footer for the worksheet. In the header, on the left side, type the name of the lab, and on the right side, type your last name and initials. In the center footer, enter current page out of the total number of pages.

18. Return to the Normal document mode (View Book View Modes Normal command).

19. Display the table in preview mode (File Print command).

20. Rename Sheet 1 to Table.

21. Select the columns Product, Price, R., Quantity and copy them to Sheet 2.

22. Insert a new sheet after Sheet 3.

23. Create a copy of the worksheet Table in the current workbook.

24. Copy the worksheet Table into a new workbook.

Instruction. In the context menu of the sheet shortcut Table, select the Move or copy command, in the Move selected sheets to book drop-down list, select New book, Make a copy.

25. Save the created workbook in your folder on the disk under the name Surname_Work_1.

26. Go to Sheet 3 of the workbook.

27. Move the table cursor:

a) to the last line of the worksheet (key combination Ctrl +);

b) in the last right column of the worksheet (Ctrl +) and write down its address in the active cell (to return to the beginning of the worksheet, press Ctrl + Home);

c) to cell S3456 (key F5).

28. Make selections one by one with the mouse:

a) range C3:H9;

b) ranges A1:A5, C3:E3, H2:I8;

c) lines 4,5,6,7;

d) columns B, C, F, G;

e) lines from 18 to 48;

f) all cells of the worksheet;

g) column XEV;

h) lines 10000.

29. Select the current area of ​​the worksheet Table using the command Home Editing Find and select Select a group of cells.

30. Go to Sheet 3. Fill the row with values ​​from 0 to 0.5 in 0.05 increments using the fill handle.

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Enter the first two values ​​in adjacent cells. Select them and drag out the fill handle.

31. Fill the line with arithmetic progression values ​​from -1 to 0 in 0.1 increments using the Home Edit Fill Progression command.

–1 –0,9 –0,8 –0,7 –0,6 –0,5 –0,4 –0,3 –0,2 –0,1 0

32. Fill in the column with geometric progression values:

33. Fill Sheet 4 with data using the fill handle and the Progression command.

34. Enter the values ​​of the matrix elements on the worksheet.

35. Transpose the matrix.

Instruction. To transpose a matrix, it must be copied to the clipboard and pasted at an arbitrary place on the worksheet using the Home Clipboard Paste command Special insert.

36. Save the workbook.

37. Show the result of your work to the teacher.

Calculations using formulas and functions

–  –  –

Task 4. Fill in the table with data and perform the calculation in it.

Task 5. Fill in the table with the initial data.

Calculate the areas of rectangles given the width and length of the sides.

–  –  –

Task 12. Determine what day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, ...) you were born.

Instruction. 1st way. Enter the date in the cell. In the context menu of the cell, select Format Cells... Number (all formats) and in the Type field enter DDDD.

2nd way. Enter the date in the cell. In the adjacent cell, use the TEXT() function.

–  –  –

Show the result of your work to the teacher.

Performing calculations and optimizing the image of the table The order of execution.

1. Enter data on the worksheet (fig. 3).

–  –  –

2. Insert formulas for calculations in the columns District coefficient, Accrued, Income tax, Amount payable (in square brackets column numbers are given):

K = + = ( – ) n = –

3. In the last row, insert formulas to calculate the totals for the Income Tax and Payable columns.

4. Below the table, insert formulas for calculation:

a) the maximum amount to be issued;

b) average salary;

c) the minimum tax;

d) the number of workers whose salaries exceed 16,000 rubles. (COUNTIF() function);

e) the total income tax of workers with tax deductions (the SUMIF() function);

f) the total income tax of workers whose salaries exceed 16,000 rubles. and without tax deductions (function SUMIFS()).

5. Enter explanatory information for the formulas.

6. Display the values ​​in the entire table in currency format with two decimal places.

7. Set the cell fill to black in the final row, White color font, bold.

8. Format the table according to the pattern shown in fig. 4.

9. Save the workbook you created in your folder on your working disk under the name Surname_Work_3.

10. Copy the sheet named Sheet 1 to the current workbook.

11. Rename Sheet 1 to a sheet named Sheet, and Sheet 1(2) to Formulas.

12. On the Formulas sheet, display formulas in table cells.

13. Copy from sheet Sheet to Sheet 3 columns Full name, Amount to issue. To paste from the clipboard, use Paste Special (Command Home Clipboard Paste Paste Special Value).

14. Add the fields Message about the surcharge, Value of the surcharge, Total amount to the table. Enter a title for the Calculate Surcharge table. Enter the numbering of the columns (Fig. 3.3).

15. In the Extra charge message column, enter a formula that displays the message Yes if the payout amount is less than 20,000 rubles, and No in otherwise:=IF(B420000,"Yes","No").

16. In the Extra charge amount column, enter a formula that displays the allowance amount equal to 20% of the amount to be issued if this amount is less than 20,000 rubles, and 0 otherwise.

17. Insert a formula to calculate the values ​​in the Total Sum column.

18. Compare the table you received with the table shown in fig. 5. If there is a discrepancy, correct the table.

–  –  –

2. Insert a chart below the table. Chart type - scatter with smooth curves and markers.

3. Set the colors of the graph lines and markers: for - black, for

- Navy blue. Change the type of markers on the charts (Fig. 4.1).

4. Add a chart title. Display vertical and horizontal grid lines.

5. Set the display of the values ​​of the horizontal axis on the segment from

6. Compare the diagram you built with the one shown in fig. 6.

Rice. 6 Task 2. Construction of diagrams Order of execution.

1. Enter data on Sheet 2.

2. Copy them to Sheet 3.

3. On Sheet 2 below the table, plot a chart with markers.

4. Increase the chart size.

5. Change the chart type for the Food series to a histogram with grouping (Fig. 7).

6. Set the histogram of the Food series to a Dawn gradient fill.

7. Set the colors for the graph lines: utility bills - red, car maintenance - blue, loan payments - orange, miscellaneous expenses - green.

8. Insert the title of the chart "Expenditure dynamics for the first half of the year."

9. Set the vertical alignment of the labels on the horizontal category axis.

10. Compare the diagram you built with the one shown in fig. 4.2. If there are discrepancies between them, make the necessary changes to your diagram.

11. On the same worksheet for the source data, build a stacked bar chart.

12. Set the dimensions of the chart: height - 8 cm, width - 20 cm.

13. Insert a chart title and data labels (Figure 8).

14. Compare the diagram you built with the one shown in fig. 4.3. If there are discrepancies between them, make the necessary changes to your diagram.

–  –  –

15. In the original table, calculate the total expenses for the six months and build a donut chart based on them.

16. Insert a chart title and data labels.

–  –  –

17. Compare the diagram you have built with the one shown in fig. 9.

If there are discrepancies between them, make the necessary changes to your diagram.

18. In the original table, calculate the total expenses for each month and build a three-dimensional pie chart on them.

19. Use the Move Diagram Constructor command to place it on a separate sheet.

20. Format the chart area: the border is a solid dark blue line, 2pt wide. with shadow.

21. Remove the legend.

22. Change the data labels: for each sector of the chart, display the name of the month and the share as a percentage of the total expenses for the first half of the year (Fig. 10).

23. Place the sector with the maximum costs separately from the rest of the sectors.

24. Compare the constructed diagram with fig. 10. Show the results of your work to the teacher.

Rice. 10 Task 3. Building sparklines The order of execution.

1. In the table on Sheet 3, calculate the monthly expenses, add a line of monthly income and determine the monthly savings (Fig.

2. Add a Trends column to the table and build sparklines of the following types in the cells of this column: for expenses - sparkline Graph, for income - sparkline Column (Histogram), for savings - sparkline Win / Loss.

3. Change the height of the rows and the width of the sparkline column to visualize trends.

4. Mark the minimum and maximum values ​​on the sparkline graphs with markers.

5. Highlight the minimum value on the sparkline histogram.

6. Compare your result with the one shown in fig. eleven.

If there are discrepancies between them, make the necessary changes.

7. Show the results of your work to the teacher.

–  –  –

Execution order.

1. Enter data on the worksheet (Fig. 12). The cost of the order is calculated as the product of the number of paid units of goods in the order and the price of the unit of goods.

–  –  –

6. Save the workbook. Show the result of your work to the teacher.

Table tool. Subtotals. Pivot tables Execution order.

1. Using the copy and fill operations, enter the data on the worksheet (Fig. 13).

2. Convert the entered data into a table for managing and analyzing related data (Insert Tables Table command).

3. Sequentially sort the table using the filter buttons:

a) by region in alphabetical order;

b) according to planned indicators from maximum to minimum;

c) according to actual indicators from minimum to maximum;

d) by city in alphabetical order.

4. Add a Percent Complete column to the table and calculate the values ​​in it using the formula. Display the result with two decimal places.

5. In the Table Tools mode, use the Designer command Table style options Total Row to insert a row with total values.

6. In the totals row, display the totals for the Plan, Actual columns, and the average for the Percent Complete column.

7. On Sheet 2, create a table (Fig. 14).

–  –  –

8. In the original table, using the filter buttons, sequentially display the totals for each city and copy them to new table on Sheet 2. To paste from the clipboard, use the Paste Special Values ​​command.

9. Remove the filter from the City field.

10. Display in the total line the maximum planned and actual values, the minimum percentage of completion.

11. Save the created workbook in your folder on your working disk under the name Surname_Work_6.

12. Show the results of your work to the teacher.

13. Remove the total row and convert the table to a regular range using the commands on the Design context tab.

14. Remove the Percent Complete column.

15. Using the Data Structure Subtotal command, determine the total planned and actual sales for each quarter (Figure 15).

16. Show the results of your work to the teacher.

17. Cancel the calculation of totals.

18. Determine the total planned and actual sales for each city.

19. Using the structure buttons 1, 2, 3 or +/–, located to the left of the table, set the display of totals by city (Fig. 16).

–  –  –

20. Cancel the calculation of totals.

21. Determine the total planned and actual sales for each region and the number of sales in the region (Fig. 17).

22. Show the results of your work to the teacher.

23. Cancel the calculation of totals.

24. On a new sheet, create a pivot table (Insert Tables Pivot Tables command) with actual sales data for each city by quarter (Fig. 18).

25. To display the names of the fields, use the command Constructor Report layout Show in tabular form.

–  –  –

26. For the data in the pivot table, set the currency format.

27. Without changing the structure of the pivot table, using the Parameters Active field Parameters field command, display the maximum actual sales for each city by quarter (Fig. 19).

–  –  –

30. Display summary data in the table for the first quarter only.

31. On a new sheet of the workbook, create a summary table of actual sales by month for each quarter (Figure 22).

32. Add a slicer by cities using the Options Sorting and Filter Insert slicer command.

–  –  –

33. Using a slicer, display the actual sales for the city of Khabarovsk.

34. Save the workbook. Show the results of your work to the teacher.


Embedding and Linking Objects In MS Office applications, it is possible to import objects (files) created in other programs, including those not from the MS Office package, into one file. For example, insert into word document Excel spreadsheet or Paint drawing. This opportunity useful if the information you add will change over time and needs to be updated in the document. There are two options for adding objects: linking and embedding. The main difference between them is where objects are stored and how they are updated.

Linking a document to a file creates a connection between the original source file and the destination file to which the data has been added. The destination file displays the imported data, but it is stored in the source. When this data is changed in the source file, the destination file is updated.

Embedding a file in a document creates a copy of the source file in the destination file. This copy is stored inside the destination and is not associated with the source, so changing the source file does not affect the destination file in any way. You can edit an imported object in a file receiver without leaving Word.

To link and embed objects in MS Office, variants of the Paste Special... command from the clipboard or the command for adding objects Paste Text Object are used.

Task 1. Implementation of objects Order of execution.

1. Open the Excel application.

2. Enter data on the worksheet.

3. Plot graphs:

a) the graph of the function y = x2 is a point graph with smooth curves and markers;

b) the graph of the functions y = x2 and y = x3 is a point graph with smooth curves and markers.

–  –  –

4. Save the Excel document you created in your folder with the name LastName_Task.xlsx.

5. Without closing Excel applications, open Word.

6. In the text editor, enter the text:

–  –  –

7. Paste the previously created into excel spreadsheet. The table must be embedded in the text. To do this, the table from the clipboard is pasted into a text editor using the command Home Clipboard Paste Paste Special Microsoft document Excel (object). In the Paste Special dialog box, the Paste switch must be active.

8. Below the inserted table, enter the text:

Graphs are built in Excel spreadsheets. To build graphs, data was selected, then the Insert Chart command was executed. Selected type - point with smooth curves and markers.

9. Paste the text below into your document:

is the graph of the function y = x2

Both graphics must be embedded in the text. In order for the chart to be embedded in the text, it should be pasted from the clipboard using the Home Clipboard command Paste Special Paste Microsoft Excel Chart (object). In the Paste Special dialog box, the Paste switch is active.

10. Format the table: set the table fill (color - at your discretion), the display of numerical data in the center with two decimal places.

Instruction. To format an embedded object, double-click on it, after which a dashed frame will appear around the embedded object, the tabs and ribbon of the Excel application will be displayed, with the help of which formatting should be performed.

11. Format the graph of the function y = x2: remove the legend, display the vertical and horizontal grid lines. Set the display of the horizontal axis values ​​on the interval from -2 to 2, the value of the main divisions -1, the values ​​of the vertical axis on the interval from 0 to 4, the value of the main divisions -1.

12. Format the graph of the functions y = x2 and y = x3: place the legend at the bottom, display the vertical and horizontal grid lines. Set the display of the horizontal axis values ​​on the interval from -2 to 2, the price of the main divisions - 1, the values ​​of the vertical axis on the interval from -8 to 8, the price of the main divisions - 1. Select the size of the charts so that they do not go beyond the margins of the page.

13. Below the diagrams, enter the text:

Building shapes in a graphics editor

14. Execute the command Insert Text Object. Select the Create tab, object type Bitmap Image. In the Paint application that opens, draw shapes (the shape of the shapes and their fill can be arbitrary).

15. Close the Paint application.

16. Double click on the picture. In the Paint application that opens, format the shapes as you see fit, such as changing the Sonite Ribbon command to fill the shapes' fill color. Select Save copy as... from the list and save the object named Shapes in BMP format in your folder. Close the Paint application.

17. Save the document on your working disk in your folder with the name Surname_Installation.docx.

Task 2. Binding objects Order of execution.

1. Create a new Word document.

2. In the text editor, enter the text:

Plotting The values ​​of the functions y = x2 and y = x3 are given in the form of a table:

3. Insert a table previously created in Excel into the document. The inserted table must be linked to the table located in the source file LastName_Job.xlsx. To do this, the table from the clipboard is inserted into the document using the command Home Clipboard Paste Special Paste Microsoft Excel document (object). In the Paste Special dialog box, the Link switch is active.

4. Below the inserted table, enter the text:

It is required to construct a graph of the function y = x2 and a joint graph of the functions y = x2 and y = x3.

Graphs are built in MS Excel spreadsheets. To build graphs, data was selected, then the Insert Chart command was executed. Selected type - point with smooth curves and markers.

5. After the text, insert into your document in sequence:

is the graph of the function y = x2

is the graph of functions y = x2 and y = x3.

Both graphs must be linked to the corresponding graphs located in the source file (in MS Excel). To do this, each chart from the clipboard should be pasted using the command Home Clipboard Paste Special Paste Microsoft Excel Chart (object). In the Paste Special dialog box, the Link switch is active.

6. Save the document on your working disk in your folder with the name Last_Link.docx.

7. Open the previously created file in MS Excel Surname_Task.xlsx.

8. Format the graph of the function y = x2: remove the legend, display the vertical and horizontal grid lines. Set the display of the horizontal axis values ​​on the interval from -2 to 2, the value of the main divisions - 1, the values ​​of the vertical axis on the interval from 0 to 4, the value of the main divisions - 1.

9. Format the graph of the function y = x2: remove the legend, display the vertical and horizontal grid lines. Set the display of the horizontal axis values ​​on the interval from -2 to 2, the values ​​of the vertical axis on the segment from 0 to 4.

10. Format the graph of the functions y = x2 and y = x3: place the legend at the bottom, display the vertical and horizontal grid lines. Set the display of the horizontal axis values ​​on the interval from -2 to 2, the value of the main divisions - 1, the values ​​of the vertical axis on the interval from -8 to 8, the value of the main divisions - 1.

11. Go to the document Surname_Linking.docx, pay attention to the changes that have occurred with the table and graphs.

12. Below the diagrams, enter the text:

Building shapes in a graphics editor

13. Paste the previously saved Shapes.bmp file as a linked object using the Paste Text Object command. On the Create From File tab, specify the path to the Shapes.bmp file and select the Link to File check box.

14. Open the Shapes.bmp file in the Paint application. Format the shapes however you want, such as changing the fill color of the shapes.

15.Go to the LastName_Link.docx document. Update the drawing link to the source file. To do this, open the context menu for the picture and select Update Link.

16. Save the document on your working disk in your folder with the name Last_Link.docx.

17. Compare the sizes of the LastName_Installation.docx and LastName_Link.docx files. What conclusions can be drawn from comparing the sizes of these files?

18. Show the result of your work to the teacher.


Microsoft Word test

–  –  –

If you press the button in the above situation, the changes will affect ...

1. only highlighted word

3. a line with a highlighted word

4. all text Task 7 Text wrapping is selected for the graphic object in the above fragment ...

1. by office

2. before text

3. in text

4. top and bottom

5. Behind the text Task 8 A text consisting of three paragraphs has been typed in MS Word. After that, the following sequence of actions was performed:

1. Selected paragraph number 1.

2. Executed the command context menu Copy.

3. Set the cursor to the beginning of paragraph No. 3.

4. Executed the Paste context menu command.

5. Executed the Paste context menu command.

6. Canceled the last action.

7. Selected paragraph number 2.

8. Press the Delete key.

–  –  –

Task 9 The cursor is in the last cell of the table. You can add a row to the end of the table using the key ...

1. Tab 2. Ctrl 3. Shift 4. Home Task 10 The marker in the upper left corner of the table allows ...

1. change the width of the first column

2. move the table around the document

3. change the height of the first line

4. resize the upper left cell Task 11 Double-clicking the left mouse button in the situation shown in the figure will lead to ...

1. select and delete the first line of the document

2. highlighting the first line of the document

3. Increasing the indent on the first line of the document

4. paragraph selection Task 12 The document contains the symbols °. Their display is set to…

1. document review

2. cross references

3. display hidden formatting characters

4. document structure Task 13 Four sentences are typed in the MS Word editor. Properly placed spaces between words and punctuation marks in the sentence ...

–  –  –

Task 14 To select several words in the text, arranged in random order, you need ...

1. double-click on the words with the left mouse button

2. double-click on the words with the right mouse button

3. double-click on the first word with the left mouse button, and on subsequent words, double-click with the left mouse button while holding down the Ctrl key

4. Double-click on the first word with the left mouse button, and double-click on the subsequent words with the left mouse button while holding down the Shift key Task 15 Given a text fragment typed in MS Word text editor. To check the presence of paragraphs in this text, you can use the button ... 1. 2. 3. 4.

Task 16 The specified interface element of MS Word 2010 is called ...

–  –  –

Task 17 To highlight the contents of the entire document, you need ...

1. use the View tab

2. triple-click the left mouse button on the selection bar

3. use the Review tab

4. triple-click the right mouse button on the selection bar Task 18 To merge cells in the first row of the table, you need to go to ...

–  –  –

Task 20 The document consists of 8 pages. Pages 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 are in portrait orientation, while the rest are in landscape. The minimum number of sections established in this document is ... 1. 4 2. 3 3. 1 4. 2 Task 21 To check the spelling in the document, you should use ...

–  –  –

Task 22 The text of the document fits on one sheet. To delete the second blank sheet, you must ...

1. show hidden formatting characters and remove empty paragraphs

2. remove the empty footer located on the second page

3. increase the top and bottom margins of the document

4. cannot be deleted, only the first page can be printed. Task 23 To proceed to editing a previously created header and footer, you need ...

1. Switch to Draft mode

2. Header cannot be changed

3. hide the ribbon

4. double-click the left mouse button in the header area Task 24 What document viewing mode is shown in the figure?

–  –  –

Task 27 Using the element shown in the figure, in MS Word ...

1. set the left border of the paragraph

2. the selected text fragment is divided into two columns

3. the maximum interval between the words of the selected text fragment is set

4. an indent is set for the first line of the selected text fragment Task 28 The specified element on the tape is intended for ...

1. remove selected text

2. cleaning the format of the selected text

3. Opening the Clipboard Dialog Box

4. copying the formation parameters Task 29 The specified element on the tape is intended for ...

1.Font group collapsing

2. Move the Font group to a different location on the Ribbon

3. Opening the Font dialog box

4. Collapsing the Ribbon Task 30 To divide the content of the document into 3 columns, you should use ...

1. Home tab 2. Insert tab

3. Page Layout tab 4. View tab Task 31 A paragraph in Word is…

1. a fragment of text connected by semantic unity

2. any amount of text and graphics ending in a character

3. any amount of text and graphics ending with a symbol

4. a fragment of text, indented the first line to the right (red line) Task 32 Using formatting with styles, you cannot set parameters ...

–  –  –

Task 33 In the mode of displaying hidden formatting characters, an anchor icon is shown to the left of the paragraph. It means...

1. applying formatting style to this paragraph

2. text wrapping around the picture

3. linking the picture to this paragraph

4. prohibition of hanging lines in a paragraph Task 34 In order to change the orientation of sheets within the same document, it is necessary to insert in the document ...

–  –  –

Task 36 Spreadsheet processor is ...

2. a set of commands for editing the contents of tables

1. software product for data entry and creation of electronic forms

2. a specialized program that allows you to create spreadsheets and automate calculations in them

3. a microcircuit equipped with built-in commands for working with data arrays Task 37 When saving a document in MS Excel 2010, by default it is assigned the extension ...

4. xmcd Task 38 Pressing the key allows you to switch to the current cell editing mode.

4. F8 Task 39 Text data in a spreadsheet cell is aligned by default…

1. centered

3. right

4. left

5. Justify Task 40 Numeric data in a spreadsheet cell is aligned by default…

1. centered

2. right

3. left

4. by width

–  –  –

Task 42 The cell of the spreadsheet displays the value #DIV/0!, if ...

3. the formula or function contains invalid numeric values ​​Task 43 In a spreadsheet cell, the value #NUMBER! is displayed if ...

1. the program cannot recognize the entered cell or range name

2. The formula contains division by zero or by the value of an empty cell

3. formula or function contains invalid numeric values ​​Task 44 Spreadsheet formula =$F$1+$D$5 contains cell references…

1. absolute

2. relative

3. mixed

4. absolute and relative Task 45 The spreadsheet formula =B$2*$A1 contains cell references…

1. absolute

2. relative

3. mixed

4. absolute and mixed Task 46 The spreadsheet formula =$A$1+B3 contains cell references

1. absolute and relative

2. relative

3. mixed and absolute

4. absolute

–  –  –

Task 51 A fragment of a spreadsheet is shown in formula display mode. As a result of calculations, cell D1 will take on the value ... 1. 31 2. 28 3. 24 4. 12 5. 7 Task 52 A fragment of a spreadsheet in the formula display mode is presented. As a result of calculations, cell D1 will take on the value ... 1. 11 2. 10 3. 8 4. 32 5. 14 Task 53 A fragment of a spreadsheet in the formula display mode is presented. In MS spreadsheet Excel cells A1 and B1 are in Date format. In cell B1, the formula = A1 + 60 is entered. The value in cell B1 is ... 1. 06/9/2014 2. 06/10/2014 3. 04/10/2074 4. 04/04/2019 Task 54 A fragment of a spreadsheet in the formula display mode is presented. As a result of calculations, cell F1 will take on the value ... 1. 5 2. 4 3. 8 4. 3 Task 55 A fragment of a spreadsheet in the formula display mode is presented. As a result of calculations, cell A3 will take on the value ...

Note. The function used for calculations has the syntax:

SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]).

1. 3 2. -7 3. 19 4. 26 Task 56 A fragment of a spreadsheet is presented in the formula display mode. As a result of calculations, cell C3 will take on the value ... 1. 11 2. 14 3. 3 4. 33 Task 57 A fragment of a spreadsheet in the formula display mode is presented. The value in cell A1 will be...

1. the value of cell C3 of sheet "Sheet1"

2. the value of cell A1 of sheet "Sheet1"

4. the value of cell C3 of sheet "Sheet1" if this cell is not empty, otherwise the value of cell A1 of sheet "Sheet1"

Task 58 The number 36.5968 is set in a cell of MS Excel spreadsheet.

When displayed as a number format with two decimal places, this cell will display...

1. 36.59 2. 36.59 + E00 3. 36.60 4. 36.5968 5. 0.36 Task 59 The number 6.7 is specified in a cell in the MS Excel spreadsheet. When displayed as a number format with two decimal places, this cell will display...

1. 6.7 2. 0.67E + 01 3. 0.67 4. 6.70E + 00 5. 6.70 Task 60 The number 8.12 is specified in a cell in the MS Excel spreadsheet. When displayed in percentage format with two decimal places, this cell will display...

1. 812.00% 2. 0.812 3. 8.12% 4. 0.812% 5. 8.12 Task 61 In MS Excel spreadsheets, a numerical constant is written in exponential form and has a value of 5.3E + 04. The value of this constant in numerical format is ... 1. 53000 2. 5300000 3. 5.3 4. 0.00053 5. 53 Task 62 In MS Excel spreadsheets, the numerical constant is written in exponential form and has a value of 6.5E-03. The value of this constant in numerical format is ... 1. 0.065 2. 0.000065 3. 6500 4. 65000 5. 0.0065 Task 63 When copying from cell D1 to cell D2, the formula will look like ... 1. \u003d MAX (A1: C1 )

2.MAX(A1:C1) 3.=MAX(A2:C2) 4.=MAX($A$1:$C$1) 5.=MAX($A$2:$C$2)

6. MAX(A2:C2) Task 64 When copying from cell C1 to cell C2, the formula will look like ... 1. (A2+B2)*$D$1 2. =(A1+B1)*$D$1 3. =( A2+B2)*$D$2 4. =(A2+B2)*D2 5. =(A1+B1)*$D$2 6. =(A2+B2)*$D$1 Task 65 The formula from cell A3 is copied into cells A4 and A5. Cells A4 and A5 will take on the values ​​...

–  –  –

1. 18 2. 43 3. 9 4. 21 5. 19 Task 67 When sorting the presented table, first by the Year field in ascending order, then by the Quantity field in ascending order, the order of the line numbers will change to ...

1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2. 5, 2, 3, 4, 1 3. 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 4. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 5. 2, 5, 1, 4, 3

–  –  –

1. 1, 2 2. 6, 7 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 4. 7 5. 6 /P)…

–  –  –

1. 4, 8 2. 2, 6 3. 1, 2, 6, 7 4. 7 5. 2, 4, 6, 8 Task 71 When conditions are imposed on the Bonus field, record numbers will be selected from the Sheet table (No. P)…

–  –  –

1. 3, 7 2. 2, 5 3. 1, 2, 6, 7 4. 4, 5 Task 72 A fragment of a spreadsheet and a diagram are given. To build the chart, a range of cells was used ...

4. А1:А3 Task 73 A fragment of a spreadsheet and a diagram are given. To build the chart, a range of cells was used ...

–  –  –

This table corresponds to the diagram with the number ... 1. 2.

Task 75 The diagram was built on the same sheet as the table. Can the chart be placed on a separate sheet?

1. No, because the chart can only be on a sheet where the table is

2. Yes, if on the Design tab or in the context menu of the chart, select the Move chart command and specify on a separate sheet

3. Yes, if on the Design tab or in the context menu of the chart, select the Move chart command and specify on an existing sheet


1. Strigunov, V. V. Basics of working with Microsoft Word 2010 text editor: textbook. allowance / V. V. Strigunov, N. I. Shadrina, N. D. Berman. - Khabarovsk: Pacific Publishing House. state un-ta, 2013. - 80 p.

2. Microsoft Office: guidelines for performing laboratory work in computer science for students of all specialties / comp.

Yu. V. Lyubitsky, N. I. Shadrina. - Khabarovsk: Pacific Publishing House. state un-ta, 2009. - 47 p.

3. Fry, K. D. Microsoft Office 2010. Russian version / K. D. Fry, J. Cox, J. Lambert. - M. : ECOM Publishers, 2011. - 800 p. (Series "Step by step").

4. Ptashinsky, V. S. Self-instruction manual Word 2013 / V. S. Ptashinsky. – M.:

Eksmo, 2013. - 272 p.

5. Lubitsky, Yu. V. Microsoft Word 2007: textbook. allowance / Yu. V. Lyubitsky. - Khabarovsk: RIC KhGAEP, 2011. - 88 p.

6. Suryadny, A. Microsoft Office 2010 / A. Suryadny. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2011. - 640 p.

7. Sergeev, A. Microsoft Office 2010. Tutorial / A. Sergeev. - M. : Williams, 2010. - 624 p.

8. Walkenbach, J. Microsoft Excel 2010. User's Bible. - M. : Williams, 2011. - 912 p.

9. Walkenbach, J. Formulas in Microsoft Excel 2010. - M. : Williams, 2011. - 704 p.

10. Ivanov, I. Microsoft Excel 2010 for a qualified user / I. Ivanov. – M. : IT Academy, 2011. – 244 p.

11. Ptashinsky, V. Excel 2010 for beginners / V. Ptashinsky. – M.:

Eksmo, 2013. - 288 p.

12. Dolzhenkov, V. Microsoft Excel 2010. In the original / V. Dolzhenkov, A.

Stuchenkov. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 816 p.

13. Dolzhenkov, V. Excel 2010 Tutorial / V. Dolzhenkov, A. Stuchenkov.

- St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 382 p.

14. Sergeev, A. Microsoft Office 2010. Tutorial / A. Sergeev. - M. : Williams, 2010. - 624 p.

15. Volkov, V. Clear tutorial Excel 2010 / V. Volkov. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2010. - 256 p.

16. Suryadny, A. Microsoft Office 2010 / A. Suryadny. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2011. - 640 p.

17. Berman, N. D. Data visualization in MS Excel 2010: textbook. allowance / N. D. Berman. - Khabarovsk: Pacific Publishing House. state un-ta, 2014. - 72 p.

18. Help and instructions for Word // Support for Microsoft Office [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://office.microsoft.com/ruru/word-help

19. Single portal Internet testing in education [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://training.i-exam.ru

20. Computer training center "Specialist" [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://specialist.ru edition Moscow Published with the assistance of UDC 65.011; 336.64 Alt-Invest Group of Companies BBK 65.290 B87 ​​The editors would like to thank A. Bobrovs...”

“Designing a lesson on life safety taking into account health-preserving technologies Designing a lesson on life safety taking into account health-preserving technologies Teacher-organizer of life safety: Filonov LN, Health is the main wealth of a person, and the health of each of us is a problem for each of us. The civic duty of every teacher is to draw attention to the necessary...”

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VLADIMIR REGION) The article, based on archival materials, discusses the most acute socio-economic problems of the main groups ...» Less risk of losing money – Avoid losing money 4.12.2013 SUGARCRM CE. HARDSO OFFER...»

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“VII All-Russian scientific and practical conference for students and young people "Progressive technologies and economics in mechanical engineering" of processing processes that provide the required quality indicators of manufactured parts. At the same time, along with the basic and ... "

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Choose a program, with which you will perform laboratory work:

According to this, select then description of the laboratory work, which corresponds to the selected software.

  • First there is a description of the laboratory work for Microsoft programs office Word.
  • About in the middle of the page there is a description of the laboratory work for the program OpenOffice.org Writer

Please note that in laboratory work need to be done10 tasks.

Report formatting requirements

1. Complete all tasks in one document (except for the addendum to clause 12, in which you will need to create a second linked document) with a title page, which is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the university. Please note that the document must be in brochure format (see paragraph 1 of the job description).

2. All pages must have headers and footers, in the area of ​​which you indicate: authorship, section number and page number.

3. All headings of the same level should be formatted uniformly. The design style is up to you.

4. All drawings must be signed and numbered. You can choose the type of numbering either end-to-end or within one section.

5. All tables must be numbered: first comes the title of the table, then, right-aligned, the number of the table (for example, "Table 1")

6. All borrowed texts must have footnotes indicating the source (book, Internet resource, author's text, etc.)

7. An automatic table of contents should be inserted at the end of the document.

8. The finished document must be placed in two ways: in Google Docs and in the cloud storage.

Don't forget to add the logo to the pages of the document. Adding options:

  • Substrate. For Word 2007: Main menu Page layout - Substrate - Customizable underlay; select an option in the dialog box Drawing; button Select. For open Office.org Writer: Main menu Format- Page; select a tab in the dialog box Background; then A type- Graphic object; button Overview.
  • Drawing on the page. For Word 2007: Main menu Insert- Drawing. For open Office.org Writer: Main menu Insert- Image- From file.
  • To the top or bottomrunning title. The principle of operation is described in task No. 13 of this laboratory work.

Microsoft Office Word

I. Text formatting

Exercise 1

1 . Document formatted as a brochure ( File - Page settings; tab fields; for the team Pages -Several pages - select Brochure). In the same dialogPage settings on the tab fields set all margins between 1.5 and 2.0 cm.

2. Perform pagination(Insert - Page Numbers -…). Select the type and characteristics of the numbering at your discretion.

3. Main text: Rfont size (point size) select 10, line spacing - single, alignment - in width, red line - 1 cm. Set automatic hyphenation ().

4. Heading: 11, Bold, Italic, Times New Roman, Shadowed(Format - Font - Modification - with shadow)center alignment, no red line (or choose your own heading style).

Type text 1 (see figure 1) and format it according to the specified settings.

Picture 1

5. Execute a numbered list (Format - List - Numbered) aligned as shown

6. Keywords list (creationism, etc.) in italics.

7. Make the last paragraph as a footnote to the third paragraph of the numbered list (Select paragraph 3, Insert-Reference-Footnote).

8. Copy a numbered list either through the clipboard or by selecting with the CTRL key. Insert at the end of the text and arrange as a bulleted list ( Format - List - Bulleted). Choose the type of marker to your taste.

9. Run a spell check ( Service-Spelling or from the toolbar).

Task 2

1. Dial smallarbitrary content text volume, on average, 600 characters (see Figure 2).

2. Format - Columnsor from the toolbar). Set the width and spacing as desired.

4. Format - Borders and Shading

Figure 2

Task 3

  1. What's happened Field? How and why you can use an insert Fields in text documents?
  2. What is it used for Peer review?
  3. How to take advantage Newsletters?

II. Working with graphics

Objective: consolidate the skills of working with graphic objects in a text editorMSWorder.

Drawing in progress

  • across Insert - Shapes(see figure "4-a" (MSWorder, version 2007);
  • using the toolbar Painting(View - Toolbars - Drawing)(see figure "4-b" and "4-c" (MSWorder, version 2003)).

Then you need to select the desired shape and draw it.

Figure 4-a . Dropdown box drawing in MS Office Word 2007

Figure 4-b. Toolbar Painting in MS Office Word 2003

Figure 4-c. Tool figures on the toolbar Painting

in MS Office Word 2003

Exercise 4

Using the panel Painting perform geometric constructions similar to those shown in Figure 5. This may be arbitrary

Line, Line color, Stroke type, Caption.

Format - Inscription.

Actions - Order.

After the whole figure is built and the vertices (radii) are signed: you need to group the objects. Tool:

Actions - Grouping.

Approximate progress of work:

1. Draw lines. Set the color and type of lines. Set the order of the lines relative to each other.

2. With a tool Inscription sign tops. For all inscriptions set to Lettering format... :

  • Fill - no color (no fill) different specifications.
  • Lines - no color (no lines). Note that "white color" and "no color" are different specifications.



5. Sign the drawing.

Figure 5. Geometric constructions

III. Working with tables

Exercise 5

Compose an adarbitrary content , arranging it in a table (sample - Table 1.2, shown in Figure 9).Our sample content is not to be repeated!Insert an image of your logo into the plate, instead of, for example, a picture of the Eiffel Tower.

Use the possibilities of building tables:

· Table - Insert, Split Cells, Merge Cells, Borders;

· Insert - Picture - Pictures (or from a file);

· Add objectword art

· Font

· Format-Text Direction

Figure 7

Exercise 6

Create a table according to the model (Table 1.3, shown in Figure 10).

Product name and number selectarbitrary . Our values ​​do not repeat! Calculate the cost of each item using the formula. Count the totaland total cost. Column numbering ( A , B , C , D , E ) do not write. These designations are introduced by us to indicate the exact addressing of the cells. Everythingcalculations do onlyin a text editor , NOT GOING in MS Excel.

Figure 10

Approximate progress of work:

1. Create a table with 5 columns and 8 rows. Fill it with data.

2. Enter the formula for calculating the total cost of Zarya watches:

    • Set cursor to cellE 2 - in a column Price, against clock "Zarya";
    • Run commandTable - Formula.
    • =C2*D2 necessarily Latin letters.
    • In the same dialog box, selectNumber format– cash ###0.00 rub.
    • Click OK.
    • The result of the calculation will appear in the cell.


4. In line TOTAL

    • The sum of all prices. Set cursor to cell C6. Run command Table - Formula:=SUM(ABOVE), OK.
    • Set cursor to cell D 6 . Run command Table - Formula:=SUM(ABOVE), OK.
    • The total cost of all goods Place the cursor in the cell E 6 . Run command Table - Formula:=SUM(ABOVE), OK.

5. In a cell C7

    • Set cursor to cell C7. Run command Table - Formula - Insert Function -MAX().
    • Specify a range of cells in brackets ( C2:C5). The maximum price of the item will be selected.
    • Click OK.


Exercise 7

1.Create a table arbitrary content into four different parameters (for example, partially Table 1.3 from task 9, see Figure 11). Format it.

Figure 11

2. To create a chart, select a table (everything except for numbers, that is, except for the first column).

3. Run a commandInsert - Object - DiagramMicrosoftgraph.

4. If necessary, edit the data in the opened dialog box data table.

    • To do this, you can copy the table from your data to the clipboard. And then paste it into the cells (in the dialog box data table).
    • It is important that there are no "extra" columns left. In this case, the entire column must be deleted.
    • Note: if dialog box data table closed (or did not initially open), then it can be opened by running double click on chart.

5. Clicking on the diagram, select each element (walls, rows, value axes, etc.). Set up each of them separately by controlling the right mouse button to call the context menu.

6. Label the chart, coordinate axes, legend, set units of measurement, etc.

    • Including using the commandChart options.
    • IMPORTANT : Your diagram must be legible, that is, it must have all the necessary labels.

7. Number the resulting figure.

IV . Formula editor

To help the student complete task 11 - at the bottom of the pageattached file. Review it carefully!

Exercise 8

V MS office 2007 (2010) formula template bars are selected in the following way:Insert - Formula - New Formula.

Then use the menuConstructor(see figure 12).

Figure 12. Menu bar for inserting formulas in MS Office 2007 (2010)

V MS office 2003 formula template bars are selected in the following way: Insert- An object.... Then, in the dialog box that opens, select Microsoft Equation 3.0 . Then use Constructor(see figure 13).

Figure 13

Exercise: Type the formulas shown in Figure 14

Figure 14

V . Automation of information search

In order to quickly move to the desired point in one document, a system of hyperlinks and bookmarks is used.

Exercise 9

1. Hselect text of arbitrary content, small volume (see figure 15 for an example).If the text is borrowed, indicate the source in the footnote field. In the same field, specify the amount of text (number of characters).Do not repeat our text!

Figure 15

2. Creating Bookmarks and Hyperlinks to it.

Transition from one word of your text to another using Bookmark(named anchor). To switch from the word "Gravity (1)" to the word "Gravity (2)" in the example text, do the following:

  • Select the word "Gravity (2)" with the mouse;
  • Run commandInsert-Bookmark.
  • In field Bookmark name enter in Latin your last name , For example, Bogdanov .
  • Select feature: Order - Name.
  • Click on the button Add.
  • Highlight the word "Gravity (1)".
  • Next run the command Insert - Hyperlink.
  • In the dialog box on the left, select:Link to a location in the document(see figure 16). Then, in the central part of the window, select the desired tab: using the button with the "+" (plus) sign, openBookmarksand select bookmarkBogdanov . Click on the buttonOK.

Figure 16

  • Select part of the text and copy it into a separate new document. Do Adding a hyperlink linking to a new document.
  • Analyze and aboutexplain the purpose andthe difference between a bookmark and a hyperlink.

4. Adding notes.

  • Insert notes:Insert - Note. Type in free text.
  • You can leave a note in the text of your document if you wish (you can delete it using the context menu).
  • Analyze and explain in writing , for what purpose notes in electronic documents can be used.

Task 10

1. Insert headers and footers: View - Header and Footer( MS Office Word, version 2003) or Insert - Header(MS Office Word, version 2007, see figure 17) .

A header or footer is an inscription at the top and (or) bottom of the page, the same throughout the document or one section, for example, "Chapter 1". May include text, pictures. Usually contains page numbers, chapter titles, dates, and author names. To insert another header and footer in the same document, for example "Chapter 2", do the following:

Figure 17. MS Office Word, version 2007

2. On the page with section 3 (Working with tables) make a header and footer break by specifying a new section "Part II".


  • Place the cursor before the start of a new section (new heading, new paragraph).
  • Run commandInsert - Break.
  • In Group New sectionselect an option indicating where to start the new section.
  • Click the section for which we are creating a new header and footer.View - Header. Write the title in the footer text current section(e.g. chapter title, paragraph title)
  • To break the link between the headers and footers of the current and previous sections on the toolbarRunning title press As in the previous(initially this button is pressed, the command is highlighted). Change the existing header and footer to new text (in this case, you can write the name of the second section, the second paragraph).

3. Make an automatic table of contents throughout the document.


  • For each heading (paragraph, chapter title) set Style- Heading 1.
  • Place the cursor at the very beginning of the document (or at the very end of the document). Type the word "Table of Contents". Add some empty lines. Set the cursor to one of the empty lines.
  • Run commandInsert - Link Table of contents and indexes.
  • For version 2003: go to the tab Table of contents.
  • Edit to first level headings. Note: If there were other styles in the text besides Style 1, then edit to the desired level.
  • Select features: show page numbers, right-align page numbers, dot placeholders, hyperlinks instead of page numbers. These characteristics will help when working with electronic document. Also, you will not need to manually put the page number in front of each item of the table of contents; and align the numbers.

4. For the finished document, select the menu Format - Borders and Shading - Page. Customize the page layout to your liking Frame - Drawing).

5. Select a background image for printing a document ( Format - Background - Filling methods; Format - Background - Underlay - Drawing).

6. checkout t title sheet (according to the requirements of the faculty for term paper).

OpenOffice.org Writer

I. Text formatting

Exercise 1

Type text 1 (see figure 1) and format it according to the specified settings.

Picture 1

1. For document, set the margins in the range from 1.5 to 2.0 cm. To do this, run the command Format - Page.... Then on the tab Page ask desired values fields.

2. Perform pagination (Insert - Fields - Page Number -…). The numbering must be in the header or footer ( Insert - Header ( footer) - Usual).

3. Body text: Font size choose at least 12, line spacing - single, alignment - in width, red line - 1 cm.Set hyphenation (Service - Language - Hyphenation).

4. Heading: 14, Bold, Italic, Times New Roman, Shadowed (Format - Symbols - Font Effects), center alignment, no red line (Format - Paragraph - Indent - first line - 0 cm (zero)).

5. Execute a numbered list ( Format - Bullets and Numbering) aligned as shown. Numbering is up to you.

6. The key words of the list (creationism, etc.) should be italicized.

7. Make the last paragraph as a footnote to the third paragraph of the numbered list (Select paragraph 3, Insert-Footnote).

8. Copy a numbered list either through the clipboard or by selecting with the CTRL key. Insert at the end of the text and arrange as a bulleted list ( Format - Bullets and Numbering). Choose the type of marker to your taste.

9. Run a spell check ( Service-Spelling or from the toolbar).

Task 2

1. Type small text arbitrary content , approximately 600 characters in size (see Figure 2) with the previous settings for items 1-4 (from task 1) or at your discretion.

2. The text should be divided into two columns (Format - Columnsor from the toolbar). Set the Width and Spacing as desired (after unchecking the box next to the word "AutoFit").

3. Frame columns, change text color ( Format - Paragraph... - tab framing). Work with different design options.

Figure 2

Task 3

Analyze such concepts as "Field", "Review", "Mailouts". To do this, find the answers to the questions below on your own. Answer these questions in writing:

  1. What's happened Field? How and why you can use an insert Fields in text documents?
  2. What is it used for Peer review?
  3. How to take advantage Newsletters?

II. Working with graphics

Objective: consolidate the skills of working with graphic objects in a text editor.

Drawing is done using the toolbar Painting(View- Toolbars - Painting) (see figure 4).

Figure 4

W Then you need to select the desired shape and draw it.

Also, after selecting an object, a toolbar opens at the top. Picture Properties. On this toolbar, you can change the line color, line style, line weight, fill color and style, and so on.

Exercise 4

Using the panel Painting perform geometric constructions similar to those shown in Figure 5. This should be arbitrary volumetric geometric figure with an oblique section: for example, a truncated pyramid, a cone, etc. Do not forget to indicate the necessary geometric points and characteristics: vertices, radii, etc. Choose the correct line type (visible or invisible; solid line or dotted line).

When building, you need and use tools:

On the toolbarPainting: Line, Line Color, Line Style, Text (Text) other .

In the context menu: Line..., Area..., Text....

On the toolbarPicture Properties: the order in which objects are arranged relative to each other bring to Front, To the back.

After the whole figure is built and the vertices (radii) are signed: you need to group the objects. First, select all objects (for example, using Shift keys). Tool group located on the toolbar Picture Properties.

Approximate progress of work:

1. Draw lines. Set the color and type of lines. Set the order of the lines relative to each other.

2. With a tool Text (Text) sign tops. For all inscriptions, set the line color and fill color:

  • Fill. To do this, select the command from the context menu. Region.... Then on the tab Region select characteristic Fill - "no". Note that "white color" and "no color" are different specifications.
  • Lines. To do this, select the command from the context menu. Line.... Then on the tab Line select characteristic Line Properties - Style - "invisible". Note that "white color" and "no color" are different specifications.

3. Place labels next to the corresponding elements of the geometric body.

4. Select ALL objects and group them.

5. Sign the drawing.

Figure 5. Geometric constructions

III. Working with tables

To work with tables, use the "Table" menu.» .

1. Table - Insert Table (or a row (column) in existing tables).

2. To split a table of an arbitrary type, you must first create a blank table, for example, with five columns and five rows. Then, by combining several cells, select options Table - Merge Cells. If several cells need to be executed from one cell, then the option is selected Table - Split Cells. In the dialog box that opens, the necessary parameters for the number of new lines and columns are set.

3. To align columns (or rows) by content, use the option Table - Autofit.

4. Using the menu Table - AutoFormat you can choose one of the ready-made table design templates.

5. If you want to convert the tabular form to plain text, select the menu Table - Convert - Table to Text.

6. Sorting table elements alphabetically or in ascending order of numbers is performed using the menu Table - Sorting. The objects to be sorted must first be selected with the mouse.

7. Using the menu Table - Table Properties you can customize the appearance of the table, for example, the style of border lines, cell shading, etc.

8. In tabular forms, you can perform automated calculations, as in spreadsheets. To do this, use the menu Table - Formula(or pressing a key F2). In the formula menu bar that appears, do the following:

Enter the sign "=";

Enter the addresses of the cells in which the required numbers are located, and the signs of mathematical operations between these numbers (cell addresses). Note: cell addresses are entered in angle brackets; you can select the desired cells with the left mouse button. For instance, or

Finish entering the formula by pressing the " Enter » .

Exercise 5

Compose an adarbitrary content , arranging it in a table (sample - Table 1.2, shown in Figure 9).

Do not repeat the given sample!

Insert an image into any cell of the table your logo instead of, for example, a picture of the Eiffel Tower.

Use the possibilities of building tables:

· Table - Insert - Table.

· Table -Break cells. Table -Merge cells.

· Table - Table properties - tab framing.

· Insert - Images - From file;

· Text effects gallery(including you can open the toolbar " Text effects" (View - Toolbars - Text Effects) ).

· Font

· To change the direction of text writing, you can call the menuFormat-Symbols. Then on the tab Positionset the required text rotation angle:Rotation/Scaling - 90 degrees. (see figure 10)

Figure 9

Rice. 10. Settings window "Symbols"

Exercise 6

Create a table according to the model (Table 1.3, shown in Figure 11).

Product name and number select arbitrary . Do not repeat sample data!Calculate the cost of each item using the formula. Calculate the total quantity and total cost. Column numbering ( A , B , C , D , E ) do not write. Everything calculations do onlyin a text editor , NOT GOINGin OpenOffice.org Calk (MS Excel).

Figure 11

Approximate progress of work:

1. Create a table with 5 columns and 8 rows. Fill it with data.

2. Enter the formula for calculating the total cost of Zarya watches:

  • Set cursor to cellE 2 - in a column Price, against clock "Zarya";
  • Run commandTable - Formula.
  • In the dialog box that opens, enter the formula=<C2>* necessarily Latin letters. You can not type cell addresses, but double-click on them with the left mouse button.
  • Click Enter.
  • The result of the calculation will appear in the cell.

3. Similarly, calculate the cost of all types of watches.

4. In line TOTAL find the sum of all prices, find the total quantity of all goods, find the total cost of all goods.

  • The sum of all prices. Set cursor to cell C6. Run command Table - Formula. Then click on the button on the left Formula(see figure 12). Select the sum function from the list. Select with the left mouse button pressed the range of summed cells (or manually type in Latin letters: ). Click Enter.
  • The total quantity of all goods. Set cursor to cell D 6 . Run command Table - Formula. Etc.
  • The total cost of all goods Place the cursor in the cell E 6 . Run command Table - Formula. Etc.

5. In a cell C7 determine the maximum price.

  • Set cursor to cell C7. Run command Table - Formula. Then click the button on the leftFormula(see figure 12). Select from listStatistical functions - Maximum value.
  • Using the keyboard or mouse, determine the range of cells in which to search for the maximum value. In this case, you need to specify a range of cells . The maximum price of the item will be selected.
  • Click Enter .

6. Similarly, find the minimum cost in the table.


Laboratory and practical work No. 2
office Word

Work with tables


    Create a 5x12 table (5 columns and 12 rows). Fill in the first line of this table:

Make auto-select according to the contents of the table.

    Copy this table. Add a table with 3 columns and 2 rows.

    Create a new table according to the example:


Theoretical material:

1. Create a table

1st method: Create a table with a visual selection of rows and columns

It is necessary to expose the cursor to the place in the document where you want to create a table. Then go to the "Insert" tab and select "Table".

A field with cells will appear in which you need to mark the size of the table (number of rows and columns).

2nd method: Create a table with the number of rows and columns

If the number of columns or rows in the proposed window is not enough, then instead of choosing the size of the table in the proposed grid field, you must click "Insert Table".

In the window that opens, you can enter the exact number of columns, rows, select the size of the row width. After selecting all the parameters, click on the "OK" button.

Autofit by table content

It is necessary to select the entire table, then go to the "Home" tab, select "Autofit" and select the "Autofit by content" option from the drop-down list

2. Adding rows and columns to the table

1st way:

If the created rows or columns in the table are not enough, then they can easily be added. To do this, move the cursor to the line or column next to which you want to create a new line or column and right-click to display the context menu. Then select "Insert" and select the desired option. As a result, the desired row or column will appear.

2nd way:

After inserting a table into a document, a group of tabs "Working with tables" appears on the ribbon, containing 2 tabs: "Designer" and "Layout".

To add additional rows or columns to a table, go to the "Layout" tab, then go to the "Rows and Columns" area and select the desired option.

3. Create a table according to the sample

Change the width of a column or row

If you need to change the width of a column or row in the created table, then for this you need to move the cursor to the border of the column or row and, with the left mouse button held down, move the border to the right or left.

Merging cells

You need to select the desired cells, then go to the "Layout" tab and select "Merge Cells".

Aligning text in cells

You need to select the desired cells, then go to the "Layout" tab and select the appropriate alignment option.

Change text direction in cells

You need to select the desired text then go to the "Layout" tab and select "Text Direction".

An example of what the job should look like:

2.2.7. Useful elements

V cases where the need to insert forced transfer to the next line, but in such a way that both elements are perceived as one paragraph, you need to use the keyboard shortcut [ Shift + Enter ] – this will insert a forced hyphen.

If it is necessary that two words, in no case should be broken into different lines(for example, a number and a unit of measure), you need to remove the space between them and press the keys - this will insert a non-breaking space.

Word has an option to include non-printing characters (located in the Paragraph group on the Home tab). They serve to make it easier to work with text (they display such non-printable characters as tab, carriage return, space, etc.) and are not printed.

If any piece of text needs to be assigned exactly the same parameters that another fragment has, you must do the following:

1. Highlight an exemplary piece of text.

2. Click the "Copy Format" icon(located in a group on a tab).

3. Select the final paragraph.

2.3. Tasks

V This work needs to be done:

1. Dial one of 10 variants of the poetic text (the number of the working machine determines the number of the variant). Copy the text to the clipboard and, indenting two lines down, paste it on the page. Indent two more lines down and repeat the insertion. The result will be three identical fragments.

2. Design the font of the fragments in accordance with one of the options given in the table. Using the techniques of moving the text, "shuffle" the words in the third fragment. Save the file in a folder named after your last name at D :\Student\ under name

3. Dial the list according to the sample below, arrange the list in accordance with the requirements of the specified option.

Stages of the prehistory of informatics:

development of speech



successes in the exact sciences

4. Perform a task similar to paragraph 4 for a multilevel list.

Directions of informatics:

1) Theoretical computer science

a) Information theory

b) Coding theory

c) Theory of Algorithms

2) Cybernetics

a) Theory of automatic control

b) Technical diagnostics

3) Computer Engineering

4) Programming

5) Information Technology

2.3.1. Options for individual work

Table 1 Options for performing individual tasks 1-3


1 fragment: Font - Times New Roman,

14, bold, red, under-

taken. Alignment - Right

edge, line spacing 1.5.

A storm covers the sky with mist,

2 fragment: Font - Monotype Coursiva,

Whirlwinds of snow twisting,

Like a beast she will howl

It will cry like a child

18, bold, all capitals,

black colour. Alignment - right-

mu edge, line spacing 1.7.

Table 1 (Continued)


1 fragment: Font - Arial, 14, bold

ny, color red. Alignment - by

left, line spacing 1, inter-

shaft after 6.

The goby is swinging,

16, oblique, blue. Leveling-

Sighs as he goes.

nie - centered, line spacing

Oh, the board is over

2, spacing before 3.

Now I will fall.

3 fragment: Font - Arial, 18, underlined

drawn, all letters are capital, black color

ny. Alignment - right

line spacing 1.7, spacing pe-

22, bold, green, with shadow.

interval 1, interval after 7.

Dropped the bear on the floor

2 fragment: Font - Times New Roman,

16, underlined, color blue. Align-

They cut off the bear's paw.

vaning - in the center, line spacing

I won't throw it away anyway.

Because he's good.

shaft 1.7, interval before 4.

18, all capital letters, color orange

out. Alignment - right

interval before 12.

Table 1 (Continued)


1 fragment: Font - Monotype Coursiva,

ny interval 1.3, interval after 4.

The hostess abandoned the bunny -

2 fragment: Font - Arial Black, 26, on-

clone, color blue, interval - resolution

A bunny was left in the rain.

female for 5 pt. Alignment - at a price

Couldn't get off the bench

true, line spacing 0.7, line spacing

Wet to the bone..

3 fragment: Font - Times New Roman,

18, all letters are capital, color is red,

crossed out. Alignment - Left

edge, line spacing 2, spacing

1 fragment: Font - Monotype Coursiva,

22, bold, green. Align-

threading - on the right edge, line spacing

interval 1, interval after 5.

I have a goat

underlined, animation - "red mu-

I will feed him myself.

rabbi." Alignment - center, inter-

I am a kid in a green garden

line spacing 1.5, spacing before 4.

I'll take it early in the morning.

3 fragment: Font - Times New Roman,

18, all letters are superscript, color red

ny, crossed out. Alignment - by

left margin, line spacing 2,

interval before 14.

Table 1 (Continued)


1 fragment: Font - Garamond, 22, on-

clone, color red. Alignment -

centered, line spacing 2, in-

interrupted after 4.

Fragment 2: Font - Arial Narrow, 16,

If you're still nowhere

underlined, animation - "flicker".

Didn't meet the queen

Alignment - center, interline

Look - here she is!

ny interval 1.4, interval before 4.

She lives among us.

3 fragment: Font - Times New Roman,

18, interval - sparse by 10 pt.,

color is red. Alignment - at a price

true, line spacing 1.5, spacing

1 fragment: Font - Times New Roman,

36, color turquoise, interval - resolution

center, line spacing 3, inter-

shaft after 7.

Our Tanya is crying loudly.

Dropped a ball into the river.

uplifted, uplifted. Alignment - by

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry!

The ball will not sink in the river.

spacing before 6.

line spacing 1, spacing before

Table 1 (Continued)


1 fragment: Font - Monotype Coursiva,

26, color orange, interval - resolution

female for 10 pt. Alignment - by

right margin, line spacing 2,

interval after 3.

Long outcast wandered

In the wilderness of a world without shelter:

2 fragment: Font - Times New Roman,

After the century, the century fled,

18, underlined, with shadow. Leveling-

Both minute minute,

nie - on the left edge, interline in-

interval 3, interval before 10.

3 fragment: Font - Garamond, 10, color

Red. Alignment - center

line spacing 4, spacing before

1 fragment: Font - Arial Black, 16,

the color is blue, the interval is sparse by

15 pt. Alignment - Left

line spacing 1.5, line spacing

A few years ago

Where, merging, they make noise,

Fragment 2: Font - Arial, 12, underlined

Hugging like two

exaggerated, raised, animation - "mer-

chanting." Alignment - center, inter-

Jets of Aragva and Kura,

line spacing 2, spacing before 6.

There was a monastery.

3 fragment: Font - Garamond, 10, color

pink. Alignment - Right

edge¸ line spacing 2.5, inter-

shaft before 6.

Table 1 (Continued)


1 fragment: Font - Monotype Coursiva,

22, bold, green. Align-

typing - right-aligned, interline

interval 3, interval after 6.


Fragment 2: Font - Arial Narrow, 20,

Rope in hand

underlined, animation - "red mura-

I am pulling a boat

vii. Alignment - by

On the fast river

line spacing 2.5, spacing before 6.

3 fragment: Font - Times New Roman,

18, color red, crossed out. Align-

ing - on the left edge, interline in-

interval 2, interval before 4.

table 2

Options for completing an individual task 4

Registration of the

Registration of the first

howling string


double line


bold italic



stop line


ditsya at the level of

stop line


crossed out

letters have a shadow


Table 3

Options for completing an individual task 5





first level

second level

first level

second level

Roman numerals



latin boo-


In the form of "ii"

latin boo-

sky letters

In the form of "ii"


Roman numerals

sky letters




2.4. Control questions

1. How is the selection of a fragment of text in a word processor Microsoft Word?

2. Define the role of the clipboard for copy and move

snippets of text in Microsoft Word.

3. How can you select a piece of text in Microsoft Word?

4. Describe techniques for copying and moving text using the clipboard.

5. Describe techniques for copying and moving text without using the clipboard.

6. How to create bulleted and numbered lists?

7. How to create a multilevel list?

8. How to install a font Courier New or Tahoma?

9. How to set the text option to strikethrough?

10. How to set the text option to bold?

11. How to add shadow to text?

12. How to set letter spacing to 1 pt?

13. What is paragraph alignment?

14. What are paragraph alignments?

15. What is the difference between justified and left aligned?

16. How to set text alignment?

17. How to set first line paragraph indent to 1.7 cm?

18. How to set a paragraph indent to the left of 2 cm?

19. What is the difference between left indent and first line indent?

20. How to set line spacing to 1.7?

21. How to set spacing on top of 7?

22. What is the difference between character spacing and line spacing?

23. How in bulleted list replace marker "default"?

24. How to make 2 lists one after the other (numbering starts from 1 in both lists)?

25. How to make a list, the numbering in which will be made by letters of the Latin alphabet (Roman numerals)?

26. How do I add text before a number in a numbered list (like "Section 1")?

27. What does the "nonprinting characters" icon mean?

28. What does the Format Painter icon mean?

Lab 3 - Customizing the Page

3.1. Skills needed to complete lab work

1. Set document page options.

2. Working with headers.

3. Work with document sections.

Page layout is the most important part of working with a document. Using tab tools Page layout ribbon tools, you can work with page margins, set their size and orientation, use colors and borders, as well as set indents and intervals for paragraphs.

3.2.1. Themes

WITH Using themes, you can set the color scheme and fonts for the entire document. This is useful if you need to match one document to another. At the same time, you choose the colors of the theme using the icons

ki → "Create new theme colors ...", and fonts using the icon → "Create new fonts for the theme ...". Then you can save the received theme using the button<Темы> → <Сохранить текущую тему…>Loading a theme is done using the button<Темы> → <Поиск тем…>

3.2.2. Page settings

1. Margins - here you can select the width of the fields from the proposed options or enter them by hand using the item "Custom fields ...", where the width of the fields is set in the input fields

2. Orientation - there are only two options here - portrait or landscape.

3. The size - the most important parameter pages. By default, it is set to A4, but you can choose any of the pre-created sizes or enter your own by selecting "Other page sizes ...", where you can set the width and height of the page in the input fields. Very important point- this is an indication at the bottom of the window of the size replacement order in the "Apply:" drop-down list, where you can choose to replace the entire document or only the remaining pages.

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